North Central Region – Program Area Support Funds

(2013 Request for Projects)

One-time funds are available to increase the capacity of North Central Region – Cooperative Extension Program Areas to meet their goals, and to leverage further resources. This mini-grant program is supported by participating institutions of the North Central Cooperative Extension Association (NCCEA). It is intended to stimulate leadership and an entrepreneurial spirit in achieving the multistate impacts identifed in North Central Program Area Logic Models [

Funds Available in 2013

Total amount available to allocate to special needs, identified by North Central Logic Models: approximately $20,000. Size of individual requests: up to $8,000 per proposal.Requests for smaller than the maximum amount are strongly encouraged. Most previous proposals supported by these grants have been less than $4,000. All proposals are also encouraged to identify additional funding mechanisms and show leveraged support, especially in ways that display multistate involvement.

Proposals must incorporate goals and needs identified by the North Central Program Area Logic Models. Furthermore:

Proposals should be strongly supported by the North Central Cooperative Extension (CES) program areas, represented by the multistate Program Leader/Director groups. A subcommittee of the regional programmatic leadersmay develop the proposal but it should be submitted by, or with support letters from one or more members of the regional leadership group within a respective CES program area.

Cross-program area support and endorsement is encouraged.

Higher priority is expected to be given to needs and goals of the multistate activities and those identified in our regional logic models; and regional initiatives (e.g., obesity, bio-energy, metropolitan food systems, water quality, consumer finance education, post-foreclosure education).

Funds should not be requested to offset current faculty salaries.

All proposals should identify region-wide impact, or at a minimum a majority of the North Central states that will benefit from this effort.

Funding is for calendar year 2013, with no carry forward/over allowed. If additional funds are available, a second consective year of funds to continue a project or effort may be possible. However, such requests will be evaluated in a subsequent call for proposals.


Proposals will be reviewed at the NCCEA meeting closest to when they were submitted.

NOTE:(1) Final approval is determined by the members of NCCEA. NCCEA will “likely” review proposals on a monthly basis, during regularly scheduled conference calls.Proposals will be accepted until $20,000 (approximately) has been committed, or until April 30, 2013.

(2) For approved proposals, all funds must be expended by 12/31/13.

Funds Disbursement
Each institution will send an invoice to NCCEA. Contracts will not be accepted as these are project support dollars only. More instruction will follow upon receipt of successful submission.

Requests for support should focus on one of the following categories (A or B):

  1. Planning and Issue Scoping Projects
  2. Unique needs that facilitate multistate planning and issue prioritization, refinement and/or better issue definition of Cooperative Extension program response(s). Strong consideration will be given to those groups who have attended a North Central Region - Winning Teams and Winning Grants workshop.
  3. Improving the sharing of information and approaches, not currently covered by routine program area meetings and conference calls (examples include: web-conferencing, needs assessments and surveys, and stakeholder listening sessions).
  4. Development of grant proposals to meet logic model priorities, such as AFRI proposals, is strongly encouraged. (Pre-grant activities, such as seed money for developing an extramural grant is allowable.)
  1. Program/Product Development Projects
  2. Creative and innovative responses within the context of a (multistate) regional initiative.
  3. Development of educational/outreach materials, curriculum and/or publications.
  4. Development of evaluation instruments and analysis tools. (Attention should be given to evaluation efforts aimed at better understanding program impacts, especially in areas where additional evaluation would lead to program improvement across multiple states in the North Central Region).

While developing an understanding of regional issue priorities is an important aspect,multistate responses,inservices and professional development workshops/conferences will not be the highest priority ofthese North Central Program Area Support Funds in 2013. For those looking for financial support for conferences and professional development ideas, you are encouraged to contact your state Extension Dean/Director.

Evaluating Fund Requests

Reviews of the proposals will be conducted by a subcommittee appointed by the NCCEA Executive Commmittee. The subcommittee will provide funding recommendations to the full NCCEA membership for consideration and approval. Proposals will be judged on:

  • Incorporation of needs identified by the North Central (Regional) Logic Models.
  • Evidence of collaborative relations across North Central states.
  • Feasibility in attaining objectives.
  • The appropriateness of objectives.
  • The sustainabilityof the effort and the extent to which it will generate leveraged funding and/or program revenue.
  • The evaluation of impact (ability to accomplish stated objectives).
  • The appropriateness of the budget.

Submission Guidelines

  • Proposals may be submitted at any time. Proposals will be accepted until the $20,000 (approximately) has been committed or until COB on April 30, 2013.
  • All proposals should be submitted electronically, in Microsoft WORD format to: [ AND [.
  • Proposals should be less than three (3) pages.
  • Proposals will be reviewed within 2-4 weeks from when they are received (at the most immediate NCCEA Meeting).

North Central Region – Program Area Support Funds



Title of Project: ______

Amount Requested: ______(maximum $8,000)

Program Area applying for funding: ______

Category of funding requested:

 A. Planning and Issue Scoping

 B. Program /Product Development

Contact Person: ______E-mail address: ______

Please answer the following questions in no more than 3 pages, single-sided.

I.Briefly describe the project. Include the purpose, goals, and plan for meeting those goals.

II.How will this effort achieve multistate goals and impacts identified in your

ProgramArea Logic Models? {Please attach your referenced Logic Model,

which is not counted in the three-page proposal limit.}

III.Discuss how the project meets some or all of the following criteria, where possible:

  • Demonstrates evidence of collaborative relations across North Central States.
  • How the objectives address a significant issue in the region.
  • Feasibility in attaining objectives.
  • The sustainability of the effort and the extent to which it will generate leveraged funding and/or program revenue.
  • Evaluates impact (accomplishing stated objectives).
  • The appropriateness of the budget.

VI.Describe any partnership collaboration arrangements associated with this project, especially those involving multistate and cross-programmatic teams. Identify any that are resulting from this project.

VII.Include a timeline for your project (note that funds must be expended by 12/31/13).

VII.Include a budget showing expenses and any projected income. Note other anticipated funding.

All projects receiving funds will be required to complete a report of accomplishments by January 31, 2014 (or sooner).

E-mail your application to:

Robin Shepard, NCCEA Executive Director [; AND

Mary Ellen Rodriguez, NCCEA, [

Questions concerning proposals should be directed to the NCCEA Office:

Robin Shepard, NCCEA: (608) 890-2688

(January 2013)