Wise Heart Community
Chants, Kirtans, and Orders of Service
The Wise Heart Community for Devotional Practice and Study is an interfaith group of seekers, striving through devotion, shared community, and selfless service to live life to good purpose and in the light of our true nature. We are rooted in the tradition of Satyananda Yoga. We bring our own spiritual traditions together with our yogic practices to create a rich mix of perspectives from which to examine our relationship with the Divine and with all of creation.
Peace invocation from the Taittreya Upanishad 5
Mahamitrunjaya Mantra 5
Gayatri mantra 5
The 32 Names of Durga 6
Arati chant 7
Shanti Path 8
Twameva 8
Prayer to Saraswati before study or teaching 9
Prayer for preparing to work with a client 9
Blessing the hands 9
Accepting blessing and offering thanks 9
Prayer for Self-Cognition……………………………………………………………….9
Ganapati stotram 13
Agni mantra 13
Guru Stotram 15
Lingastakam 16
Swarupini Ma 19
Shankaraya Mangalam 19
Maha Kali Ki Jai 19
Durge Jai Jai Ma 19
Kali Maheshvari 19
Om jai Saraswati mata 19
Ambe Mata 19
Jay Ambe Jagadambe 20
Maha Mantra Kirtan 20
Gopala 20
Govinda jaya, jaya 20
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya 20
Sri Ram 20
Om Nama Shivaya 20
Shiva, Shiva, Sadashiva 20
Shiva Gospel (adapted from Bhagavan Das) 20
Ganesha sankirtan 20
Dhanyavad, Dhanyavad, Dhanyavad Ananda 20
Gate 20
All I Ask of You 21
Canticle of the Sun 21
Canto de Esperanza: 21
Chant for Healing 22
Chant for Renewal 22
Dona nobis pacem 22
Door of My Heart 22
Down By the Riverside 22
For the Beauty of the Earth 22
Gather Us In 23
God of Day and God of Darkness 23
He’s Got the Whole World 24
Heart of the Mother 24
Heart Song 24
Holy Ground 24
How Can I Keep from Singing? 24
Lord of All Hopefulness 25
Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel 25
Oh, Prepare Me 25
Peace I Leave with You 25
Peace is Flowing Like a River 25
I’ve Got Peace Like a River 26
Peace Prayer 26
Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord 26
Return Again 26
Shanti is the Ocean 26
Simple Gifts 27
Spirit 27
They'll Know We Are Faithful 27
This is the Day 28
This Land is Your Land 28
This Little Light of Mine 28
Ubi Caritas 28
We Shall Not be Moved 28
We Shall Overcome 28
Peace invocation from the Taittreya Upanishad
Sahanavavatu sahanaubhunaktu
Sahaviryam karavavahai
Tejasvinavaditamastu mavidvishavahai
Om shanti, shanti, shanti
May we both be protected by That
May we be nourished by That
May we acquire the capacity to study
And understand the scriptures
May our studies be brilliant
May we not cavil at each other
Mahamitrunjaya Mantra
Om tryambakam yajaamahe
Sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvaa rukamiva bandhanaat
Mrityor mukshiya maamritaat
We worship the fragrant 3-eyed One (Shiva)
Who confers ever-increasing prosperity
Let us be saved from the hold of death
Like a cucumber freed from its vine.
Let us not turn away from liberation
(Mahamrityunjaya mantra—Great mantra for victory over illness and death)
Gayatri mantra
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt
We meditate on the glory of the Creator;
Who has created the Universe;
Who is worthy of Worship;
Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;
Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;
May the Creator enlighten our Intellect.
