NATA Press Release, Page 1 of 2.

Contact: Robin WaxenbergEllen Satlof

212-489-8006 972-532-8859

(Name of Congressperson) Visits (Location) to Support Athletic Trainers and Their Commitment to (Sports Safety/Healthcare)

Name of legislator makes his/her mark onsite at (location)

CITY/DATE -- DALLAS, Monthday, year – (Name of legislator) visited the (name of company/workplace) today to learn more about the athletic training profession and the important work athletic trainers do to in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses in the (type of setting). (Name of company) is widely known for its (mention specialty of practice).

“We were delighted to have (name) with us today to better educate him/her on athletic training and our dedication to returning the (type of athlete) to (work/sport) in a safe, effective and efficient manner.”

“My visit today was educational,” said (name of legislator), “and it clarified for me the value of the athletic trainer and the profession’s important role across the health care spectrum.”

Jim Thornton, MA, ATC, president of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, also championed the visit. “Recognizing the dramatic changes in the health care landscape over the last several years, it is our mission to help athletes and those that are physically active lead healthy and mobile lives – whether on the job, in daily life or on the playing field.

NATA has been a leading supporter of Congressional efforts from (xx issue), he added.

We always welcome the chance to share our hard work, terrific return on investment, and safe and effective protocols with colleagues in all sectors of work and political life.”

Adds (name of workplace AT), “we encourage the support of legislators like (name above) to share our vision for the profession and recognize our expertise as health care professionals who prevent and treat injuries and illnesses across the lifespan and in a wide variety of everyday and occupational settings.”

To learn more about the profession, please visit

About NATA:

National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) – Health Care for Life & Sport

Athletic trainers are health care professionals who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and sport-related illnesses. They prevent and treat chronic musculoskeletal injuries from sports, physical and occupational activity, and provide immediate care for acute injuries. Athletic trainers offer a continuum of care that is unparalleled in health care. The National Athletic Trainers' Association represents and supports more than 40,000 members of the athletic training profession. Visit

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