Request for Proposal
RFP No: NRHM/;[______
National Rural Health Mission Uttarakhand (NRHM)
Uttarakhand Health & Family Welfare Society,
Directorate Health & Family Welfare, Uttarakhand,
Vill. Danda Lakhond,Post Gujrada, Near IT Park,
SahashatraDhara Road, Dehradun- 248 001
Table of Content
1Tender Notice
2Specification for asha(female) apron
3SectionI – Invitation for Bid RFP
4Section II – Instructions to Vendors
6section IV – Detailed Scope of Work
8Section VI – Checklist for Documents
9Section VII – Financial Bid Format
11Section IX – Contract form
Office of National Rural Health Mission Uttarakhand (NRHM)
The Director General, Medical Health & F.W.,
Danda Lakhound, Shashrtadhara Road, P.O. Gujrada, Dehradun,Uttarakhand.
Bid Ref. No: SHSRC/2012-13/315 Dated: 16 January, 2013
Tender Notice
The bids are invited through tendering system from original manufacturer or their authorized supplier under 3 bid systems by National Rural Health Mission Uttarakhand (NRHM), Director General M.H.&F.W, Uttarakhand, Dehradun on behalf of Governor of Uttarakhand for procurement of following items under quantity contract for different Government Hospitals/ Indenting Officer’s of Uttarakhand. For more details and information, tender notice & tender documents are also available on for reference. The bid document and the Specifications can be obtained from the above site from 17th January, 2013 to 06thFebruary, 2013 (till 10.30 AM)
Tender no. / Name of Equipment /items / EMD ( in Rs) / Cost of tender document (in Rs ) / Validity of tender / Qty*1 / Asha Apron full sleeves / 70170.00 / 568-00 / 6 months / 11695
* Quantity may be increased or decreased
- Publishing of Tender Documents: 17 Jan 2013 at 9:00 am.
- Last Date of Submission of Bid: 06 Feb 2013 upto 10:30am
- Pre-bid Meeting: 23 Jan 2012 at 2:30 pm
- Opening of Technical Bid : 11th Feb 2013 at 11 :00a.m
- Opening of Financial Bid: 11th Feb 2013 at 4:00 pm
Note :
- Earnest money shall be in the form of Bank Guarantee/DD of any Nationalized Bank/ Scheduled bank in favour of Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission Uttarakhand (NRHM), Medical Health & FW, Danda Lakhaund, P.O. Gujrara, Sahashrtadhara Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand (to be valid for a period of 45 days beyond the original validity period of the bids)
- The NRHM shall not be responsible for any postal delays about non-receipt/non- delivery of the documents.
- In-complete documents are liable to be rejected.
- Offers without earnest money shall not be entertained.
Mission Director,
Specification for the Asha Apron Full sleeves
2.65 Inches
5.63 Inches 3.25 Inches
6.73 Inches
- Cloth-Poly Viscose (67% Polyester : 33% Viscose) plus _ 5 % Gaberdene
- Front Button-03
- NRHM Logo-one in the Breast Pocket ( embroidered )
- Pocket- 01 Breast Pocket & 02 Lower Pockets
- Colour- to be decided later
- Size-38, 40, 42 & 44 in the ratio 1:2:2:1
- Length- Mid thigh (30 inches)
8.Full Legth Sleeves
9.ASHA Logo at the Back Embroidered
SectionI – Invitation for Bid RFP
Sealed Tender in 2 Bid forms are invited from eligible and experienced agencies for Purchase of “ASHA’s Apron in the state of Uttarakhand.
Interested Parties/Agencies may get the tender document download from the
Interested parties may send their Requests in the prescribed Performa to:
Mission Director, NRHM, UKHFWS,
Office of – DG, MH & FW, Uttarakhand,
Vill. Danda Lakhond, Sahastra Dhara road,
Post: Gujrada, Dehradun (UK)
- Publishing of Tender Documents: 17Jan 2013.
- Last Date of Submission of Bid: 06Feb 2013upto 10:30am
- Pre-bid Meeting: 23Jan 2012 at 2:30 pm
- Opening of Technical Bid :06Feb 2013 at 11 :00am
- Opening of Financial Bid: 06Feb 2013 at 4:00 pm
- The NRHM shall not be responsible for any postal delays about non-receipt/ non-delivery ofthe documents.
