Wolverhampton Advanced Motorists Group
Associate Membership
13th April 2017
Thank you for choosing to join IAM RoadSmart and also our Group, we extend a warm welcome to you.
There are some formalities that we need to complete:
With this e-mail, you will also find a copy of our Group Membership Form. Please print this and complete the details, note that you do not need to pay any fee as your first-year Group Membership is included in your IAM RoadSmart fee. When your form is completed please post it to the Membership Secretary at the address which is shown below.
For your general information please also find attached a copy of our current Group Newsletter, “The Thinking Driver”. This will be e-mailed to you on a regular basis as they are issued. Along with our website this is our primary form of communication with all our Group Membership, showing details of all events that are scheduled as well as our regular Associate Evenings and Member Evenings.
Note that you need to plan to attend Associate Evenings as they form a key part of the support and guidance we provide to assist you in becoming an Advanced Motorist. Dates for these evenings can be seen in the Newsletter or on the web site at
Shortly after we receive your Application Form an Observer will be allocated to work with you, when you have that persons details please contact them to arrange to meet and start developing your driving skills to the Advanced Driving Standard established by IAM RoadSmart. Your Observer is a skilled individual who will be able to answer all of your questions not only with regard to the process that you are undertaking but also with regard to the Group and IAM RoadSmart. They will be your primary point of contact through the first few months whilst your skills are developed, however, if you wish, then feel free to contact any Group Officer of the company, full details are available on the Contact-us page of the website at
Our next Associate Evening is scheduled for the evening of 23rd June 2017. Please do your best to attend. Details of the location of this meeting can be found by visiting our website and looking at the Events Diary page.
As a Group, we have a very high rate of success in getting our Associates through their Advanced Driving Test with good marks. Remember that in this goal of improving your driving skills and your road safety you are not alone; all the Group Officers and Observers are available to you at all times to support you in any way they can.
Please post the completed Application for to:
Wolverhampton Advanced Motorists Group (Membership Secretary)
133 Elston Hall Lane
WV10 9HD
If you have any questions, please either e-mail us or contact us on 07594.747821.
We look forward to seeing you very soon.
Kind regards
Membership Secretary ()
(Wolverhampton Advanced Motorists Group 3081 Registered Charity No. 1053330)