The 32 Names of Durga
Om Durga
Durgārti śamanī
Durgā padvi nivāriṇī
Durgamać chhedinī
Durga sādhinī
Durga nāśinī
Durga nihantrī
Durga māpahā
Durgama jñānadā
Durga daitya loka davānalā
Durgamātma svarupiṇī
Durga mārga pradā
Durgama vidyā
Durgam āśritā
Durgama jñāna samsthānā
Durgama dhyāna bhāsinī
Durga mohā
Durgamārtha svarupiṇī
Durgamāsura samhantrī
Durgam āyudha dhāriṇī
Durga māngi
Durga bhīmā
Durga bhāmā
Durga dāriṇī
Arati chant
Jyoti Jyoti Jyoti Swayam
Jyoti Jyoti Jyoti Param
Jyoti Jyoti Jyoti Arul
Jyoti Jyoti Jyoti Sivam
Vama Jyoti Soma Jyoti
Vana Jyoti Jnana Jyoti
Maha Jyoti Yoga Jyoti
Vata Jyoti Nada Jyoti
Ema Jyoti Vyoma Jyoti
Eru Jyoti Viru Jyoti
Eka Jyoti Eka Jyoti
Eka Jyoti Jyotiye
Light O Light of Self-Effulgence
Light O Light of Absoluteness
Light O Light of Gracefulness
Light O Light of Auspiciousness
Light of Siva, Light of Moon
Light Divine, Light of Wisdom
Light of Heaven, Light of Yoga
Light of Wind, Light of Sound
Light of Delight, Light of Water
Rising Light, Vital Light
The Only Light, The Only Light
Give us Light O Light of Light
Shanti Path
Asato maa sad gamaya
tamaso maa jyotir gamaya
mrityor maa amritam gamaya
Lead me from unreal to real
From darkness to light
From fear of death to knowledge of immortality
Sarveshaam svastir bhavatu
Sarveshaam shaantir bhavatu
Sarveshaam purnam bhavatu
Sarveshaam mangalam bhavatu
May auspiciousness be unto all
May peace be unto all
May fullness be unto all
May prosperity be unto all
Lokaah samastaah sukhino bhavantu
May the universe be filled with peace, joy, love and light
Om tryambakam yajaamahe
Sugandhim pushtivardhanam
Urvaa rukamiva bandhanaat
Mrityor mukshiya maamritaat
Om shanti, shanti, shanti
Twameva Maata Cha Pitaa Twameva
Twameva Bandhus Cha Sakhaa Twameva
Twameva Vidyaa Dravinam Twameva
Twameva Sarvam Mama Deva Deva (3x)
Thou alone art mother and father to me
Thou alone art kin and friend to me
Thou alone art knowledge and wealth to me
Thou art my all, my Lord of Lords.
Om shanti, shanti, shanti
Hari Om
Prayer to Saraswati before study or teaching
Saraswati namastubhyam
varade kamarupini
vidyarambam karisyami
siddhirbhavatu me sada
Oh Saraswati, I pray to you the fulfiller of my wishes.
I start my studies with the prayer that success will be always.
Prayer for preparing to work with a client
Ayam me hasto Bhagavan
Ayam me Bhagavattarah
Ayam me visvabhesajo'yagm
Om, shanti, shanti, shanti
My hand is the Lord
Boundlessly blissful is my hand
This hand holds all healing secrets
Which makes whole with its gentle touch
Blessing the hands
Karāgre vasate Lakshmi,
Kara-muule Saraswati.
Kara-madhye tu Govinda,
Prabhāte kara-darshanam.
On the tip of my fingers is prosperity and abundance (Lakshmi)
At the base of my fingers is eloquence and learning (Saraswati)
In the middle of my fingers is divine power (Govinda)
In this way I look at my palms.
Accepting blessing and offering thanks
Om Brahmhār panam, Brahma havihi
Brahmhag nau, Brahmhanā hutam
Brahmhaiva, tena gantavyam
Brahma karma samādhi nā
Brahman is the offering, Brahman is the ghee (food/nutrients/sacrifice)
Brahman is making the offering (cook/server), Brahman is the fire (act of cooking & eating)
Brahman will be reached by those who think, Brahman is everything and is all actions.
Prayer for Self-Cognition
Purnam adah purnam idam purnat
Purnam udacyate
Purnasya purnam adaya
Purnam evavasisyate
Om shanti, shanti, shanti
That is whole; this is whole.
From the whole, this whole came.
Remove this whole from that whole,
What remains is still whole.
