Meeting Dates:
E911 Board Meetings
May 14-15, 2014
Embassy Suites Hotel
Altamonte Springs
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 and Thursday, May 15, 2014beginning time 9:00 a.m. until conclusion of business
Board Members in meeting attendance:
Carolyn Dill-Collier, 911 Coordinator, St. Lucie County
John Ford, Chairman – Bureau Chief, DMS - Division of Telecommunications
Charles “Chuck” Freeman, 911 Coordinator, Pinellas County
Stan Greer, Area Manager – External Affairs, AT&T
Benjamin “Ben” Guthrie, 911 Coordinator, Gulf County
Sandra “Sandy” Khazraee, Regulatory Affairs Director, Southern Region, Century Link
David “Dave” Konuch, Attorney, Florida Cable Telecommunications Association
Dale Mitchell, 911 Coordinator, St. Johns County
Tom Nadler, Manager, Sprint
Ira Pyles, 911 Coordinator, Hillsborough County
Staff in meeting attendance:
Wink Infinger, Statewide 911 Coordinator, DMS-Division of Telecommunications
Clark Jennings, Legal Counsel, Office of the Attorney General
Penney Taylor, Administrative Support, DMS-Division of Telecommunications
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Public in meeting attendance:
Derek Alvarez, Frequentis
Mike Barretto, Word Systems
Melanie Becker, CenturyLink
Vince Bonvento, Palm Beach County
Silas Daniel, Sumter County
Peggy DeFilippo, NexGen Global Technology
Ford Frey, CenturyLink
Keith Godwin, Alachua County
David Gleason, TCS (formerly MicroData)
Ed Gonzalez, Intrado
Tim Gundlach, TGRA
Greg Holcomb, Lake County
Sally Jackson, Polk County
Doug Kesser, TCS
Nicole Leonard, Intrado
Darren Light, AT&T
Don Nagle, L.R. Kimball
Susan Nelson, Cassidian
Tim Roberts, Carousel
James Robinson, AK Associates
Annette Rodgers, Orange County
Chuck Spalding, Palm Beach County
Dina Walker, Seminole County
Alan Woods, Intrado
Staff Members and Public Members participating viatelephone conference:
Laurie Anderson, Charlotte County
Jeff Barbacci, Thomas Howell Ferguson, P.A.
Kimberly Bickley, Administrative Support, DMS-Division of Telecommunications
Amelia Coates, Sarasota
Christine Cooper, Okaloosa County
Tricia Davis, Volusia County
Ray Eslinger, Nassau County
Belinda Farmer, Walton County
Bob Finney, Collier County
Adrienne Jones, Administrative Support, DMS-Division of Telecommunications
Donald Lamb, Technical Support, DMS-Division of Telecommunications
Stacy Needham, Manatee County
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Staff Members and Public Members participating via telephone conference (continued):
Jennifer Payne, Suwannee County
Chris Polischuck, Thomas Howell Ferguson, P.A.
Rolf Preuss, Flagler County
Kent Raheb, Technical Support, DMS-Division of Telecommunications
Vanessa Thompson, Putnam County
Mike West, Levy County
(Some telephone conference participants may not be listed as no email was received acknowledging their participation.)
Wednesday, May 14, 2014 beginning at 9:00 a.m.until conclusion of business
1.Call to Order
Meeting called to order at approximately 9:00 a.m.
The meeting started with staff conducting roll call. All current Board members were present for this meeting with the exception of Mr. Pyles who would be late due to other conflicts.
Roll call for staff members was conducted. Public members attending this meeting and participating in the telephone conference were requested to acknowledge their participation by signing the sign in sheet or by sending an email to staff to assure that they would be properly noted in the meeting minutes. Public members with issue(s) to be presented to the Board for consideration were requested to either list it on the issue(s) list provided or to send the issue(s) via electronic mail to staff.
2.Approve Meeting Minutes for the April 16-17, 2014 E911 Board Meetings
Meeting minutes from the April 16-17, 2014E911 Board meetings were reviewed by the Board. There were no significant changes or updates received from the Board members or staff after the initial draft was circulated. All updates were incorporated in the draft meeting minutes as presented.
