Wishlist Research Grant2017


Advice to Applicants

Applications OPEN: Monday 3 April 2017

Applications CLOSE: 5.00PM Friday 2 June 2017

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Background

2. Overview of Wishlist Research Grants

2.1 Objectives

2.2 Scope of Grant Scheme

2.3 Grant Categories

2.4 Eligibility

2.5 Management of the Wishlist Research Grant Scheme

3. Process for Submission

4. Review and Selection Process

4.1 Assessment Criteria

4.2 Budget

4.3 Feedback on Applications

5. Responsible Conduct of Research

6. Further Information


2017 Wishlist Research Grant Advice to Applicants

1. Background

Wishlist is the SunshineCoastHospital and Health Service’sHospital Foundation. Wishlist’s mission is to work in partnership with the SunshineCoastHospital and Health Service (SCHHS) and the SunshineCoast community to promote healthy living, empower and revitalise frontline staff and infrastructure by enhancing services through the provision of medical equipment, service support, education and research in line with local priorities.As part of its mission, Wishlist recognises the need to support and encourage research activity that contributes to improved health care and knowledge. This is in line with the SunshineCoastHospital and Health Service (SCHHS) Research Strategic Plan (2016-2021).

Every year Wishlist provides funding to support local research through the Wishlist Research Grant scheme.This document provides important information about the Wishlist Research Grant scheme; and the application and review process.This document is intended to be a guide to ensure all applicants understand the requirements for submitting a complete application and maintaining a successful grant.

2. Overview of Wishlist Research Grants

2.1 Objectives

The objectives of the Wishlist Research Grants are to:

  • Enhance health outcomes by financially supporting SCHHS research;
  • Encourage SCHHS novice and early career researchers in developing a research career;
  • Support SCHHS experienced researchers to become active leaders in research in their field;
  • Promote a positive research culture that translates into improvements in health care; and
  • Promote innovative health care through identifying and implementing evidence-based practices and developing an ongoing culture of learning.

2.2 Scope of Grant Scheme

Applications for funding should fall within the scope of the Wishlist Research Grants scheme.Research proposals are to directly involve the SCHHS and projects should address at least one of the following:

  • Be directly relevant to clinical practice and health care outcomes for patients in this Health Service;
  • Promote evidence-based workforce practices through improvements in procedures and workforce knowledge;
  • Address areas of significant disease burden relevant to the health of the broader National or International community, or
  • Facilitate collaborative partnerships between government, non-government and research sectors in Queensland, with a direct benefit for the SCHHS.

2.3 Grant Categories

Wishlist provide support to researchers through three grant categories:

Category 1:Experienced Researcher – Projects will be funded to a maximum of $50,000 and may extend to three years.

Category 2:Early Career Researcher – Projects will be funded to a maximum of $20,000 and may extend to two years.

Category 3:Novice Researcher – Projects will be funded to a maximum of $10,000and may extend to two years.

2.3.1 Experienced Researcher

To be eligible for the Experienced Researcher category, the Principal Investigator must meet at least three (3) of the following criteria:

[ ] More than ten (10) years post the award of a PhD;

[ ]Significant experience in applying for ethical approval, developing and managing protocols, and managing budgets and research staff;

[ ]Obtained significant levels of research fundingas a Principal/Chief Investigator on minor or local grant schemes (e.g.e.g. Wishlist; funding through professional associations);

[ ]Obtained some research fundingas a Principal/Chief Investigator on a successful major National or International grant scheme (e.g. Office of Health and Medical Research; National Health and Medical Research Council; US National Institutes of Health), and/or

[ ] Actively published the outcomes of previous research in peer reviewed journals, including being the primary author on publications.

2.3.2 Early Career Researcher

To be eligible for the Early Career Researcher category, the Principal Investigator must meet at least three (3) of the following criteria:

[ ] Less than ten (10) years post the award of a PhD;

[ ] Some experience in conducting research including applying for ethical approval and undertaking research tasks, including developing and following protocols;

[ ]Obtained some research funding as a Principal/Chief Investigator or as Co-Investigator on a research project from a minor or local grant scheme (e.g. Wishlist; funding through professional associations);

[ ] Not previously named as a Principal/Chief Investigator on a successful major National or International grant scheme (e.g. Office of Health and Medical Research; National Health and Medical Research Council; US National Institutes of Health); and/or

[ ] Published some of the outcomes of their previous research in peer reviewed journals, either as the primary author or a co-author.

2.3.3 Novice Researcher

To be eligible for the Novice Researcher category, the Principal Investigator must meet the following mandatory criteria:

[ ] Completed (excluding a PhD) or enrolled in a research higher degree OR undertaken a quality improvement project / audit using a structured methodology;

[ ]Identified a research mentor (who is listed as a Co-Investigator on the application) and have signed a Research Mentor Contract;

[ ] No or minimal previous experience in obtaining ethical approval or undertaking research tasks, including developing and following protocols;

[ ]Not previously named as a Principal/Chief Investigator on a successful minor or local grant scheme (e.g. Wishlist; funding through professional associations);

[ ] Obtain no or minor funding as a Principal/Chief Investigator or as Co-Investigator on a research project from a minor or local grant scheme (e.g. Wishlist; funding through professional associations); and/or

[ ] No or minimal experience in publishing the outcomes of previous research in peer reviewed journals, either as the primary author or a co-author.

