Part ONE - August (pages 1-44)
- What were Auggie's first impressions of Beecher Prep?
- Describe Mr. Tushman.
- How did he make Auggie feel comfortable?
- What made you think that Julian might not be as nice as Mr. Tushman says he is?
- What statements did Julian make that gave clues to his attitude toward Auggie?
- The first part of this chapter is called "Ordinary." Why did Auggie say that he was not ordinary?
- Why did he wish that he was ordinary?
- Auggie noticed the way people responded to his looks. List the ways that he mentioned. What was his reaction to each?
- When Auggie returns home, he says, "I felt very sad and a tiny bit happy at the exact same time, " kind of like that laughing-crying feeling... Why do you think Auggie had that feeling?
Part ONE - August (pages 45-80)
- How did Summermake Auggie feel comfortable when she sat at his table?
- Why did Auggie like Halloween so much?
- What costume did Auggie plan to wear for Halloween?
- What did he change to and why did he change what he wore?
- Why do you think Auggie cut off his braid?
- Why do you think it is significant that Auggie says, "Who cares what people think"?
- In the science lab, Auggie learned something about the way he was being treated. What did he learn?
- How do you think Auggie felt about what he learned?
- What did Auggie hear on Halloween that upset him so much?
- Who made the statements that he heard?
- What was Auggie's reaction?
- What do you think would be your reaction?
- What might Auggie have done?
- PRECEPTS: Follow Mr. Browne's directions and start a list of precepts on lined paper. Write down each precept and what it means to you. Continue adding to your list as you read.
Part TWO - Via (pages 81- 117)
- Why did Via think Grans was so special?
- How were Miranda and Ellie different now?
- How did Via feel about the change?
- Why did Via begin to "hang out" with Eleanor?
- How did Via deal with Auggie's Halloween problem?
- Reread the part of the book when Via talked about Auggie. Write down the page numbers and notes based on what you read.
- How would you describe Auggie?
- In this section, Via described the genetic reason for Auggie's condition. Refer back to the Background Information on Treacher Collins Syndrome and do some additional research about this condition. Summarize your research and bring in a printed copy of what you found and your summary.
- What discovery did Via make about herself?
- When Via comes home from school, she says, "Incredible how easily a lie can slip through your lips." Do you agree with Via? Why or why not?
- Dad always made everyone laugh. His sense of humor helped Via when she was so upset about Miranda. Write about a time when humor helped you to feel better.
Part Three - Summer (pages 118-132)
- Why did Savanna invite Summer to her Halloween party?
- What upset Summer so much?
- Why did Auggie accuse Summer?
- Why did he tell her what happened on Halloween?
- What clue did Summer give to Jack to explain why Auggie was mad at him?
- Was she being true to her oath to Auggie?
- How might the clue help Jack?
- Why did Summer sit with Auggie on the first day of school?
- What do you think you would do if you saw someone such as Auggie sitting alone at lunch?
Part FOUR - Jack (pages 133-185)
- How did Jack react when he first saw Auggie at the Carvel ice cream shop?
- How did Veronica act?
- How did Jamie react?
- Why did Jack change his mind about helping Auggie?
- Whendid Jack realize why Auggie wasn't his friend anymore?
- Why did Jack punch Julian in the mouth?
- What are your predictions about the behavior of Julian from the way Jack described him?
- What are your predictions about Charlotte?
- Jack mentioned four things he liked about Auggie. What are they?
- Are they things that you would like in a friend? Explain your answer.
- Jack was subjected to peer pressure because of his friendship with Auggie. On Halloween he said many cruel things about Auggie. What caused him to bad-mouth Auggie?
- Did he really mean what he said?
- How did he make up with Auggie?
- Bullying is a pervasive problem. There are many children who are bullied and others are the bullies. There are also the bystanders who see the bullying and do nothing. How did Auggie sense that Jillian would be a bully the first time he saw him?
- How did Julian bully Jack?
- Why did most of the boys in the class take part in the bullying?
- What role did Charlotte play?
- Why did she act as she did?
- What is Mr. Browne's precept for December?
- Write about a time when this was true for you or someone you know.
Part Five - Justin (pages 186-204)
- How did Justin react when he first saw Auggie?
- How were Auggie and Via's parents different from Justin's?
- How did Justin terrorize Julian and his friends?
- How were Justin and Olivia alike?
- How did the story of Daisy's arrival affect Justin?
- Have you ever heard of a story/script entitled The Elephant Man? Do some research and identify the 5W's and How??? about the story. Complete the outline on lined paper.
- Why do you think the drama teacher changed the Spring show to Our Town?
- When Via caught a butterfly she suggested that she and Justin each make a wish. Write what you think they each wish.
Part Six - August (pages 205 - 234)
- Why was the war that Julian started slowing down?
- Why did Auggie reject the hearing aids at first?
- Why did he decide to keep them?
- Why was Auggie surprised to see Miranda after the play?
- Auggie comments: "Funny how sometimes you worry a lot about something and it turns out to be nothing." Why did Auggie say that? Do you find that is true for you? Explain your answer.
- Auggie says, "I think everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives." What does he mean?
Part Seven - Miranda (pages 235 - 248)
- Describe Miranda's home life.
- Why did Miranda like the Pullmans?
- Why did Miranda tell Mr. Davenport that they couldn't do The Elephant Man?
- Describe Miranda's summer at camp.
- How did she change?
- Why do you think Miranda said Auggie was her brother?
- How did Miranda and Via drift apart?
- Miranda wasn't sure why she gave up her part on opening night. Why do you think she did?
Part Eight - August (pages 249-310)
- Why was Auggie both nervous and excited about the fifth grade camping trip?
- Why didn't Julian go on the camping trip?
- How did that make Auggie feel?
- Who came to Auggie and Jack's aid on the camping trip?
- Describe the gift that Dad and Via brought home with them.
- Do you think it was a good gift? Why or why not?
- Julian was "out of the loop." What does this expression mean?
- Why was Julian out of the loop?
- What evidence showed that Auggie was in the loop?