- In-complete documents are liable to be rejected.
- Offers without earnest money shall not be entertained.
Mission Director,
2 Section II – Instructions to Vendors
3.1.1The whole Process will be divided into three parts. Pre-technical(Pre-Bid Meeting), Technicaland Financial Bids. RFPs for Purchase of “ASHA’s Apron in the State (2 copies) should be submitted in a sealed cover super-scribed by the words “RFP for Request for Proposal for Providing Professional Services in Purchase of “ASHA’s Apron in the State".
3.1.2Each and every page of RFPsubmitted and all documents in support of the RFP must be serially numbered, signed and stamped by the Vendor before submitting it.
3.1.3RFPs will be opened on the prescribed date and time.
3.1.4The cover thus prepared should also indicate clearly the name and address of the Vendor toenable the RFP to be returned unopened in case it is received “Late” or otherwise.
3.1.5The RFPs received late and declared late by the Departmental Evaluation committee after the last date and time for receipt of RFPs prescribed in the document may be rejected and/or returned unopened to the Vendor.
The Vendor shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, includingcost of Demo for the purposes of clarification of the bid, if so desired by the NRHM, Uttarakhand.NRHM, Uttarakhand will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of supply forASHA’s apron in the State
2.3The Vendor is expected to carefully examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications
in the RFP document. Failure to furnish all information required in the RFP document orsubmission of a RFP not substantially responsive to the RFP document in every respect will be at the
Solution Provider’s risk and may result in the rejection of the bid.
2.4 Turnover
1. Certified documents of gross sales average turnover of supplying equipment of last three financial year, certified by Charted Accountant should be Rupees 50 lakh for Office Furniture, small instruments generally used for apron’s, various kits, Lab and other equipments related to Medical lab, Medical Books and Medical Furniture like Hard Bed, Patient Shifting Trolleys, Fowler Bed, aprons etc.
2. The Uttarakand manufacturing units exempted from above terms & conditions but without compromising to the quality of the salt and equipment.
A prospective Vendor requiring any clarification of the RFP document may notify the NRHM, Uttarakhand inwriting at the NRHM, Uttarakhand mailing address.
3.1.6At any time upto the last date for receipt of bids, the NRHM, Uttarakhand, may, for anyreason, whether at his own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by aprospective Vendor, modify the RFP document by an amendment.
3.1.7The amendment will be notified through department’s website the prospective Vendor who have received the RFP documents and will be binding on them.
3.1.8In order to afford prospective Vendor reasonable time or otherwise for any otherreason, in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, theNRHM, Uttarakhand may, at their discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Bids.
The RFPs prepared by the Vendor and all correspondence and documents relating to the RFPsexchanged by the Vendor and the NRHM, Uttarakhand, shall be written in the English language, providedthat any printed literature furnished by the Vendor may be written in another language so long asaccompanied by an English translation in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, theEnglish translation shall govern.
The RFPs prepared by the Vendor shall comprise of following: (RFP to be submitted in sameorder with proper Indexing and page numbering)
RFP Proforma sheet duly filled-in, signed and complete in all respects. (Proforma -I).
Qualifying data duly filled in as per relevant Proforma provided in the RFP that the Vendor iseligible to RFP and is qualified to perform the contract, as and when required to do so (Proforma-II).
Basic Eligibility Criteria (attach proof for every point):
- The Bidder can be an Organization / Institute / Company / Corporation / Society / Trust / Firm registered / incorporated in India and should have been in existence for minimum of 4 years.
- The Bidder must furnish a copy of Memorandum of Associationwherever applicable or corresponding certificate(s) of registration to support its area ofdealing in supply, commissioning of apron related products and services.
- Consortium in any form will be allowed.
- The bidder with WHO : GMP Certification / CE Certification is preferred.
- Party having ISO 9000/SSI can quote
- Any bidder who has been barred by the Central / State Government, or any entity controlled by them, from participating in any project and the bar subsists as on the date of application, would not be eligible to submit a bid.
