Type and level of studies: Undergraduated Studies (firstlevel of studies)
Course unit: Introduction to programming
Teacher in charge: Vlade Urošević
Language of instruction: English
Prerequisites: -
Semester: Fall
Course unit objective
Upgrading the basic principles of programming; Introduction to basic data structures, abstract data types and algorithms on data structures. Application of algorithms for solving specific problems is essential for software development. Studying the underlying data structure is an important prerequisite for programming.
Learning outcomes of Course unit
Students are study modern techniques of programming and software development. Qualifying students for the implementation of various data structures and algorithms in the Java programming language.
Course unit contents
Theoretical classes
Programming at the machine and the symbolic machine language. Memory and symbolic addressing. Introduction to multiple programming languages. Syntax notation (BNF, EBNF, syntax diagrams) and semantics of programming languages. Pseudo language. Data types: static (scalar and structured) and dynamic (variable size and structure). The concept of the algorithm. Algorithmic structure. Control structures: sequence, selection, cycles and leaps. Subprograms (procedures and functions) - Internal and independent, recursion. Input / output data. Structured Programming: Procedural versus object-oriented programming. Object (object data, the behavior of the object). Class (attributes, methods). Languages Pascal and C.The program structure, the basic types, input / output command, control structures. Decomposition (procedures, functions), variable and value arguments, recursion. Complex types: records, meetings, files (binary and textual), pointers and mechanism of dynamic memory allocation and deallocation with examples (working with lists).Practical classes
Writing programs in Pascal and C language, which include flow control, functions, arrays, structures, files. Making algorithms. Learning the procedure of writing and executing programs. Using the compiler and testing program.
- Wirth N.: Allgorithms+data Structures = Program, Prentice Hall, 1976.
- Urosevic, D.: Algoritmi u programskom jeziku C, Mikroknjiga, Beograd, 1996.
- Čabarkapa , М. : Оsnovi programiranja u Paskalu, Кrug, Beograd, 2001, ISBN 86-7136-071-7
- Čabarkapa , М., Matković, S.: C/C++ Zbirka zadataka, Krug, Beograd, 2003.
- Urošević, V.: Programski jezik C, Udžbenik, Tehnički fakultet, Čačak, 2008, ISBN 978-86-7776-068-7, COBISS.SR-ID 154223116, 176 s.
Number of active teaching hours / Other classes
Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2 / Other forms of classes / Independent work: 1
Lectures and exercises based on the model of interactive teaching (dwell methods: public lecture, discussion, methods of practice, workshops, enactment); activated forms of learning: meaningful verbal receptive learning, discovery learning, cooperative learning, learning by doing.
Examination methods (maximum 100 points)
Exam prerequisites / No. of points: / Final exam / No. of points:
Student’s activity during lectures / 10 / oral examination / 30
Practical classes/tests / 20 / written examination / 30
Seminars/homework / 10 / ......
Project / -