Winegar’s Words of Wisdom – AP Biology


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Welcome to AP Biology! Please read through these guidelines and lovingly cherish and endorse them.


Semester Work (70% of Semester Grade)

  • Tests: 50%
  • Quizzes: 20%
  • Labs/Projects:20%
  • Homework:10%

90 – 100% A

80 – 89%B

70 – 79%C



Semester Exam (30% of Grade)

Grades will be updated frequently. Students and parents can check progress through the parent portal which is linked from the RHS website (

Basic Information

  1. Tests: You will be given ample notice about upcoming tests. You will take the test on the test date even if you were absent the class periods prior. If absent on test date, you must make up the test before the following class, or take the test during the following class. If the test is not taken by that time, you will be given an alternate version of the test. This is a college level course with the potential to earn college credit, no retakes are possible.
  1. Quizzes: These will be given for each section to check up on your understanding of the material. This is a college level course with the potential to earn college credit, no retakes are possible.
  1. Homework: Any homework assigned will be given in order to help your understanding of the material being covered. Failure to do your homework on time will not only affect you homework grade, but it will also impact your quiz scores and test scores.
  1. Labs:All formal write-upswill be turned into

OBSERVE PROPER LAB SAFETY. Your safety while in Mrs. Winegar’s care is the primary concern. You must sign and abide by the lab safety agreement to be allowed to work in the lab. Breach of lab safety guidelines will result in your removal from the lab environment and a possible zero for the assignment.

Stuff you’ll need:

Textbook – Pearson Campbell 9th edition

Notebook/Binder – be sure to keep ALL material until after your AP test

Calculator – definitely a good companion in Biology

Writing utensil, Grading utensil – colored pencils will also be helpful, but not required


It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up the work (notes, labs, homework) in a timely manner. All make-up work due dates are defined by the RHS policy, which gives you as many days as you were absent to turn in the work (refer to your handbook for details). As you know, we operate on the block schedule, so even missing one day (ESPECIALLY IN BIOLOGY!) can put you at a disadvantage. Seriously folks, don’t be absent.


Don’t be late. In addition to Rampart’s policy against tardiness, it’s just rude.


Be RESPECTFUL . . . of your fellow students, teacher, and classroom supplies

Be ON TIME . . . once again, it is disrespectful to Mrs. Winegar and your classmates

Be PREPARED . . . bring all the necessary materials and come ready to learn!

Be FOCUSED . . . your time in this classroom is for learning biology, not doing your math or English homework.

PARTICPATION is a must!

No Room for Cheating/Plagiarism:

Your personal integrity is one of your most important lifelong assets. Cheating on tests, quizzes, or projects will result in a ZEROfor that assignment for both the cheater and cheated. No grade is ever worth a compromise in your own personal integrity.