Women’s Surf Fishing Club of New Jersey, Inc.
Committees Overview
Chairman positions will be appointed by the President to any member displaying an interest in holding a position. Any member in good standing with WSFC will be eligible to hold a chair position. All sub committees of any chair must be submitted by the appointed Chair and approved by the officers of WSFC.
Women holding chair positions will be asked to attend officers meetings and should be prepared to give a report on their committee.
The officers must approve any and all expenditures prior to commitment.
- Tournament Chair – Andrea Tamburino
This woman will be the chair for the spring and fall ASAC tournaments as well as the WSFC sponsored tournament. She will also be the point person for any sub-committees or individuals appointed to assist with the WSFC tournament. It will be this Chair’s responsibility to organize all aspects of the fall tournament and work with the WSFC President to insure that everything needed for a successful tournament is in place. It is also this Chair’s responsibility to solicit members to fish the other ASAC sanctioned tournaments, organize the teams, and appoint the team captains.
Responsibilities will include:
- Writing the letter to the city for permission to hold the tournament on their beach on specified date and times.
- Securing a location for the headquarters for the day of the tournament.
- Creating and sending tournament invitation to all clubs in ASAC.
- Assuring that tournament information gets publicized and promoted.
- Assigning duties to sub committees and individuals, i.e. coffee and doughnuts, lunch, candy, door prizes, awards (trophy’s), raffles, judges and any other necessary activities.
- Securing the necessary equipment for marking the beach, scoring and measuring fish.
- Presenting awards and pulling raffles at the tournament.
- Managing set up and clean up of the headquarters.
- Assuring that thank you letters are written to all persons and companies who made donations.
2.Affidavit Chair – Margaret Crossley
This woman will be the Chair for WSFC Awards Program. She will be responsible for the final calculations for the tournament year. She will work with one club officer to ensure that all information is accurate and correct. The results will be held in secret until the awards are presented at the annual WSFC Awards Banquet.
Responsibilities will include:
- Collecting all affidavits sent by WSFC members.
- Collecting all pick sheets from all tournaments for all teams.
- Calculating all information for the year and creating a document identifying 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in all classifications of the awards program.
- Once satisfied that all information is accurate, send affidavits, pink sheets and a copy of all calculations to the WSFC officer working with her for verification.
- Banquet Chair – Andrea Tamburino and Arlene Perkowski
This woman will be responsible for the annual WSFC Awards Banquet to be held in April of each year. It will be her responsibility to ensure that all aspects of the banquet and awards come together for this event. She will work with the WSFC President and Treasurer for expenditure approvals. The banquet date will be set at the annual Holiday Party.
Responsibilities will include:
- Securing the venue for the banquet.
- Working with the venue on meal selection and pricing.
- Setting the price per guest.
- Sending out invitations and tracking the responses, headcount and monies collected.
- Setting up the venue the day of the banquet to include center pieces, door prizes, decorations, seating, and awards table.
- Submitting receipts to the WSFC Treasurer and paying venue.
- Arranging for a blessing at the onset of the event.
4.Public Relations and Marketing Chair – Andrea Tamburino
This woman will be responsible for all press releases and marketing opportunities for WSFC. She will assist any other Chair that requires information releases about the club. She will work with the President and Secretary to establish guidelines for WSFC brand standards.
Responsibilities will include:
- Working with WSFC clothing providers for orders and sales.
- Arranging for press releases, TV coverage, and/or photographers.
- Assisting with any WSFC correspondence to insure the WSFC brand standards are properly implemented.
- Responding to requests for any materials using the WSFC logo or brand standards.
5.Membership Chair – Doreen Szczepanski
This woman will be responsible for maintaining and updating the WSFC membership list. She will record and track dues paid. She will submit monies tothe WSFC Treasurer in a timely fashion. She will work with the WSFC Secretary to insure that all membership lists are accurate and up to date.
Responsibilities will include:
- Tracking annual dues.
- Maintaining an accurate and current membership list.
- Keeping Officers and Chairs up to date on membership changes.
- Sending reminders to delinquent dues members.
- Directing potential new members to wsfcnj.org website for club information.
- Birthday Chair, Danielle Adams
This woman will be responsible for sending birthday cards to all club members in good standing. She will obtain a current membership list from the Membership Chair.
Responsibilities will include:
- Sending birthday cards to all members in good standing.
- Remitting expenditures to the club Treasurer for reimbursement in a timely fashion.
Revised 2016