WolverhamptonBridge Club

Newsletter No 27 - November 2008

Chairman’s Chat

An article in the Express and Star several weeks ago stated that the owners of the Stryckers bowling alley, AMF Bowling, intended to move this leisure facility to Wednesfield. I have found out that their Shaw Road site was owned by AMF and that they intended to sell this. They have now sold it to a property developer. AMF would not divulge the name of the purchaser, who takes over ownership when Stryckers will have moved out by 3rd November.

However, I have been in contact with the agent who acted for AMF during the sale and they inform me that the new owner will in turn be putting the site up for sale. It is unlikely that a sale will be achieved quickly in view of the present economic climate, or if a purchaser wished to have different planning permission. In the meantime, the agent has informed me that we may continue to use the car park on weekday afternoons for the foreseeable future. The Committee have considered alternative arrangements, if necessary, but it seems that these will not be needed for many, many months.

The return teams challenge match with the Tettenhall Bridge Club has been arranged for the evening of Friday, 21st November. The detailed arrangements will be agreed at the Committee meeting to be held on Saturday, 1st November. Please look out for the notice we will be displaying and consider taking part in what will be an enjoyable evening. John Goodier

Bridge Lessons and Teaching Sessions

The present Basic Bridge Course will finish on Monday 10th and Thursday 13th November. They are a great bunch of people and we are bringing bites to eat on Thursday 13th. We are anxious to incorporate our new players into the Club and hope that they can play with us as soon as possible. Any members who would like to join us would be very welcome as they would get to know our new players.

I am compiling a list of names and phone numbers for new players to contact each other for partners. If you would occasionally like to play with a newcomer, I could add your name to the list.

Part 2 of the Basic Bridge Course will be in 12 sessions. It will start on Thursday evenings at 7.35 pm. The course dates are Thursday 15th January until 26th March. This will be a Refresher and a Consolidation course. It will also be your opportunity to bring up any topics that are relevant to you. Anyone who would like an opportunity to improve their knowledge will be welcome to attend.

It would be helpful to me if you could let me know if you are interested and what topics you would like me to addresss.

Jean will continue with supervised play on Wednesdays evenings, which you are all welcome to attend at 7.25 pm. You do not require a partner for this, as you could play as a threesome.

There is a Duplicate session on a Tuesday evening downstairs at 7.25, which is designed for newcomers. You can use your summary sheet, as a prop, if you like. You will need a partner, for this however.Ian Marshall may be able to arrange one for you.

At present there is no new Basic Bridge Course scheduled, but I have had a few enquiries and if you know anyone who might be interested, perhaps you could pass on names and phone numbers to me, or alternatively give them my phone number or email address.

Contact Jenny on 01902 756859 or email .

Visit out website

Jenny Matthews

Diary Dates

Two forthcoming annual events that are popular and well attended, so early sign-up is recommended:

Club Championship on Sunday 9th November at 2pm

Yuletide Pairs on Sunday 21st December at 2pm

Joker in the Pack


“It’s the peanuts – they’re complimentary. Huh!” And Henry moved swiftly away from the bar and the talking peanuts, taking a seat near to the fruit machine. Now, he heard a different voice, which wasn’t saying complimentary things at all.

“You played that 3 NT contract like a fool,” it said. “Your defence has been terrible all week. It’s a wonder Mavis ever wants to play with you. And why are you wearing that ridiculous tie? And is that ketchup you’ve got on it?”

Well, Henry didn’t take kindly to any of this and so he went up to the barman and reported the insults (after cleaning his tie).

“Sorry about that, sir,” said the barman. It’s the fruit machine. It’s out of order!”

Peter Tallon

Combating Pre-emptive Bids

It is always difficult to arrive at the right contract when the opposition open the bidding with a weak pre-empt. That is why they do it! It is a particularly useful tactic when the vulnerability is favourable e.g. when they are non-vulnerable and their opponents are vulnerable. In this situation going 3 off doubled is profitable if there is a game on for the other side. So what do you do as West when after 2 passes, South opens 3♥? North was the dealer at pairs with East/West vulnerable.

♠ AQ N E S W Most people use a double for take-out, and

West ♥ A9832P P 3♥ ? this holding is unsuitable.Your side is very

♦103 likely to have sufficient combined points

♣AK108 for at least a game. Neither North nor East

has bid and it is reasonable to place them

with around 8 points each. With hearts pretty well taken care of, 3NT was West’s choice on this occasion. The lack of a diamond stop might deter some, but it would be unlucky if East couldn’t oblige.

As it happened, East held 9 points but they were exactly the right cards:-

♠ K109542 East reasonably enough simply took out into 4♠,and this ended the East ♥ - bidding. As can be seen a small slam can be made in Spades, Clubs

♦A65 or No-trumps unless the distribution is unfavourable. It wasn’t and

♣Q965 12 tricks were quickly wrapped up. Would East/West have thought

about a slam without the pre-emptive opening bid? Maybe, but on

the night none of the 9 pairs bid a slam and the 3 North/South pairs who deterred East/West from even reaching a game obtained a very good matchpoint score.

Cryptic Clues

Here are the answers to last edition’s clues:

1. Complete name inside card, it’s said (9) Utterance Utter = complete n = name inside Ace

2. Players get teed off at this event (6,5) Bridge Drive

And for this month:

1. Red cards for some Scottish footballers (6)

2. A person who curtails a game of cards with king (9)

Bridge Day in Brewood

On Thursday 27th November there is a bridge day in Brewood in aid of church funds. Coffee will be available from 10.30 for a prompt 11.00 am start and it is expected to finish no later than 3.30 pm. The cost is £7.50 per person including coffee and lunch. Several club players are regulars and have already signed up for this year. All standards welcomed! For more details, contact Ian or Eleanor Carless on 01902 850829.

Lost Opportunity

East was the dealer at pairs with East/West vulnerable.The auction demonstrates the usefulness of the negative double, without which West would have had a difficult choice of bid after South’s intervention. The defence then missed a good chance of defeating the contract.

North N E S W

♠ J982 1♠ 2♥ Dbl

♥ 106 P 3♠ P 3NT

♦ 1054 P P P

♣ KQ53

The 10 of hearts was led to the Jack, Queen and Ace. Three rounds of spades revealed the bad break and there was no

♠ 6 ♠ AKQ1074 easy route to nine tricks. A spade was

West ♥ A974 East ♥ J conceded to North to set up the remaining

♦A983 ♦ KJ62 two in dummy. Declarer had to part with

♣ J764 ♣102 two diamonds and a heart with South

discarding the 2 and 3 of hearts. At this

♠ 53 stage North could have tried the switch to

♥ KQ8532 the King of clubs. Encouragement from

♦ Q7 partner would have led to the defence

♣ A98 taking three clubs, one spade and a heart.

However he chose to return his remaining

South heart to South’s King, hoping that he also

held the all important 9. South now really

should findthe switch to the Ace of clubs as he is virtually certain of the position of the heart 9. When he chose to persevere with hearts, declarer won the trick, could now afford to discard the 2 of clubs from dummy and ended up with 10 tricks when the Queen of diamonds came down in two rounds. An almost certain top.

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