Ms. Mitchell made a motion to adopt the April 16-17, 2014 as presented. Ms. Dill-Collier seconded the motion that carried9-0. Mr. Pyles was not available for this vote.
Meeting Agenda Overview
Mr. Ford gave an overview of the meeting agenda and the items listed for discussion.
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3.Old Business
Board Member Appointments
Mr. Ford informed the Board that there has been no new updates related to any Board appointments and that the Board is still awaiting notice from the Governor’s Appointment Office.
Mr. Ford informed the Board that there still was only one name submitted for the vacant wireless seat, therefore, the appeal goes out once again that if there are any interest candidates to please submit the name to the Governor’s Appoint Office.
Ms. Taylor informed the Board that she had been told by the Governor’s Appointment Office that efforts would be made to announce some appointments on Friday, May 16, 2014.
4.Discuss confidential data related to provider revenues by county, discrepancies,
disbursements and provider invoices. All confidential information discussed in a manner as not to disclose any confidential information and/or trade secrets.
Mr. Polischuck reviewed confidential data related to the wireless and non-wireless February 28, 2014 monthly disbursements to counties and financial statements.
The Board was informed that issues continue to be encountered with remittance reports from some companies and with fluctuations of subscribers from some companies.
5.Discuss the recommendation(s) and vote on items from confidential data
Wireless financial reports for the period ending February 28, 2014 were reviewed and discussed by the Board.
Mr. Freeman made a motion to authorize distribution of wireless revenues in the amount of $3,799,247.06. Mr. Guthrie seconded the motion that carried 9-0. Mr. Pyles was not available for this vote.
Nonwireless financial reports for the period ending February 28, 2014 were reviewed and discussed by the Board.
Mr. Guthrie made a motion to authorize distribution of nonwireless revenues in the amount of $3,384,736.08. Mr. Nadler seconded the motion which carried 9-0. Mr. Pyles was not available for this vote.
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Discuss the recommendation(s) and vote on items from confidential data (continued)
Financial Statement
Mr. Barbacci gave an overview of financials for the period ending February 28, 2014 which included a summary of liabilities, deposits and pooled investments, trust fund balance, revenues, expenditures and subsequent events.
Provider Cost Recovery Reimbursement
Mr. Barbacci gave an overview of the statement for Provider Cost Recovery Reimbursements.
Letters to Service Providers
Mr. Ford informed the Board that letters continue to be sent to service providers with issues related to their remittance reports.
Wireless Service Provider Cost Recovery Consent Agenda
The following wireless service provider cost reimbursement invoice(s) were reviewed for payment authorization:
Mr. Freeman made a motion that payment authorization for Item 1, as listed on the Wireless Service Provider Cost Recovery Consent Agenda in the total amount of $7,475.94 be approved. Mr. Guthrie seconded the motion that carried 9-0. Mr. Pyles was not available for this vote.
Mr. Freeman made a motion that payment authorization for Item 2, as listed on the Wireless Service Provider Cost Recovery Consent Agenda in the total amount of $292,812.74 be approved. Mr. Guthrie seconded the motion that carried 9-0. Mr. Pyles was not available for this vote.
Mr. Freeman made a motion that payment authorization for Item 3, as listed on the Wireless Service Provider Cost Recovery Consent Agenda in the total amount of $22,915.40be approved. Ms. Mitchell seconded the motion that carried 9-0. Mr. Pyles was not available for this vote.
Mr. Nadler filed Form 8A.
Other issue(s) discussed:
- FemtoCell
The Board discussed FemtoCell and explained that this technology is a small, low-power cellular base station, typically designed for use in a home or small business. It connects to the service provider’s network via broadband (such as DSL or cable); current designs typically support two to four active mobile phones in a residential setting, and eight to 16 active mobile phones in enterprise settings. A femtocell allows service providers to extend service coverage indoors or at the cell edge, especially where access would otherwise be limited or unavailable.
- Future Wireless Service Provider Cost Recovery Proposals and New Technologies
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6.Rural County 2014 Spring Program Application Review and Prioritization and vote on grant award(s)
The following grant applications tabled from the April 2014 Board meeting were discussed:
Priority 4a
DixieE911 System Upgrade $54,402.67
GladesE911 System Upgrade $59,460.69
HardeeE911 System Upgrade $132,999.60
JeffersonE911 System Upgrade $27,818.35
LevyE911 System Upgrade $123,943.57
Priority 4d
HardeeRecorder Replacement $14,903.00
Priority 4e
BakerDBMS Software Upgrade $5,000.00
Priority 6b
GilchristE911 Map Service $9,200.00
Mr. Ford informed the Board that the letter to the Department of Financial Services (DFS)
requesting immediate payment for the initial approved Rural grant awards in the amount of
$987,299.46 had been complete and that the checks should be processed within the next 2 weeks.
Other issue(s) discussed:
- Funding of remaining grants (future grant program funds or administrative)
- Loss of revenue due to legislation estimates
- Loss of revenue impact to counties
- Notice to the Department of Revenue
Discussion related to these grants was tabled in an effort to allowcounty representatives to be available to support the grant needs and for staff to prepare grant totals for potential votes.
FirstNet Update
Mr. Ford requested that Mr. Holcomb, Lake County provide an update on FirstNet and where
911 fit within this technology.
Lunch Recess
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Palm Beach County Presentation
Presenters:Chuck Spalding, 911 Coordinator
Vince Bonvento, Public Safety Director
Mr. Spalding presented the Palm Beach County Transitioning NG-911 PowerPoint Presentation to
the Board. Mr. Spalding also provided a grant project completion status to the Board.
7.Discuss Rural County and State Grant Program Quarterly Reports and Change Requests
Hendry County 12-10-32
Hendry County submitted a change request form requesting a three month time extension to close out grant paper work.
Mr. Freeman made a motion to accept the Hendry County change request. Ms. Dill-Collier
seconded the motion that carried 9-0. Mr. Pyles was not available for this vote.
Suwannee County S4-11-07-36
Suwannee County submitted a memorandum of information to the Board informing that the
county anticipated refunding grant funds in the approximate amount of $141,339.25.
8.Discuss 2014 E911 State Grant Program
Mr. Infinger reviewed with the Board suggested modifications for the State Grant Program
application. The effective date for the State grant application is proposed as September
1, 2014.
Legislative Update
Jim Smith, CenturyLink, Lobbyist provide an update to the Board on the 2014 Legislative Session E911 Legislation. Mr. Smith informed the Board that the bill had passed the Senate and House and since has been submitted to the Governor. If signed into law the bill would be effective January 1, 2015.
Mr. Smith acknowledged all support received (which included Sally Jackson) with the passing of the E911 legislation.
Mr. Pyles joined the meeting during these discussions.
Other issue(s) discussed:
Reverse impact for rural counties
Florida Retail Federation interest in Board seat
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Discuss 2014 E911 State Grant Program (continued)
Ms. Khazraee made a motion to initiate Rule Development for the State Grant Program
application. Mr. Guthrie seconded the motion which carried unanimously (10-0).
State Grant Rule Development
Mr. Infinger reviewed proposed modifications for the State Grant Program Rule with the Board.
Mr. Freeman made a motion to authorize staff to initiate Rule Development for the State Grant Program Rule. Mr. Guthrie seconded the motion which carried unanimously (10-0).
Other issue(s) discussed:
Hosted Services
Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC)
Mr. Jennings informed the Board that the SERC would not be required until the final language is prepared.
Mr. Nadler made a motion that the current language as presented by staff for the State Grant Program Application and Rule be accepted effective with the signing of the bill by the Governor be noticed for Rule Development. Ms. Mitchell seconded the motion which carried unanimously (10-0).
Ms. Dill Collier made a motion to accept the SERC (which did not create any regulatory impact to the counties) as presented. Mr. Konuch seconded the motion which carried unanimously (10-0).
Mr. Jennings informed the Board that if the Governor vetoed the bill the language for the State Grant Program application and rule would not be valid and some language would need to be stricken. Mr. Jennings questioned what would be the desire of the Board.
Mr. Ford stated that the motion just made was based on the premise that the legislation would be adopted; if it is not, would the Board agree with instructing Counsel to move forward with rule development minus the elements strictly based on the new legislation.
Mr. Freeman agreed to form motion as stated by Mr. Ford. Mr. Nadler seconded the motion which carried unanimously (10-0).
Mr. Ford called for a motion of agreement that the SERC is not impacted by removing language that was in the rule based on the statutory language.
