Hereafter referred to by this name or by “the Club”

With Amendments approved at a GENERAL MEETING on March 15, 2006

Amendments approved May 12th, 2016 (Member AGM)


(a) The Club will remain open from 0900 hrs. until 1500 hrs. daily Monday through Friday.

(b) Exceptions: The Club will be closed on the following days; New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Annual Picnic, Annual Christmas Party,and Christmas Day

(c) The Club will be open for Emergency Radio Communications when required, up to and including a 24-hour day, 7-day week operation.


(a) All keys issued or returned must be processed through the Security Officer

(b) All new requests for keys must be approved by the President

(c) As soon as an individual or a committee no longer requires specific keys, these must be returned to the Security Officer. If such keys are not returned with thirty (30) days, the Security Officer has the authority to make a request for their return.

(d) Individuals or committees shall not pass keys to another individual or committee without the approval of the Security Officer.

(e) All keys issued on authority of the President must be signed for in the Security Officer’s record book.

(f) If any issued key is lost, destroyed or stolen, the Security Officer must be notified immediately.



(a) The Board in the exercise of Section 5.1 should be generally guided by the following criteria for membership:

(i) Be a certified Amateur Radio Operator.
(ii) The minimum age should be 55.
(iii) The proposed member should be retired.
(iv) It is recognized that under extenuating circumstances, some deviation in the minimum age may of necessity occur, but such deviation should be held to minimum.

(b) Application for membership will be voted on at Board or General Meetings.

(c) A member who becomes a Silent Key will have his/her name removed from the membership list.

(d) Deletion of membership will be voted on at Board or General Meetings.


(a) Membership to the Club may be terminated, for just cause, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

(b) All additions or deletions to the membership list must be entered in Board Meeting minutes. This is the only authority for these changes.


(a) Open building and clubroom doors at the beginning of the duty shift; secure all windows and doors at the end of the duty shift.

(b) Set-up #1 Radio Room for operation.

(c) Make coffee.

(d) Check the temperature of the rooms and adjust if necessary.

(e) Housekeeping— Vacuum all carpeted areas when required. Clean kitchen, washroom and stairs when necessary. Keep all club rooms clean and tidy. During the winter season keep the building entrance area clear of snow, and sanded when slippery.

(f) Duty Operators will be the goodwill ambassadors for the Club.

(g) Duty Operators will only accept monetary donations for the Club and secure in locked office desk and issue an ordinary receipt.

(h) Duty Operators will issue application forms for membership and accept completed membership applications.

(i) Duty Operators will be in charge of all equipment loan requests and record transactions in the ledger.

(j) Duty Operators will ensure that individuals who use or borrow equipment are qualified and knowledgeable in the use of said equipment.

(k) Duty Operators, along with the President and Vice President, will be the custodians of the lockups.

(l) Duty Operators will be the on-site security personnel for the Club, with authorization from the Executive.

(m) Duty Operators will record events relating to the shift activities in the Operations Bulletin Book.


(a) Seniors will be given priority on all courses offered. Members will be given first priority, then other seniors. If space is still available for a course, candidates will be accepted on a first-come basis.

(b) Students will be charged for all courses taught at the Club, including examination fees. There will be no charge to qualified members taking a course for review or as a refresher for a status already received.

(c) There will be a charge for code classes.

(d) Course personnel are responsible to buy their own books.

(e) Ordinary receipts will be issued to non-members taking courses.


(a) Duty Operators will obtain the following information from anyone requesting the Club’s assistance.

(i) The name of the agency or organization.
(ii) The name of the contact person(s).
(iii) Applicable phone numbers; and advise the originator that a member of the Executive will contact them as soon as possible.

(b) Duty Operators will immediately contact, starting at the top of the list and working down until one is reached:

(i) President
(ii) Vice President
(iii) Past President
(iv) Secretary
(v) Treasurer
1) Note 1. If the emergency is not a matter of life or death, final approval must come from the President / Vice President for Club committal.
2) Note 2. As certified radio operators acting on their own behalf, members of the Club are not restricted when replying to a request for assistance.

(c) The Emergency Co-ordinator is responsible under the parameters established by the President / Vice President to:

(i) Contact the requester concerning the requirements;
(ii) Develop a plan;
(iii) Arrange to have the Club opened.

(iv) Prepare duty schedules;

(v) Initiate staffing procedures.

(d) The President, Vice President and Emergency Co-ordinator should not become Duty Operators, but should be used strictly in a supervisory or advisory position. This allows them to see the whole picture, and make objective decisions in case of problems or an escalation in emergency requirements.

(e) Personnel should be appointed to work as Liaison Officers between the Club and:

(i) The Red Cross

(ii) The Manitoba Emergency Management Organization.

(iii) Amateur Radio Emergency Service

(iv) Other agencies or organizations, if approved.


(a) Committee heads are responsible to carry out their duties until the end of the year (Dec 31).

(b) Committee heads will prepare year-end reports, in writing, for the Annual Meeting. If there is further business during the year, they will revise their year-end report and present them to the President prior to the January Board Meeting.

(c) Committee heads will submit to the President, by January 10, a proposed itemized list of requirements and costs for the forthcoming year.

