WIGA Summer Workshop 2013- Yay!Connecting Geography to the Common Core

Workshop Description: Get ready to use effective content, strategies, and resources to support the Common Core ELA Standards for history and social studies in your classroom next fall – and have a great time, too! We’re crafting a multi-faceted experience to prepare you for just that. We’ll offer guided practice in a variety of proven ways to integrate great geo-literacy strategiesinto your teaching.Come join us and work with teachers from across the state.

The fun, fast-paced workshop will be team-led by Sherri Michalowski (Brookfield’s Wisconsin Hills Middle School Teacher &WIGA Teacher-Consultant), Peter Michaud (New Berlin’s Ronald Reagan Elementary School TeacherWIGA Teacher-Consultant), and Mark Bockenhauer (St. Norbert College Geography Professor & WIGA Coordinator). Additional presenters will include Kris McDaniel (DPI Social Studies Consultant), Beth Ratway (National Geographic Society Consultant on Common Core and Educational Policy), and Krissy Lukens (SNC Director of Academic Technology). Hang out with us and learn at the home base of the Wisconsin Geographic Alliance: St. Norbert College’s beautiful De Pere campus. This residential institute (July15-18, four days, three nights) is for teachers of any subject area and grade level (elementary, middle, and high school). Plan to arrive by noon on Monday the 15thfor lunch, afternoon and evening sessions, and be on your way home by noon on Thursday the 18th. Earn two St. Norbert graduate credits. Your cost will total $350—a $50 check with registration and $300 while on campus. In addition to attending all sessions, you’ll be required to complete an assignment that outlines how you will integrate some of the content, strategies, and resources to use in your classroom (details TBA). Priority will be given to Wisconsin educators. There will be an opportunity to earn a third graduate credit, as follow-up in the Fall semester of 2013 (details TBA). A non-credit option is also available.

Benefits: 30 hours of geographiccontentand teaching strategies; lodging and meals (accommodations will be in Fox River-side townhouses, with single bedrooms—three people to a multi-level townhouse); classroom materials, including the new National Geography Standards and Interconnections, a new docto help link geo standards to the Common Core English Language Arts & Literacy Standards in History/Social Studies; social/professional networking opportunities with peers from across the state; and, two St. Norbert College graduate credits.

Application Deadline: June 28, 2013 Enrollment Limit: 20


Registration Fee: $50 (payable by check, please make it out to “WIGA/SNC”); balance of $300 to be paid on July 16while on campus. Total cost is $350 for two graduate credits. You’ll receive e-mail confirmation of your acceptance. Mail this portion of form with $50 check to:Mark Bockenhauer, Geography/WIGA, St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI 54115.

Name ______

Home Address ______


______(City/Town (State) (Zip)

Preferred Phone: (_____)______

School Name ______

School Address______



(City/Town) (State) (Zip)

Preferred E-Mail Address ______

Class/es & Grade Level/s you will teach in 2013-2014 ______


Applicant Signature ______Date ______