Clerk: Ms Sam Rawle, 60 Paganel Road, Minehead TA24 5EY

Tel: 01643 703514 Email:

Chairman: Mrs Emma Wright. Email:el: 01984 641602

29thAugust 2017

Dear Councillor

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Withycombe Parish Council on Monday4th September2017at 7.00 pm in the Memorial Hallfor the purpose of transacting the following business.

Sam Rawle

Clerk to the Council


(a)Defibrillator Presentation – Kim Davey, South West Ambulance Service Trust

(b)County Councillor – presentation of report

(c)District Councillor – presentation of report

(d)Members of the public


  1. To receive apologies
  1. To receive declarations of interest from Councillors
  1. To receive declarations of interest from Councillors
  1. To approve the minutes of the following meetings:

4.1Parish Council Meeting and Public Open Session 22nd May2017

  1. Matters arising from the minutes:

5.1 Review of Financial Regulations and Standing Orders

5.2 Review of Assets

  1. Planning Matters

6.1Applications Received:

6.1.23/41/17/002 – Demolition of part store and erection of a single storey timber conservatory and glass canopy@ Sandhill Racing Stables, Sandhill Lane

6.2Applications Approved:

6.2.16/41/17/102 – Conversion of barn to form a single unit of holiday accommodation @ Bowden Cottage, Oak Lane, Withycombe

  1. Presentation of Finances

7.1To consider income and expenditure report to 31st August2017Clerk

7.2Bank balances and reconciliation statement Clerk

7.3To approve the following accounts for payment:

7.3.1S Rawle (Clerk) Salary + Home Allowance + Expenses (Jul2017 – Sept 2017)£772.32

7.3.2A Rivett (Parish Newsletter)£XX

7.5Active Living Account – statement of fundsClerk

  1. Clerks Contract of Employment
  1. Defibrillator

9.1 To consider the presentation from South West Ambulance Service and

decide next stepsAll

  1. BT Phonebox10.1 To report progress with adoption of the phonebox Clerk
  2. Highways

11.1To report any recent correspondence:Clerk

  1. Rights of Way

12.1Update from PPLOClerk

  1. Titholes Orchard Update
  1. Parish Priorities

14.1 To review and agree Parish PrioritiesClerk

  1. Meeting Dates 2018/19.

15.1 To agree meeting dates for 2018/19Clerk

  1. County Councillor and District Councillor Reports

16.1To consider the report of the County Councillor and to take any necessary action.

16.2To consider the report of the District Councillor and to take any necessary action.

  1. Correspondence Received

17.1 Strategic Housing Framework – Housing Market Profiles for WS

  1. Any Other Business
  1. Dates of future meetings:

Monday 4th December 7.00pm

Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights. Items for the next meeting to be held on Monday 4th December 2017 should be with the Clerk at least 14 days before the meeting.

The Public are welcome to attend. If any member of the public wishing to attend the meeting has special requirements (mobility or sensory impairment) please contact the Clerk. If anyone would like to receive a copy of the agenda via email please contact the Clerk:

Sam Rawle Clerk to Withycombe Parish Council (Tel 01643 703514) e mail: