Present: Cllr M Blake - Chairman Cllr D Jones
Cllr B Kay – Vice Chairman Cllr C Barlow
Cllr J Simms Cllr K Harrison
Clerk - Ms G Lack
12 residents were welcomed to the meeting and it was stated that the meeting was held in accordance with the Parish Council Standing Orders and Code of Conduct.
1. To consider apologies:
· Apologies were received from Cllr Sharples due to her mother’s 90th birthday party.
· Apologies were received from Cllr Greenall due to being away on holiday.
Cllr Jones proposed a Motion that the apologies and reasons for absence be accepted and Cllr Simms seconded the proposal. After a unanimous vote from the Parish Council IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried.
2. Declarations of interest: Cllrs Jones and Barlow declared a personal interest in the Village Hall. Cllr Jones declared a personal interest in In Bloom. Cllr Kay declared a personal interest in the allotments.
3. Public discussion:
· A resident complained that there seemed to be increasing intolerance of young people in the village and that there had been incidences of verbal abuse for no apparent reason. Cllr Blake stated that goal posts and a basketball net had been put up at the playing field for the younger residents and there should be no discrimination towards young people in the village. It was agreed that the resident would report any similar incidences to one of the Councillors so that the situation could be monitored.
· A resident asked about the status of the work on the bungalow on North Market Road and Cllr Blake stated that the work was being carried out by a private individual as and when he could. The question was raised as to whether Planning Consent should have been sought for some of the work that has been carried out and it was thought that this was probably not the case.
4. To receive a report from the County/Borough Councillors:
· Cllr Weymouth reported that the Shoreline Management Plan had indicated that the section of coast from Winterton to Newport would be classified as “managed retreat” which was good news since this was better than “no active intervention.
5. To receive a report from the PCSO:
· The PCSO was not present but Cllr Blake reported that there had been 6 crimes in the village: 2 thefts; 2 domestics and 2 criminal damage.
6. To agree the minutes of the previous meeting: Cllr Barlow proposed a Motion that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th March 2011 be confirmed as a true record of that meeting and this was seconded by Cllr Jones and unanimously agreed by Councillors. IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.
7. To report matters arising from the previous minutes:
· Cllr Blake reported that an email had been received from Mr Tony Tungate, the Winterton website host, who had previously received complaints about some of the comments in the guest book being deleted and he wished to have the Parish Council’s view on what should or should not be deleted. It was agreed that the Chairman and Vice Chairman would meet with Mr Tungate to discuss possible solutions and report back to the next meeting.
8. To consider planning Applications and review planning permissions:
Planning Applications: It was noted by Cllr Blake that comments for all of the planning applications were required on a date prior to this Parish Council meeting. Although extensions from the GYBC Planning Department had been requested they had been refused. The plans had therefore been circulated to all Parish Councillors for their comments prior to the Planning & Administration Committee meeting which was held on the 18th April 2011 and the following decision were taken and communicated to GYBC Planning Department on the 19th April 2011:
06/11/0155/F. Alterations and extension at rear to form kitchen/diner with mono-pitched roof. 2 May Cottages, Back Road. Cllr Blake reported that he had spoken to the next-door neighbour who had no objections. No objections were raised.
06/11/0157/F. Single storey extension to front, two-storey extension to rear, erection of garage and oil tank enclosure. 13 Council House, Somerton Road. It was noted that an objection had been raised for the following reasons: (i) the front would not be in character with the rest of the houses; (ii) the site would be overdeveloped; (iii) the front of the new extension would be very close to the footpath and (iv) there could be potential loss of light to neighbouring properties.
06/11/0159/F. Proposed single storey rear extension and two storey side extension. Amity, Old Chapel Road. No objections were raised.
06/11/0127/F. Proposed sub-division of garden and construction of semi-detached bungalows for holiday use. Sunny View, The Craft. It was noted that an objection had been raised for the following reasons: (i) overdevelopment of site. (ii) building in a back garden and (iii) sufficient holiday homes in village.
06/10/0774/F. Variation of Condition 2 of PP 06/06/0694/F. To allow construction of dormer/gables at rear of units 6,5,3,2, & 1. North Market Road (former Thermaglow Factory). It was noted that an objection had been raised for the reason that concerns about privacy to neighbouring properties had not been addressed. Cllr Blake noted that GYBC Planning Department had subsequently rejected this application at its meeting on 19th April.
9. Finance: To agree payments in accordance with the budget:
Cllr Jones proposed a Motion that the following payments be made in accordance with the budget. This was seconded by Cllr Kay and unanimously agreed by Councillors. IT WAS RESOLVED THAT the Motion be carried.
Date of Cheque / Cheque Number / Payable to / Details / Amount £31/03/2011 / 860 / BT / Telephone / 21.22
31/03/2011 / 861 / Village Hall / Hire of hall 2010/2011 / 186.00
31/03/2011 / 862 / Church / Hire of hall 2010/2011 / 72.00
31/03/2011 / 863 / GYBC / Newsletter and playing field rent / 95.00
31/03/2011 / 864 / Walton Associates / Repair Methodist clock / 325.00
31/03/2011 / 865 / D Carver / Grass cutting March 2011 / 48.00
31/03/2011 / 866 / D Carver / Expenses (diesel for lawnmower) / 15.50
31/03/2011 / 867 / Mrs P Carver / Litter picking March 2011 / 24.00
21/04/2011 / 868 / NALC / Annual membership / 214.40
21/04/2011 / 869 / Staples / Stationery / 11.98
21/04/2011 / 870 / G Lack / 50% Norton Subscription / 17.50
21/04/2011 / 871 / G Lack / Clerk salary / 496.18
21/04/2011 / 872 / HMRC / NI / 5.39
21/04/2011 / 873 / K Brown / Bus shelter cleaning / 40.00
21/04/2011 / 874 / P Lynham / Bus shelter cleaning / 40.00
21/04/2011 / 875 / M Blake / Chairman allowance / 180.00
31/03/2011 / 876 / A Dumpleton / Grass cutting March 2011 / 21.46
31/03/2011 / 877 / Macmillan Cancer / Donation / 50.00
31/03/2011 / 878 / Marie Curie / Donation / 50.00
31/03/2011 / 879 / Age UK / Donation / 50.00
21/04/2011 / 880 / Halls / Materials for repair of road on allotments / 74.40
Total / 2038.03
To receive a report and recommendations from the Finance Committee.
