●With last week's horrific shooting in Parkland Florida, we bear witness to more heartbreaking, senseless violence that affects our nation. The General Federation of Women's Clubs is calling all members to take action. Learn more by clicking here.
●Tania Palermo's Purse Project (Handbags with Heart) is underway. Tania has set up a collection space inside the armory on Main Street where her business is located as the donations begin to come in. Manchester Public Schools is holding a Dress Down Day for employees on 3/9 to benefit the project. A great way to push this is to share it with your network of friends. Here's the link to share it: After searching your closets, ask family and friends to search theirs. Lets make our "charter project" huge and help touch the life of another woman.
●Registration is still open for the RAD Self Defense Course taught by the Manchester Police Department. It is a four week course, to be held at Robertson School on 3/8, 3/15, 3/22 and 4/4 (three Thursdays and a Wednesday). The course is from 6-8pm each night and is free of charge. Click here to register for the RAD Self Defense Class.
●Member Sherry wanted to pass along this information about an upcoming collection event. Support Our Soldiers Connecticut will be holding an Easter/spring collection event to support our overseas Troops on Sunday, March 11th, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., at South Congregational Church, 1301 Forbes Street, East Hartford. Donations of healthy snacks like nuts and granola bars, sweets (especially “Peeps”), drawings (Schools: please stamp the back of students’ drawings so the troops may write back!) and greetings cards are needed and may be dropped off that day by 1 p.m. or by special arrangement. Dental supplies are also needed. Volunteers are needed on the day of the event to sort items, pack boxes, and draw letters and cards to send in the boxes. This is a perfect event for all ages! It costs about $500 to ship the packages, and the group also welcomes donations to help defray postage costs. Checks should be made out to SOS Connecticut and mailed to: SOS Connecticut, c/o Frank Forrest, 165 Maple Street, East Hartford, CT 06118. For more information or to volunteer, call Frank Forrest at 860-690-2845, or email: . Do we have any women who may like to volunteer on behalf of the MWC? Let us know and we can put you in contact with one another!
●We stand at 95 members as of today, which makes us the second largest Women's Club in the State of Connecticut! That says a lot about our community, and there are other organizations who are now reaching out to us about ways we can partner on things. How wonderful that we have the numbers to make a difference right here at home. I am so grateful and thankful to each of you who have signed up as "founding members" on this journey. Sisterhood is a big part of our message too, and at our next meeting we are going to begin adding in more time for "fun" stuff - friendship time. You'll start to see this theme at our meetings as we get to know one another! Join us on March 14 at 6:30 in the cafe at Manchester High School.
Grahame Slogesky
Manchester Women's Club
President 2018 - 2020