Winter semester
/ Painting and Sculpture of AntiquityCode
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-001/00 /Teacher
/ Mgr. Katarína Chmelinová, PhD. Assist. Prof.ECTS credits
/ 4 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 1/WAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester (max. points 60, min. points 35)Content
/ History of Greek and Roman painting and sculpture, typology of antique monuments.-Introduction to the art and culture of the ancient world;
-Visual principles of the Archaic phase art;
-Classical phase – looking for ideal proportions;
-Hellenism – centers and workshops;
-Etruscan art;
-Roman art up to Constantin era;
-Differences between the art of ancient Greece and Roma – principles, ideas, function...
/ BOARDMAN, J. (ed.): Geschichte der antiken Kunst. München 1997.SCHEFOLD, K.: Die Griechen und Ihre Nachbarn. Propyläen Verlag Berlin 1990.
KRAUS, T.: Das Römische Weltreich. PropyläenVerlag Berlin 1990.
/ Architecture of AntiquityCode
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-002/00 /Teacher
/ doc. PhDr. Danica Bořutová, CSc., Assoc. Prof.ECTS credits
/ 4 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 1/WAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester, min 60% of pointsContent
/ History of Greek and Roman architecture, typology of particular architecture.-Beginning of architectural form;
-Ideas and Connections;
-Construction types;
-Sacral and profane architecture.
/ SCHEFOLD, K. (ed.): Griechen und ihre Nachbarn. Propyläen Kunstgeschichte. Frankfurt a/M. -Berlin 1990.KRAUS, T. (ed.): Das Römische Weltreich. Propyläen Kunstgeschichte. Frankfurt a/M. – Berlin, 1990.
MARTIN, R.: Greek Architecture. (Edícia History of World Architecture) Electa 2003 (1972,1988)
WARD-PERKINS, J. B.: Roman Architecture. (Edícia History of World Architecture) Electa2003 (1974, 1988)
PICARD, G.: Imperium Romanum. HirmerVerlagMníchov 1966.
WHEELER, M.: Roman Art and Architecture. Thames & Hudson 1991 (1964).
ONIANS, J.: Classical Art and the Cultures of Greece and Rome. Yale Univ. Press New Haven &London 1999
VITRUVIUS: Desetknih o architektuře. Praha 1999 (1953, 1971).
/ Painting and Sculpture of the 19th and 20th CenturiesCode
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-025/00 /Teacher
/ Mgr. Katarína Beňová, PhD., Assist. Prof.Mgr. Alexandra Kusá, PhD., Assist. Prof.ECTS credits
/ 4 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 3/WAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester, min 60% of pointsContent
/ History of painting and sculpture during the 19th and 20th centuries, typology, phenomena, tendencies, main artworks and personalities.-Classicism and romantic movement;
-Biedermeier, realism;
-Impressionism, postimpressionism;
-Secession, symbolism;
-Cubism, Avant-garde movements;
-Dada, futurism, abstract art etc.
/ HUYGHE, R. (ed.): Uměnínovédoby. Praha 1974.PIJOAN, J.: Dejinyumenia 9, 10, 11, 12. Bratislava 1986, 1999, 2002.
ZEITLER, R.: Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts. Berlin 1990.
LUCIE-SMITH, E.: Art andCivilisation. London - New York 1992.
LUCIE-SMITH, E.: Art Today. Súčasnésvetovéumenie. Praha 1996.
Art since 1900. Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. Ed. H. FOSTER - R. KRAUSS -
Y-A. BOIS - B.H.D. BUCHLOH. London 2004.
ROSENBLUM, Robert - JANSON, H.W. (ed.): 19th century art, London 1980
ESIENMANN, S. (ed.): Nineteenth century Art: A Critical History, London 2002
/ Architecture of the 19th and 20th CenturiesCode
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-026/00 /Teacher
/ doc. PhDr. Danica Bořutová, CSc., Assoc. Prof.ECTS credits
/ 4 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 3/WAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester, min 60% of pointsContent
/ History of architecture during the 19th and 20th centuries, typology, new types of architecture, materials and constructions, ideas and movements.-Classicism, historicism;
-Modern movements, functionalism, avant-gardes;
-New impulses, postmodern, contemporary architecture.
/ BENEVOLO, L.: Geschichte der Architektur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts 1, 2. München 1969 -1971.WATKIN, D.: A History of Western Architecture. London 1986 (kapitoly k 19. a 20. storočiu)
MIGNOT, C.: Architecture of the 19th century, TaschenVerlag 1994 (1. vyd. 1983)
FRODL, G. (Hrsg): 19. Jahrhundert. (Geschichte der bildenden Kunst in Österreich, Bd. 5).Prestel München – Berlin – London – New York 2002
MORAVÁNSZKY, Á, Die Architektur der Donaumonarchie. Bp 1988.
MORAVÁNSZKY, Á.: Die Erneuerung der Baukunst. Die Wege der Moderne inMitteleuropa 1900 1940. Wien 1989.
LEUTHÄUSER, G. - GÖSSEL, P.: Architecture in the 20th Century. Köln 1991.
FRAMPTON, K.: Modern Architecture. A Critical History. London 1997 (1980).