- Any bidder who has voluntarily or forcefully expelled, leaving the project incomplete / withdrawn from the project before the completion of project duration nor have had any contract terminated for breach by such Applicant would not be eligible to submit a bid.
- The bidder must submit documents regarding the profile of the company, address andcontacting person or office.
- The bidder should have a minimum annual turnover as per as point no 2.4.The copies of the audited balance sheet and P&L for the last three years shall be attached along with the bid and this is duly certified by a CA.Company should have made cash profits in each of the last 3 Financial Years.
- The Company should be registered with Sales Tax, Service tax, & Professional Tax where ever applicable. The certificates to this effect should be attached. The bidder should also attach the tax return copies for VAT / Service Tax uptoMarch 2012.“The bidder(s) who do not comply with this, the final decision shall be made by the tender committee.“
- Should have a ready & submit one sample at the time of technical bid or presentation.
3.2.1The NRHM, Uttarakhand reserves the right to carry out the capability assessment of the Vendor andthe MD NRHM’s decision shall be final in this regard.
Terms and Conditions for the “Purchase of “ASHA’s Apron”
3.2.2 The rate(s) quoted should be strictly for free delivery at FOR all district (13)of uttarakhand and will be valid and operative for supply orders issued within 60 Days from the date of invitation of tenders.
3.2.3The rate should be quoted in the prescribed form given by the department; the rate should be valid for the period of One Year from the date of tenderization.
3.2.4All/Taxes/Duties/Royalties Charges payable on the sales/transport etc.within and/or outside the state shall be payable by the supplier.
3.2.5Orders once placed should be delivered within the given time period and item should be door delivered.
3.2.6No extra charge for packing, forwarding and insurance etc. will be paid on the rates quoted.
3.2.7 The rates should be quoted only for the items specified in the list of requirement and should be for the items of given special make/manufacture.
3.2.8Rates quoted for items other than the required specification/make/manufacture will not be considered.
3.2.9Where specifications/make/manufacture is not specified by this office, the rates should be quoted only for the 1st class and standard quality only.
3.2.10The renderer should specify the name of the manufacturer and complete specification for the items quoted by him along with catalogue of the item to be submitted in the Technical Bid.
3.2.11The decision of the Tender Inviting Officer for acceptance/rejection of any articles supplied including the decision for equivalent specifications, standard and quality etc. of articles shall be final.
3.2.12The Renderer should enclose along with tender an amount of Rs 70170/- as Earnest Money Deposit for Apron in form of Bank Guarantee from any of the Commercial Banks . The EMD should not be forward by Cash. Tender received without Earnest Money Deposit will be summarily rejected.
3.2.13 (a) The successful tenderer will have to pay within 10 days from the date of demand, an amount equal to 10% of the total value of articles,which may be ordered, as the amount of security deposit.
3.2.14(b) Non receipt of Security Deposit within stipulated time will result in automatic cancellation of the order for supply without any intimation.
3.2.15(c) However in case if any articles are received for which the Security Deposit may not have been deposited, the full Security Deposit as may be due from the supplier will be recovered from the bill(s) for such articles.
3.2.16The amount of Earnest Money paid by the successful Tenderer(s) willbe adjusted against the amount of Security Deposit to be paid by the successful tenderer(s) as per condition No.1.1.13 above.
3.2.17The tender should be neatly typed or hand written only on letter head carries the name of supplier and the signature of the tenderer. No overwriting, correction or erasures will be considered.
3.2.18The amount of Earnest Money paid by the tenderer(s) whose tenders are not accepted will be refunded to them by cheque or Demand Draft as may be convenient to the Tender Inviting Officer if the amount is above Rs.200/-) drawn on any branch of State of India or its subsidiary Commercial Bank. Where this mode of payment is not possible the amount will be refunded at the cost of the tenderer.
3.2.19Only on satisfactory completion of the supply order for and on payment of all bills of the supplier, as to be admitted for payment, the amount of Security Deposit/Earnest Money will be refunded after expiry of guarantee/warranty period, if any, or any such date/period as may be mutually agreed upon.
3.2.20The tender inviting officer will consider extension of time for remitting the Security Deposit as demanded. However, in case of denial to consider such extension the supplier is bound to abide by the limit given and liable to make good for the loss made to the Government on account of his failure to abide by the time limit.
