Wine, Beer, Liquor Store

  • What major initiatives are you planning for the next 12 months?

List any details:
  • Percentage of Sales
What percentage of your overall sales is made up from the following?
Product Category / % of Annual Sales
Party Supplies
  • How many locations do you have in this market?
  • What is your average sales transaction?
  • Please rate your peak sales months:
Month / % of Annual Sales / Month / % of Annual Sales
January / July
February / August
March / September
April / October
May / November
June / December
  • How do government regulations affect the company’s operations?
/ Customer
  • How would you describe your primary customer? Check all that apply.

  • Is there anything about your customer base that you would change, if you could?
  • If you drew a circle around your business, would you say most of your customers come from within?

  • Here are some top factors many people consider when choosing a sporting goods store. Use this scale to rate how important these elements of your store are to the customer.
Most Important / Very Important / Somewhat Important / Not So Important / Not Important
Selection of domestic & imported wines & beers
Party Supplies available
Cigars for sale
Tastings offered
Kegs Available
Local beer/wine section
Taps for rent
Delivery available for large event related orders
High-end products available
  • When people think of liquor, beer & wine stores in this market is your company the first one to come to mind?

  • Who would you consider to be your top competition in this market?
  • How does your store compete with other retailers?
  • What benefits would customers gain by going to you instead of them?
  • If you were to survey your competitor’s customers what do you think they would say about why they shop with your competitor?
/ Marketing Strategy
  • Ad spending is approximately 0.5% of retail sales- for beer, wine, & liquor stores (Corporation Source Book of Statistics of Income.; would you say your annual ad spending is higher or lower than that?

  • What days of week/times of day do you typically advertise?
  • What is your slogan or tag line?
  • Why do you advertise?

  • What percentage of the time do you think your advertising works?

  • What advertising medium that you’re currently using is the most effective?
  • Why?
  • What are the top three factors that determine your choice of advertising media?

  • How do state regulations affect the company’s marketing programs?
  • If you could change one thing about our working relationship, what would it be?
  • If I could make advertising accomplish one thing right now, what would that be?
  • Can this be quantified (put into numbers)?
  • When does this need to be accomplished by?
  • What obstacles must be overcome to accomplish this?