GHIRARDO, D.: Architecture after Modernism. London 1996.
FOLTYN, L.: Slovenskáarchitektúra a českáavantgarda. Bratislava SAS 1993.
DULLA – MORAVČÍKOVÁ :ArchitektúraSlovenska v 20. storočí. Bratislava Slovart 2002
STILLER, A. (ed.): ArchitekturSlowakei / Impulse und Reflexion. Wien, 2003
Summer semester
/ Painting and Sculpture of the 17th and 18th CenturiesCode
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-019/00 /Teacher
/ Mgr. Katarína Chmelinová, PhD.ECTS credits
/ 4 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 2/SAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester, min 60% of pointsContent
/ History of painting and sculpture of the 17th and 18th centuries, characteristic of baroque, rococo and classicism period, typology, art centers.-Beginning of baroque, Caravaggio, Carracci;
-New ideas, forms and themes;
-Academies of fine arts;
-Bernini and his influence;
-French artists in Roma;
-Rubens and Flemish painting;
-Dutch Golden Age painting
-Velasquez and Spain;
-Art and culture of the 18th century Europe;
-French rococo.
/ WITTKOWER, R.: Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600 - 1750. Harmondsworth 1969.WITTKOWER, R.: Studies in the Italian Baroque. London 1975.
HUBALA, E.: Die Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts. Propyläen Kunstgeschichte 9. Berlin 1990.
KELLER, H.: Die Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts. PropyläenKunstgeschichte 10. Berlin 1990.
SUTHERLAND HARRIS, A.: Seventeenth-Century Art and Architecture. London 2005.
/ Architecture of the 17th and 18th CenturiesCode
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-020/00 /Teacher
/ doc. PhDr. Danica Bořutová, CSc.ECTS credits
/ 4 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 2/SAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester, min 60% of pointsContent
/ History of architecture of the 17th and 18th centuries, typology, new tendencies, art centers of baroque and rococo.-Sacral and profane architecture;
-New types of cities, technical innovations;
-Italy, France, Middle Europe in 17th and 18th centuries;
-Spain and Britain;
-Main personalities.
/ WITTKOWER, R.: Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600 – 1750. Harmondsworth 1969.HUBALA, E.: Die Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts. Propyläen Kunstgeschichte. Frankfurt a/M. -Berlin 1990.
KELLER, H. (ed.): Die Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts. Propyläen Kunstgeschichte. Frankfurt a/M. –Berlin 1990.
TOMAN, R. (Hrsg.) : Barock und Rokoko, Feierabend Verlag, Berlin 2002.
NORBERG-SCHULZ, C.: BaroqueArchitecture. BelserElecta Milano 1971, 2003.
NORBERG-SCHULZ, C.: Architektur des Spätbarocks und Rokoko. Stuttgart 1975.
WITTKOWER, R.: Studies in the Italian Baroque. London 1975.
LORENZ, M. (ed): Geschichte der Bildenden Kunst in Österreich IV. Barock. München 1999.
WIEBENSON, D., SISA, J. (eds.): The Architecture of Historic Hungary. MIT Press Cambridge,Mass. – London 1998 (štúdieodautora G. Kelényiho, s. 89-99, resp. 101-143).
RUSINA, I. a kol.:BaroknaSlovensku. Bratislava 1988 (kapitoly o architektúreodautorov P.Fidler a J. Bencová).
/ Iconography of Medieval ArtCode
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-011/00 /Teacher
/ Mgr. Peter Buday, PhD.ECTS credits
/ 3 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 1/S; 2/SAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester, min 60% of pointsContent
/ Iconography As a method of art history. Medieval iconography transformation.-Iconography of Medieval Art;
-Medieval churches, portal sculpture;
-Basic iconographic types;
-Iconography of medieval architecture.
/ BANDMANN, G.: Mittelalterliche Architektur als Beduetungsträger. Berlin 1971.KAEMERLING, E. (ed.): Bildende Kunst als Zeichensystem, 1. Ikonographie und Ikonologie.Köln 1979.
OHLY, F.: Schriften zur mittealterlichen Bedeutungsforschung. Darmstadt 1977.
IconographyLexiconsbyAurenhammer, Künstle, Reau, Herder.
/ History of Applied Arts 2Code
/ FiF.KDVU/A-boDU-024/00 /Teacher
/ Mgr. Katarína Beňová, PhD.ECTS credits
/ 3 /Hours weekly
/ 2Prerequisites
/ - /Semester
/ 2/SAssessment
/ Test at the end of the semester, min 60% of pointsContent
/ History of applied art during the 15th up to the beginning of the 19th century.- Interiors of the 16th – 18th centuries;
- Ceramic and glass art;
- Furniture design;
- Jewelry and textile;
- Kunstkammer and main collections.
/ CIMBOUREK, F. a kol.:Dějinynábytkovéhoumění II, III. Brno 1948 (Praha 1996).KOLHAUSSEN, H.: Europäisches Kunsthandwerk II, III. Frankfurt a. M. 1960 - 1973.
SMOLÁKOVÁ, M.: Korunovačnéklenoty. Bratislava 2000.