Guru Gayatri
Om gurudevāya vidmahe
Parabrahmane dhīmahi
tanno guruḥ pracodayāt Swaha…
Satyananda Gayatri
Om paramahamsa avadhoota vidmahe
Satyanandaya dhimahi
Tanno guru prachodayata svaha
Ganapati Gayatri
Om ekadantaaya vidmahe vakratundaaya dhimahi
Tanno dantih prachodayaat
Ajapa Gayatri
Om hamsa hamsaya vidmahe
So'ham hamsaya dhimahi
Tanno hamsah prachodayata.
Devi Gayatri
Om sarvasamohinyai vidmahe
Jananyayai dhimahi
Tanno Shakti prachodayat
Durga Gayatri
Om kalyayanyai cha vidmahe
kanya kumarye cha dhimahi
tanno durga prachodayat
Lakshmi Gayatri
Om maha devyai cha vidmahe
vishnu priyayacha dhimahi
tanno lakshmi prachodayat
Saraswati Gayatri
Om vagdevyai cha vidmahe
kamarajaya dhimahi
tanno devi prachodayat
Yama Gayatri for freedom from the fear of death
Om surya puthraya vidmahe
Maha khalaya dimahee
Thanno Yama pratchodayat. Swaha
Let me meditate on the Sun,
Oh, great Lord of time, give me higher intellect,
And let this death create illumination.
Shakti havan mantra
Aim hreem kleem Om, swaha
Ganapati stotram
Om Ganānām
Tvā ganapati gvam havāmahe.
Kavim kavinām upama shravastamam.
Jyeshtha rājam brahmanām,
Brahmana spata ānah,
Shrinvannuti bhissīda sādanam.
Om hamsa hamsāya vidmahe paramahamsaya dhīmahi.
Tanno hāmsah prachodayāt.
Om namo hiranyabāhave hiranyavarnāya
Hiranyarūpāya hiranyapataye
Ambikapataye umāpataye pashupataye namo namaha.
Ritagvam satyam param brahma
Purusham krishnapingalam
Urdhva retam virūpaksham visvarūpaya vai namo namaha
Om shanti, shanti, shanti.
Salutations to Ganapati, chief of the hosts of attendants of Shiva. Wisest of all, abundantly glorious, the only true reflection of the Supreme May your blessings be upon this (ritual, practice, undertaking). Please be happy with us, give us your protection and Grace and be in our hearts. May our efforts be pleasing to you and be blessed. I bow to the great Lord Ganesha (Ganapati).
Agni mantra
Om agne naya supathā
rāye asmān vishnāvi
deva vayunāni vidvān.
Yuyo dhyasmajjuhurā nemo
bhūyishtham te ama uktim vidhema.
Om shanti, shanti, shanti.
Guru Stotram
Akhaṇḍamaṇḍalākāraṃ vyāptaṃ yena charācaraṃ .
Tatpadaṃ darśitaṃ yena tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Ajñānatimirāndhasya jñānāñjanaśalākayā.
Chakṣurunmīlitaṃ yena tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdevo maheśvaraḥ .
Guruḥ sākṣāt parambrahma tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Sthāvaraṃ jangamaṃ vyāptaṃ yatkiñchit sacharācharaṃ
Tatpadaṃ darśitaṃ yena tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Chinmayaṃ vyāpitaṃ sarvaṃ trailokyaṃ sacharācharaṃ
Tatpadaṃ darśitaṃ yena tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Sarvaśrutiśiroratna virājitapadāmbujaḥ .
Vedāntāmbujasūryāya tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Chaitanyaṃ śāśvataṃ śāntaṃ vyomātītaṃ nirañjanaḥ .
Bindunādakalātītaḥ tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Jñānaśakti-samārūḍḥaḥ tattva-mālā vibhūṣitaṃ .
Bhukti-mukti-pradātā cha tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Aneka janma-samprāpta karma-bandha-vidāhine.
ātma-jñāna pradānena tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
śoṣaṇaṃ bhava-sindhoścha jñāpanaṃ sāra-saṃpadaḥ .
Gurorpādodakaṃ samyak tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Na guroradhikaṃ tatvaṃ na guroradhikaṃ tapaḥ .
Tattva-jñānāt paraṃ nāsti tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Mannātha śrī jagannāthaḥ madguru śrī jagatguruḥ .
