Women@SCSApril 2, 2014
--W@SCS Alum event during Carnival—Sat. April 12, 4-5 Gates 7th floor
Web site Updates… Nivedita, Jing, Ashley and Tian
Continue faculty/grad features ISR
How was it? (Women@SCS Only):
--Google-Get-A-Job, Frid. March 21st
--Develop Your Elevator Pitch Workshop (Brigid from Tepper)Rachel will Help and Learn
Thurs. March 27th, 4.30 in GHC 4405
--SCS4ALL Spring Social, "Trivia Night" Thurs. April 3rd, 6-8pm, NSH Atrium
--Starting Your Start-up Workshop, March 21 and 22, for undergraduate freshmen and sophomores.
--April—Graduate Panel to discuss Grad School and Different Areas of Research
--Women Only Hackathon Planning Meeting (fall semester event) possible DATE?
-- CMU Take Your Child to Work Day, 2 sessions 45 mins each
Thurs. April 24th 1.15 to 2 (max 15 kids, middle school)
The Magic of Computer Science: Carnegie Mellon Students invite you to discover the fun side of computer science through an interactive presentation. Explore problem solving through puzzles and magic tricks. Meet the Robot dog ....and more!15 kids max each session
--Grads will do ..Roadshow: McKeesport Area High School
Around 100 students, mixed 9-12th grades. They would be students enrolled in an engineering, STEM class or computer course. … around 30 mins travel each way (Ruta and Meghana plus?)
-- Grads will do…Roadshow South Fayette intermediate school McDonald, PA 15057
Monday, April 7, 6:30 - 8:00pm, Students and families from grade level 3-5
(Allie, Lara, Ghita)
-- Be a Judge at Science Fair, Linden School, Wed, May 14th, from 5-7 pm.
-- TechNIghts(here at CMU) volunteers Welcome!
-- Sci-Tech- --Kenny's team continue their great work at Sci-Tech (local)
Done!--Roadshow HERE at CMU: A small, rural school in Karns City, PA. Girls in grades 7-12 who are gifted, roughly 30-40 students Friday, March 21st, 10.30am Gates 2109
Elizabeth, Anastassia, Niki, Stephanie, Peyton, Stephen