Ms. Dill-Collier moved. Mr. Konuch seconded the motion which carried unanimously (10-0).
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2014 Legislation Possible Impact & Action Presentation
Mr. Infinger provided a presentation to the Board related to the 2014 E911 Legislation and the possible impact and action for review and consideration.
Issue(s) discussed:
Utilization of Funds
Carry Forward Use
Annual Reporting
Meeting Recessed
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Thursday, May 15. 2014 beginning time 9:00 a.m. until conclusion of business
Meeting reconvened with staff acknowledging Board members in attendance for this meeting. Mr. Nadler was not available for this meeting due to other conflicts.
Public members attending this meeting and participating in the telephone conference that did not participate on Wednesday were requested to acknowledge their participation by signing the sign in sheet or by sending an email to staff to assure that they would be properly noted in the meeting minutes.
9.Intrado Text-to-911 Presentation (TXT29-1-1)
Presenter: Nichole Leonard
TeleCommunication Systems (TCS) Presentation
Presenter: Doug Kesser
10.Discuss Fee Allocation Percentages and the Emergency Communications Number E911 System Fund (E911 Trust Fund)
Mr. Ford questioned if anyone on the conference or in meeting that desired to discuss the fee
allocations percentages. There was no response.
Mr. Ford stated that with the understanding that there could be declining revenues forthcoming
that at this time no discussions were needed until more information was available.
Rural County 2014 Spring Program Application Review and Prioritization and vote on
grant award(s) – continued
Mr. Ford started discussions by informing the Board that letters for awards through Priority 3
had been submitted to the Department of Management Services, Financial Management Services
for processing.
Mr. Ford asked if any counties were on the telephone conference to discuss their grant needs
with the Board. Glades, Hardee and Levy counties responded as being on the telephone
Ms. Khazraee stated that it appeared that the system upgrades (priority 4a) were primary to
PSAP and questioned if delay in funding (until State Grant Program) would create issues for the
county. Glades, Hardee and Levy counties responded that they would be okay until the next
State Grant Program.
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Rural County 2014 Spring Program Application Review and Prioritization and vote on
grant award(s) – continued
Other issue(s) discussed:
Issues with County Commission approval to resubmit grant request (none)
Should Board have grant funding cut-off or continue trying to find funds from other sources
Increase in Rural County grant percentage allocations
Mr. Greer made a motion to not fund the 2014 Spring Rural County grants request below Priority 3. Ms. Mitchell seconded the motion which carried 8-0. Mr. Guthrie and Mr. Nadler were not available for this vote.
11.Discuss Rural County 2014 Fall Program
Mr. Infinger started these discussions with the review of work in progress information related to
methodology for a special disbursement for maintenance only.
The Board is of the consensus that the general move should be that the Board should continue
moving toward an allowance type program for maintenance and make the Rural County Grant
Program more for system replacement, next generation application and networks.
Mr. Ford stated that the Board would look to the counties for input from the county’s view as
how to best implement this program.
Other issue(s) discussed:
County Information
The Board reviewed annual report information for the rural count grant program related to the total 911 calls and wireless 911 calls reported per year, PSAPs and system types, number of call taking positions and the number of call takers, along with county population.
Utilization of Funds for Annual Audits
Mr. Ford informed the Board and county representatives that it was the interpretation of the Inspector General that the E911 funds could be utilized for required annual audits.
Mr. Ford stated that for the 2014 Fall Rural County grant program that the program not suddenly
stop providing maintenance. Mr. Infinger suggested that the Board wait until the prepaid
revenues start coming in which could be the Fall of 2015 before any changes are made to the
program. Ms. Khazraee agreed with Mr. Infinger’s suggestion.
Mr. Infinger informed the Board that related to the 2014 Fall Rural County grant program the
Board has two options at this time. (1) would be to leave the program as it is and (2) would be to
make the program the similar to the State grant program. This methodology would add in the
remotely hosted equipment and still have the Spring and Fall grant schedules.
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Discuss Rural County 2014 Fall Program (continued)
Other issue(s) discussed:
Updates to task and deliverables
Vendor quotes need to include all information
Certification of grant project completion
Rule Development for Spring 2015 Rule County Grant Program