Woodcreek Elementary School
Positive Behavior Support
School Expectations LESSON PLAN
What do we expect the student to do?
1.  Students will use equipment safely and responsibly
2.  Students will use kind words and be good sports
3.  Listen to noon supervisors and follow directions
4.  Ask for adult help when needed
How will we teach the expected behavior?
Tell why following the outside recess rules are important: (State the following): Today we are going to practice appropriate behavior during outside recess. We are doing this today so that we can all be safe and enjoy recess. Today we are going to talk about using the equipment safely and responsibly, using kind words and being good sports, listening to the noon supervisors, and asking for adult help when needed.
Teacher note: At this point in the lesson
1)  Ensure all students are actively listening and giving their full attention.
2)  Allow one student to restate why following the outside recess rules is important.
List examples and non examples of the expected behaviors (two to three of each):
A. 1a. A positive example modeled by the teacher: (state the following:)
First I’ll show you appropriate outdoor recess behavior looks like and sounds like. Teacher will narrate as she models the appropriate expectations (“I am taking turns playing a game with another student”, “I am being a good sport”).
2a. Positive example modeled by students: (state the following:)
Next I’d like two volunteers to show what appropriate outdoor recess behavior looks like and sounds like. (Two students model) Teacher will narrate as the students model the appropriate expectations (“They are being good sports”, “They are using kind words to someone who is not sharing or following rules of a game”).
B.  A non-example modeled by teacher: (state the following:)
Now I will show what appropriate outdoor recess behavior does not look and sound like. (Teacher gives a non-example in front of the class.) Students can raise their hands and tell what the teacher should be doing instead to show appropriate expectations.
C.  A positive example modeled by students: (state the following:)
Finally, I’d like two different volunteers to again show us what appropriate outdoor recess behavior looks like and sounds like. (Two students model example in front of the class.) This time other students can raise their hands and tell what appropriate choices they saw their classmates show.
Provide opportunities to practice and build fluency:
Discussion occurs at this point: (state the following:)
1)  Now let’s talk about why it is important to use equipment safely and responsibly (Talking points to prompt if needed: it’s important to use the equipment safely and responsibly so no one gets hurt).
2)  Let’s talk about why it is important to use kind words and be good sports (Talking points to prompt if needed: using kind words and being good sports helps everyone get along and have fun at the same time, when you have a disagreement with someone using kind words helps keep the problem from getting bigger).
3)  Let’s talk about why it is important to listen to noon supervisors and follow directions (Talking points to prompt if needed: it is important to always listen to the adult in charge, listening to the noon supervisors helps keep everyone safe).
4)  Finally, let’s talk about why it is important to ask for adult help when needed (Talking points to prompt if needed: some examples of when students should get adult help is when someone is hurt, something is broken, someone is being bullied, someone is making a poor choice. It is important to get adult help to keep everyone safe at recess and to be helpful bystanders).

A PBS committee member will be checking in with you sometime today in order to support you.



Please feel free to add any comments/questions regarding your PBS lesson: Put your comments in the PBS chairpersons mailbox (Angie McInerney/ Sandy Schwartz)
