In attendance
President (Martin Lukehurst), Chairman (Fred Nash), Secretary (Charles King), Treasurer (Ann Hodnett) and 44 members.
Apologies were received from M. Nicholls, H. Chapman, C. Nanson, S. Talbot, J. Sage, H. Surridge, P. Surridge, L. Newell and D. Crompton.
The President welcomed everyone to the 177th Annual General Meeting.
Minutes of Last Meeting
The Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were agreed as a true record.
Chairman's Report
Fred Nash provided a brief summary of the Chairman's Report, emphasising the responsibility of the members to respect and maintain Club premises.
Financial Report and Balance Sheet
Fred Nash gave a brief report on the previously circulated Reports & Financial Statements for the year ended 30 September 2015, highlighting the fact that bar sales were down from last year as was the bar margin. The fact that the Rugby Section had had to reduce the number of teams from two to three was probably a contributory factor.
Brian Birch raised the following issue :
In the 2015 accounts as opposed to previous years, products and wages were lumped together within Cost of Sales and Playing Income was not split between Sections and into Subscriptions/ Levies. This meant that certain Key Performance Indicators could not be calculated.
Fred explained that the format of the accounts had been changed this year and the Committee felt that certain KPIs were no longer of value.
There were no further questions from the floor and the Balance Sheet and Accounts were adopted.
Proposed : Des Ellis
Seconded : James Newell
Subscriptions, Match Levies and Fund Raising
The Chairman explained that the Main Committee proposed to maintain subscriptions and match levies at current levels for 2016/17. Each Section will be required to raise £1,250 towards Club funds (£625 by Ladies Hockey) and each Section will also organise an additional fund-raiser at the Club to achieve at least £500 in bar takings.
There will be an externally run Fun Day in July where Gore Court will operate two stalls (free from fee) and the Rugby Section will organise a Grand 40th year Anniversary Dinner over two evenings. We are also looking to hold 4 Boot Fair events which will also brings funds into the Club.
There were no questions and the proposed fees were approved.
Proposed : Fred Nash
Seconded : Charles King
Election of Officers
President : Martin Lukehurst had completed his tenure as President and was happy to continue for a further 3 years. Des Ellis had been proposed and seconded for this role, but Valerie Crompton raised an objection on the grounds that the Main Committee had not previously been informed of his nomination.
After some discussion as to the requirement for prior notification to the Main Committee of the nomination the Chairman decided that the election should be postponed and a Special General Meeting convened, at which the election should take place.
A requisition signed by 10 members was submitted and the Special General Meeting was arranged for 18 April.
Chairman: Fred Nash had been acting as Chairman and was prepared to continue, which was carried unanimously.
Proposed : Martin Lukehurst
Seconded : Des Ellis
Secretary: Charles King was prepared to continue as Secretary, which was carried unanimously.
Proposed : Fred Nash
Seconded : Brian Birch
Treasurer: Ann Hodnett was prepared to continue as Treasurer, which was carried unanimously.
Proposed : John Oyler
Seconded : Rosalind Jenkins
Subs Sec: Maggie Nicholls was happy to continue in this role for a further year.
House: Steve Jeffery had been acting as House Manager and was happy to continue in this role for a further year.
Ground: John Oyler was happy to continue in this role for a further year.
Nomination of Vice-Presidents
There were no nominations for Vice Presidents.
Any Other Business
It was agreed that in future all nominations for the election of Officers would be notified in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
Martin Lukehurst informed the meeting that he had received one quotation for the repair of the car park.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.