All applications in the novice researcher category require a research mentor as a Co-Investigator and must have completed a Research Mentor Contract. The Research Mentor must be someone who possesses the relevant qualifications, skills and experience to assist and support the novice researcher in completing the study. It is expected that the Research Mentor would meet the criteria of an Experienced Researcher (as per Section 2.3.1).

2.4 Eligibility

To be eligible to hold a Wishlist Research Grant, both when applying and throughout the tenure of the grant, the nominated Principal Investigator (clinical or non-clinical staff):

  1. Must hold an appropriate current substantive appointment to the SCHHS
  2. Must assume overall responsibility for the conduct of the project including be listed as the Principle Investigator on HREC and research governance applications, and
  3. Conduct the majority of the funded research work at the SCHHS.

The research team may include co-investigators external to the SCHHS who are collaborating with the SCHHS research team.

2.5 Management of the Wishlist Research Grant Scheme

The Wishlist Research Grant Scheme will be co-managed by Wishlist and the SCHHS Research Committee. Under this arrangement, the Research Committee is responsible for overseeing the application and review process; providing recommendations relating to potentially successful applications; and managing reporting requirements. Wishlist will retain all rights and responsibilities associated with the final funding decision; and management of agreements and payments for successful grants. Full details of the Agreement between the grant applicant and Wishlist may be found in Wishlist Research Grants (For SCHHS Grant Recipients) Administration of Grants at

3. Process for Submission

All applications must be submitted using the Wishlist Research Grant Application Form 2017. No changes are to be made to the format / content of the form. The application must contain all information necessary for assessment without the need for further written or oral explanation, or reference to additional documentation. Where a word limit applies within a sub-section of the application form, please adhere to the word limits.

All referencing (in-text and the reference list) must conform to the Vancouver Referencing Style.

The 2017 Wishlist Research Grant Application Form is available on the Wishlist Website from the Research Governance and Development Unit, SCHHS at SC-Research-Grants @health.qld.gov.auor (07) 5202 2992.

The application and attachments must be submitted electronically to:

Late or incomplete applications (including those with missing signatures) will not be accepted.

4. Review and Selection Process

The SCHHS Research Committee is responsible for managing the application and review process of the Wishlist Research Grant scheme.

4.1 Assessment Criteria

All applications will be assessed by a review panel established by the Research Committee. The review panel will be selected to ensure appropriate representation across disciplines and to ensure no conflicts of interest exist. Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Research quality (50%)
  • Significance and contribution (30%)
  • Track record (20%).

4.1.1 Research Quality (50%)

Research quality will be assessed according to the clarity of the hypothesis or research objectives, and the quality and feasibility of the project design. The research proposal may be assessed in terms of, but not limited to:

  • Are the aims clearly defined and realistic?
  • Is the research plan including recruitment, data collection and analysis well integrated and adequately developed?
  • Will the research methods successfully address the stated aims and hypotheses?
  • Is the research plan well informed by knowledge of the literature?
  • Have any major pitfalls or problems been overlooked? Have alternative approaches been considered?

4.1.2 Significance and Contribution (30%)

This criterion assesses the potential of the project to meet the scope of the Wishlist Research Grant scheme by increasing knowledge about health care, treatment or services. Applications may be assessed in terms of, but not limited to:

  • Relevance to the SCHHS Research Themes (refer to SCHHSResearch Themes: 2016-2021)
  • Does the project address a critical question?
  • Are the research outcomes clearly described, significant and relevant to the practice setting?
  • Does the project challenge or significantly advance existing knowledge in the field?
  • To what extent will this project improve SCHHS policy, procedure or practice?
  • Can the results be translated into clinical practice or service delivery?

4.1.4 Track Record (20%)

Track record is considered in terms of whether the applicant’s previous research demonstrates that the researcher (or team) is capable of achieving and completing the proposed project based on the mix of qualifications, research skills and experience. Where an application involves a team, the track record of all members is considered and will be assessed relative to opportunity.

4.2 Budget

The preparation of a full project research budget is essential in determining whether the conduct of the study is feasible. The research project budget will be reviewed by the Wishlist Research Grants Review Panel for those projects that are short-listed for funding (as per the 4.1 Assessment Criteria above).

Support in the development of a research budget may be obtained from the Research Governance and Development Unit, SCHHS at or (07) 5202 2991.

4.3 Feedback on Applications

Applicants may request feedback on their submission through the Research Committee secretariat by contacting the Research Governance and Development Unit, SCHHS at or (07) 5202 2992.

5. Responsible Conduct of Research

Wishlist expects the highest levels of research conduct and integrity to be observed in funded projects. Researchers and institutions will be bound by theWishlist Research Grant Scheme Conditions of Award. Researchers are required to adhere to the requirements of theNational Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007)and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007). These guidelines advocate and describe best practice for researchers and institutions.

6. Further Information

Requests for further information in relation to the application and review process, ethics approval and reporting requirements should be directed to Analysis and Research Officer, Research Governance and Development Unit, SCHHS at or (07) 5202 2992.


2017 Wishlist Research Grant Advice to Applicants