Madātmā sarva bhūtātmā tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Gururādiranādiścha guruḥ parama-daivataṃ
Guroḥ parataraṃ nāsti tasmai śrī gurave namaḥ .
Dhyānamūlaṃ gurormūrtiḥ pūjāmūlaṃ gurorpadaṃ
Mantra mūlaṃ gurorvākyaṃ mokṣa mūlaṃ gurorkṛpā.
Om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
Brahma muraree surarchita lingam
Nirmala bhastita shobhita lingam
Janmaja dukha vinashana lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Deva muni pravararchita lingam
Kama-dahana karunakara lingam
Ravana darpa vinashana lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Sarva sugandhi sulepita lingam
Buddhi-vivarddhana karana lingam
Siddha surasura vandita lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Kanaka mahamani bhoosita lingam
Phanipati-veshtita shobhita lingam
Daksha suyagia vina shana lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Kumkuma chandana lepita lingam
Pankaja hara sushobhita lingam
Sanchita papa vinashana lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Deva ganar chita sevita lingam
Bhavair bhakti bhireva cha lingam
Dinakara koti prabhakara lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Ashtadalo pari veshtita lingam
Sarva samudbhava karana lingam
Ashta daridra vinashana lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Sura guru suravara poojita lingam
Sura taru pushpa sadarchita lingam
Paratparam paramatmaka lingam
Tatpranamami sada Siva lingam
Devotees of God worship the pure, shining and beautiful Lingam.
The destroyer of worldly life and pain,
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
Divine beings and sages worship the Lingam and, through compassion,
It bums up desires. The arrogance of Ravana was destroyed by the Lingam.
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
That sweet-smelling anointed Lingam increases intelligence.
Perfect beings, the noble and even the demonic, praise the Lingam.
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
Decorated with gold and jewels, the beautiful Lingam is enveloped by a snake (Kundalini).
Daksha's egotistical sacrificial rite was destroyed by the Lingam.
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
Anointed by sandalwood paste and by a beautiful lotus mala
Our karma and sins can be destroyed by the Lingam.
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
Divine beings worship the Lingam with great feeling and devotion.
It shines brighter than a multitude of suns.
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
It is surrounded by eight lotus petals and is also the cause of the ocean of existence.
It destroys the eight types of poverty.
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
Even the greatest of gurus and gods worship the wish-fulfilling tree which is the Lingam.
Beyond the beyond, the Paramatma, Pure Consciousness, is the same as the Lingam.
I bow to That Intelligence symbolized by the Lingam.
Swarupini Ma
Iccha shakti swarupini ma
Kriya shakti swarupini ma
Jnana shakti swarupini ma
Satyananda swarupini ma
Chorus: Satyananda swarupini ma (4x)
Mantra shakti swarupini ma
Yantra shakti swarupini ma
Mandala shakti swarupini ma
Satyananda swarupini ma
Brahma granthi vibhedini ma
Vishnu granthi vibhedini ma
Rudra granthi vibhedini ma
Satyananda swarupini ma
iccha/kriya/jnana: power to will, act and know (the three primordial shaktis or energies)
mantra/yantra/mandala: sound, linear dimension, form (the three qualities of everything that exists)
satyananda: truth and love
swarupini: the embodiment of
ma: Divine Mother
granthi: psychic knot; vibhedini: break the bonds
Shankaraya Mangalam
Shankaraya Shankaraya
Shankaraya Mangalam
Shankari Mano Haraya
Shaswataya Mangalam
Sundaresha Mangalam
Sanatanaya Mangalam
Chinmayaya Sanmayaya
Tanmayaya Mangalam
Anantaroopa Mangalam
Chirantanaya Mangalam
Niranjanaya Mangalam
Pooranjanaya Mangalam
Achanchalaya Mangalam
Akinchalaya Mangalam
Jagchivaya Mangalam
Namah Shivaya Mangalam
Maha Kali Ki Jai
Maha Kali ki jai Maha Durga ki jai (2x)
Bolo ambe bhavani ki jaya jaya jaya (2x)
Jai Kali Kali Kali
Jai Durga Durga Durga
Durge Jai Jai Ma
Durge Durge Durge Jai Jai Ma
Karuna Sagari Ma