3.2.21(a) Railway Receipt or other transport document should be drawn in the favour of Officer Inviting tender.
3.2.22(b) Railway Receipt or other transport document should not be send by VPP or through any Bank as this being a Government Office it is not possible to clear cash demands of Post Office/Bank for delivery of RR or other transport documents unless we have agreed to it as special arrangement.
3.2.23The supplies, ASHA’s apron etc. of inferior quality standard or of different specifications, brand, manufacturer etc other than that ordered specified and/or incomplete or broken articles will not be accepted. The supplier has to replace the same at his own cost and risk. Intimation of non-acceptance of any materials etc will be sent to the supplier within 10 days from the date of receipt of the stores and the same will be returned to the supplier at his own cost and risk, if he so desires and intimates accordingly within 15 days from the date of dispatch of intimation of the non-acceptance. However, if no communication is received within 15 days from the date of communication the tender Inviting Officer will not be responsible for any damages, loss etc. of such rejected articles.
3.2.24In case of failure to replace the accepted and rejected articles from the supplies made, as mentioned in the conditions the loss undergone by the Government will be recovered from the suppliers Security Deposit/Earnest Money or payment due of any bill(s) to the extend required.
3.2.25In case of failure to supply the store, ASHA’s apron etc. ordered for,as per conditions and within the stipulated time, the name articles will be obtained from the tenderer who offered next higher rates or from any other sources, as may be decided by the limited tender inviting Officer and the loss to the Government on account of such purchases(s) shall be recovered from the former suppliers Security Deposit/Earnest Money or bills payable. The suppliers shall have no right to dispute with such procedure.
3.2.26Extension of time limit for supplies shall be considered by the Tender Inviting Officer. The extension so granted may be with levy of compensation for delay in execution of supply order up to 5% of the cost of supplies ordered for at the discretion of the authority competent to grant extension of time limit provided such request is made well in time, depending upon the circumstances and such decision in the matter will be final.
3.2.27Demurrage charges paid by the Tender Inviting Officer on account of delayed receipt of dispatch documents intimation will be recovered from the bills payable to the supplier.
3.2.28If at any time after the order for supply of ASHA’s apron the Tender Inviting Officer shall for any reason whatsoever not require the whole or part of the quantity thereof as specified in the order the Tender Inviting Officer shall give notice in writing of the fact to the supplier(s) who shall have to claim to any payment of compensation what so ever on account of any profit or advantage which the supplier(s) might have derived from the supply of articles in full, but which did not derive in consequence of the full quantity of articles not having been purchased, nor shall have any claim for compensation by reasons of any alterations having been made in the original instructions which shall invoice any curtailment of the supply originally contemplated.
3.2.29The Earnest Money(s)/Security Deposit(s) paid by the tender(s) earlier against any tender(s) or supply order(s) is/are not adjustable with Earnest Money or Security Deposit required by these conditions.
3.2.30All bills should be in TRIPLICATE and should invariably mention the number and date of supply order.
3.2.31All bills for amount above Rs.5000/- should be pre-receipted on a Revenue Stamp of proper value. Bills for amount exceeding Rs.5000/-not pre-receipted on Revenue Stamp of proper value will not be accepted for payment.
3.2.32 Each bill in which Sales Tax is charged must contain the following certificates on the body of the bill: “CERTIFIED” that the goods on which Sales Tax has been charged have not been exempted under the Central Sale Tax Act or the Rules made there under and the amount charged on account of Sales Tax on these goods is not more than what is payable under the provisions of relevant Act or Rules made there under”.
3.2.33 The Tenders shall be submitted in two-bid system, each of which is to be submitted in separate envelope. The first envelope should contain Technical Bid and super scribing on the envelope as “Sealed Cover No.1 - Purchase of “ASHA’s Apron”. The EMD and Tender Fees should be enclosed with TECHNICAL BID only. The second envelope should contain Financial Bid and super scribing on the envelope as “Sealed Cover No.2 - Financial Bid for “Purchase of “ASHA’s Apron”. Both these envelopes should be sealed in a bigger envelope and super scribing on the envelope as “Technical and Financial Bids for “ASHA’s Apron