wKREDA Meeting – December 4, 2008 – Dodge City, KS

Present: Gabe Schlickau, Christy Hopkins, Jeff Hofaker, Pat Veesart, Steve Radley, Paul Joseph, Richard Shank, Chelsey Fisher, Joann Knight, Jerri Imgarten, Jerry King, Colleen Towns, Ed Wiltse, Mendi Alexander, Bob Wetmore, Ron Newman, Randall Hrabe, Liz Sosa, Eric Depperschmidt, Gerry Fulwider, Nikki Pfannenstiel, Roger Hrabe, Ralph Goodnight, Bob Muirhead, Diane Becker, Jeanette Siemens, Cindy Wallace, John Foster, Mike Zamrzla, Charles Miller, Steve Miller, Kara Renz, David Snyder, Phyllis LaShell and Sharla Krenzel

Call To Order:

President Gabe Schlickau called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Occident Room at the Boot Hill Museum in Dodge City. Jerry King welcomed the group to Dodge City. Mike Zamrzla with Jerry Moran’s office made a few comments to the group. Gabe Schlickau thanked Dodge City for hosting the annual meeting. Introductions of the members present were made.


Gabe Schlickau gave recognition to both Sheryl Davis and Linda Yohon upon their retirements.

Roger Hrabe presented the new We Have Jobs website and gave a walk through of how to navigate the site and enter jobs onto the site (www.westerksjobs.com).

Phyllis LaShell presented information on the Rapid Response Funding available to assist when businesses close or layoff employees to assist with displaced employees, which includes retaining programs, cobra insurance, etc.

Business Meeting


Jeff Hofaker moved, Cindy Wallace seconded, to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2008 meeting as presented. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

Treasurer Nikki Pfannenstiel distributed the financial report to the membership, reporting a balance in the checking of $28,388.94 and in savings of $29,894.57 as of 11-3-08. Colleen Towns moved, Jeff Hofaker seconded, to approve the financial report as presented. Motion carried.

Gabe Schlickau reported on the board of directors meeting held by conference call in November. He explained a situation that arose concerning businesses which are not members being provided links to their websites and the corrections taken when discovered.

Committee Reports:

Business Development Committee:

-We Have Jobs Committee: Jeff Hofaker reported on progress of the WHJ Committee, including installation of 2 billboards; displayed gift bags to be handed out at alumni events; and showed the 30 second commercial, 5 minute marketing video and 1 of the vignettes.

-Dairy Team: Ralph Goodnight reported that the Dairy Team had met prior to CD101, will be doing dairy recognition again at Christmas, finalizing plans for the Tulare Farm Show Feb. 10-12, will sponsor one of the breaks at the Large Diary Herd conference in Reno, and considering hosting a break at the World Dairy Expo.

Legislative Committee: Eric Depperschmidt reported that his committee is working with KEDA on the legislative mission this year, working to develop recommendations to update Dept. of Commerce programs. He explained plans for the legislative mission on Feb. 10, including that wKREDA will not have a booth at the capital this year due to construction. Gave an overview of some of the issues they are developing positions on, including wanting modifications to the Impact Program; developing a Kansas quality jobs program; correcting inefficiencies of the Enterprise Zone Program; transportation projects being put on hold/delayed. Mike Michaelis, president of KEDA, made additional comments about these issues. Rooms have been blocked at the Club House Inn until January 3, and the government rate is available at the Holiday Inn Express. KDOC is working on a session about their programs for wKREDA the day before the legislative mission. KEDA will host lunch for KEDA members and key government officials.

Public Relations Committee: Nikki Pfannenstiel reported she is working on the annual newsletter. She is also developing a new invoice for dues that reflect the new membership levels.

Education Committee: Roger Hrabe reported on the CD101 held the day before. He is working on future program topics, including the LOIS system, Kansas Career Pipeline, and Kansas Collaborative.

New Business:

Liz Sosa presented the Audit Committee Report, reporting that the books were well organized, and outlined a few items that will help improve the bookkeeping records. Nikki Pfannenstiel was commended for her work as treasurer. Joann Knight moved, Mike Michaelis seconded, to approve the Audit Report as presented. Motion carried. Sheryl Davis was thanked for developing and recording a set of audit procedures for wKREDA to use in the future.

Election of Officers:

Bob Muirhead presented the Nominating Committee’s recommendations for slate of officers for 2009 of Eric Depperschmidt, President; Mendi Alexander, Vice President; Diane Becker, Secretary; and Nikki Pfannenstiel, Treasurer. Richard Shank moved, Jeff Hofaker seconded, to cease nominations. Motion carried. Mike Michaelis moved, Pat Veesart seconded, to cast a unanimous ballot for the slate of officers presented. Motion carried.

Bob Muirhead then presented the Nominating Committee’s recommendations for new board of directors of Nikki Pfannenstiel and Kara Renz, representing the north, and Christy Hopkins and LeAnn Sieler, representing the south. He also recommended appointing Neal Gillespie to the open south position. Mike Michaelis moved, Bob Muirhead seconded, to cease nominations and cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.


President Gabe Schlickau invited communities to submit their interest in hosting a meeting in 2009 to incoming President Eric Depperschmidt.

Roger Hrabe introduced luncheon speaker Richard Wood, author of “Survival of Rural America, Small Victories and Bitter Harvests” who spoke about his findings during his research of his book.

Jeff Hofaker announced there would be a short WHJ Committee meeting following the wKREDA meeting.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m.

Minutes submitted by:

Sharla Krenzel