· In Cllr Sharples’ absence Cllr Barlow reported that most of the discussion had focussed on the year end figures.
· Cllr Blake had proposed that steel cladding be fixed to all 5 doors of the changing rooms due to continued vandalism. The cost would be around £420 – an exact figure could not be given due to the fluctuation in the price of steel. The committee had agreed to this expenditure. The Parish Council agreed to this work being carried out at an approximate cost of £420.
· Date of next meeting is 9th May 2011 at 7.30 p.m.
10. To receive a report on Coastal Erosion:
· Mr Terry Byrne was not present therefore no report was given.
11. To receive a report on the Village Hall:
· It was confirmed that Mr Terry Byrne had taken on the interim role of Chairman and Mr Harold Jones had agreed to stay on the committee.
12. To receive a report on the Parish Council surgery held last month: Nothing to report – no attendees.
13. To receive a report from the Planning & Administration Committee
· Planning Applications. Cllr Blake requested that if, in future, there was difficulty in getting an extension to the comments date, the Planning & Administration Committee should be given the authority to make decisions on the full Council’s behalf. This was unanimously agreed.
· Annual Report. Further small changes had been made and the Clerk would recirculate.
· Annual Parish Meeting. Letters had been sent to all club leaders and committees asking them for a report, which should be limited to 3 minutes.
14. To receive an update from the Councillors on their responsibilities:
Cllr Barlow : Parish Church.
· It was noted that (a) the litter bin had been installed outside the church and (b) a tree had fallen down outside the Church but had been dealt with very quickly by Highways.
Cllr Harrison: Environment
· The Norfolk Coast Partnership were looking for a representative from this area. Cllr Harrison noted that the Partnership also had a Sustainable Development Fund from which grants could be sought . However, any application had to benefit everyone in the village.
· Cllr Harrison requested permission that a letter or email be sent to Cllr Shrimplin to request that he write to Great Yarmouth BC suggesting the selective switching off of street lights in Yarmouth and Winterton. The Parish Council agreed that the Clerk would send the email.
· Natural England had now put up new signs on the dunes warning about the presence of adders and asking that dogs be kept on leads because of ground nesting birds. It was suggested that a reminder be put in the newsletter and this was agreed.
Cllr Jones : Elderly.
· It was noted that a lunch celebrating the Royal Wedding would be held at next Thursday’s Friendship Club.
· 12 householders had had chains fitted to their doors.
Cllr Simms : Highways. Nothing to report.
Cllr Sharples : School. Nothing to report.
Cllr Blake : Police/Playing field.
· It was noted that PCSO Adam Rowland had replaced Roger Bellward and that he would be responsible for all the coastal villages from Caister to Winterton. Cllr Blake noted that PCSO Rowland hoped to be able to attend Parish Council meetings on a quarterly basis.
· Cllr Blake also noted that he had attended the quarterly KIN meeting with the police at Caister last week. At each meeting three priorities for the upcoming quarter were set. For this particular quarter, antisocial behaviour and criminal damage would be a major priority and in this regard the playing field and village hall areas would be the main focus for the police over the next quarter in Winterton.
Cllr Kay : Newsletter.
· It was noted that a public meeting had been held by the Norfolk Rural Community Council to discuss the possibility of setting up an oil syndicate. About 30 people had attended and the general consensus was that it was a good idea and should go ahead. Further information would be included in May’s newsletter.
Cllr Greenall : Allotments.
· Cllr Blake, on Cllr Greenall’s behalf, reported that a complaint had been received about bonfires on the allotments and the allotment representative would be contacted about this.
· It was also noted that information had been received from DEFRA about chicken husbandry and this would be passed to allotment holders.
· Finally, the Council had been asked if the roadway on the allotments could be repaired, with the materials costing £74.40 – this money would come out of allotment holders’ annual subscriptions. The Council approved this expenditure and this payment is included in the list of cheques above.
15. Personnel Committee
Cllr Barlow reported that the following work had been achieved during the month:
· Financial Regulations had been circulated and would be signed off at May’s meeting.
· Notes on Budget composition had been distributed. Cllr Barlow asked that the reference to Children’s Playground be deleted as this was the responsibility of GYBC.
· A policy on Press & Media was in process and would be circulated and signed off at May’s meeting.
· The 6 month appraisal for the Clerk had been carried out.
· A Data Protection/Freedom of Information Policy is to be undertaken. The Clerk confirmed that she had received information from NALC regarding this.
· The following policies still needed to be reviewed:
- Disciplinary
- Grievance
- Health & Safety
- Training.
16. Community Emergency Plan
· Cllr Barlow reported that contact had been made with all existing residents who were on the list to assist in the case of an emergency and there had been a very low dropout rate.
· An appeal for more help would be contained in the next newsletter.