(d) The following committees shall be established each year

(i) Awards Committee

(ii) Housekeeping/Coffee Committee

(iii) Communications Committee

(iv) Equipment Donation evaluation Committee

(e) Committee heads shall be appointed by the President each fiscal year

(f) Additional committees may be establish or withdrawn from time to time at the discretion of the President

Section VIII. Officers

(a) The following officer positions should be appointed by the President each fiscal year

(i) Security Officer

(ii) Chief Duty Officer

(iii) Emergency Coordinator

(iv) Computer Officer

(v) Membership Officer

(vi) Education Officer

(vii) Office Manager

(b) Any member or Board member may be appointed to one or more positions as the President so desires.


(a) Board members should attempt to attend all Board Meetings. Members of the Board may be excused from a meeting for reasons beyond their control.

(b) Board members who miss four unexcused Board Meetings in their term will be asked to resign.

Section X. MINUTES

(a) All motions are to be recorded, in full, in the minutes (not attached to the minutes).

(b) Minutes should be signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the President.

(c) Signed copies of the minutes are to be distributed as follows:

(i) Original to be filed in the Minutes Book.

(ii) Second copy to be placed in the appropriate file folder in the locked file cabinet.

(iii) Third Copy to be placed in a binder in #2 Operating Room.

(iv) Fourth Copy to be posted on the bulletin board for a minimum of 30 days.

(v) Copies to be distributed to all board members.


(a) Motions may be presented at a Board of Directors, General, and/or the Annual Meeting.

Section XII. CLUB FILES (Computer and Paper)

(a) Only the following club members may access Club files:

(i) President,

(ii) Vice President,

(iii) Secretary,

(iv) Treasurer,

(v) Computer Officer (for maintenance and programming),

(vi) Membership Officer,

(vii) Education Officer,

(viii) Past President and Office Manager.

(b) Only information pertaining to Club affairs should be kept in the Club file cabinets and computer databases.


(a) For those members of the Winnipeg Senior Citizens Radio Club VE4WSC Inc. who have rendered significant service to the club’s well-being, a Certificate of Appreciation may be awarded by an Awards Committee appointed by the President. Two awards per year may be presented.


(a) No personal long distance telephone calls are to be made from the club.


(a) An “Equipment Loan Form” must be completed by any club member who borrows equipment from the Club. The loan of equipment shall be of a temporary nature and shall not exceed more than a month. No equipment that is part of acurrent operating station will be removed from that position.


(a) The Treasurer is responsible to carry out his/her duties until the end of his/her term (December 31); in addition he/she is responsible to:

(i) Close out the books for the year.

(ii) Prepare a statement for the year

(iii) Assist audit team, if required, in audit of books,

(iv) Prepare the income tax form for the year of their term of office.

(b) Any expenditure in excess of the petty cash accounts below and under $500.00 must be approved by the President.

(c) Impress Accounts (petty cash) are authorized for the following positions in the following amounts:

(i) Treasurer …………… ………$100.00

(ii) Housekeeping/coffee fund….. $ 50.00

(iii) Breakfast fund ……………… $ 60.00

(iv) Impress accounts will be closed out in December and re-issued the following year.

(d) Donations— Receipts for donations will be issued as follows:

(i) Club members will receive tax-deductible receipts for all donations.

(ii) Tax-deductible receipts will not be issued to any other charity, civic or government for grants or donations received.

(iii) Non-members will receive a tax-deductible receipt for donations, provided nothing is received by them as a condition of the donation (e.g. taking a course).


(a) The housekeeping / coffee committee may make purchases for normal operating expenses from their petty cash fund.

(b) Committee heads (except housekeeping) must have prior approval from the President / Vice President for expenditures up to $50.00. Members will be reimbursed by the treasurer on presentation of purchase receipts.

(c) All expenditures for any project / purchase exceeding $50.00 must be authorized by the Board of Directors.

(d) Motions for a project must contain detailed costs for all expenses concerning the project, e.g. antennas, guides, connectors, cable, etc.


(a) The Executive will present the proposed budget to the Board of Directors for discussion and approval at the January Board meeting.

(i) Note- A budget is an estimate (forecast) of the projected income and expenses for the year; a budget is approved in principle, but does not authorize any expenditure of funds. When required, a separate motion must be made to the Board for each project, discussed and voted on.

(b) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Expenditures that increase net assets and benefit future periods.

(c) REVENUE EXPENDITURES:Expenditures for regular operation and maintenance including ordinary repairs.

(d) All unexpended portions of capital spending authorized by the Board will be cancelled at the end of the year the Capital Expenditure was approved.

(e) Re-application for these as may be appropriate, and new applications are subject to the following guidelines:

(i) In writing (preferably typed).

(ii) Purpose and objective identified.

(iii) Include research cost estimate

(iv) Confirm with the Treasurer that funds are available.

(v) Specify target date for the completion and account settlement.

Winnipeg Senior Citizens Radio Club VE4WSC Inc.

598 St. Mary’s Road

Winnipeg, MB R2M 3L5

Phone: (204) 233-3122



Prepared by Gil Frederick, VE4AG – Secretary, WSCRC, June 6, 2006