Windsor South Canadian Little League

All Star Policy

Dear Prospective Manager / South Canadian Member:

We thank you for your interest in being an all-star manager in the upcoming season. We hope managing an all-star team will be both a fulfilling and rewarding experience for you and the players.

Windsor South Canadian Little League (WSCLL) has an all-star policy of which we would like you to be aware. It is rather lengthy, but it is important that the policy booklet be read and adhered to in its entirety. Failure to do so may result in the disqualification from tournaments and the disbanding of your team. The policy booklet has been established to ensure that wherever you go with your team, whether it is a friendship tournament or out of town, you represent Windsor South Canadian Little League in the most positive way possible.

Windsor South Canadian Little League and W.S.C.L.L. are registered trademarks of Little League Canada. Any use or reproduction of said names is strictly prohibited without the expresses written permission of the Board of Directors of the Windsor South Canadian Little League.

All managers and coaches of all star teams are required to have a police clearance and volunteer application completed and accepted by WSCLL.

Manager Selection Process

Any manager or coach in the league may apply to manage an all-star team. To apply for a team, a manager must fill out the standard application form stating any information that would assist the Board of Directors in selecting a manager. This form must be returned to the All-Star Selection Committee by Apri 1. It is recommended that interested coaches also submit application forms.

The all-star committee (members selected by the Board of Directors) will review the information in the application forms. This committee may hold interviews with all of the interested candidates. This committee will then make recommendations for selection to the Board of Directors.

At the April Board of Directors meeting, the Board of Directors will either a) accept the recommendation of the all-star committee or b) reject the recommendation of the all-star committee. If the Board of Directors rejects the committee recommendation, a full disclosure of all candidates will occur, followed by a secret ballot of all Board members.

Coaches Selection Process

WSCLL requests that any managers or coaches who are interested to coach an all-star team, also apply to the Board of Directors.

Managers will be able to select his/her own coaches as long as they are registered with the league and have been coaching in the present year. Please be advised that a manager / coach may only be listed on one tournament eligibility affidavit, unless waived by the Board of Directors of WSCLL.

Managers will report their coaching staff to the All-Star Selection Committee before notifying the coaches of final approval. This should be completed before the final player selection. Coaches must also be approved by the WSCLL Board of Directors.

Player Selection Process

All players involved in the house league program must be invited to try out for the all star teams. A letter or flyer from the manager must be given to each player in the house league to inform them of tryout days and times. Directors are to be made aware of the tryouts and attend as many tryouts as possible.

Players must participate in a minimum of 60% of their house league games to be eligible to play on tournament teams.

Each team must have a minimum of two tryouts (although more are encouraged), and there must be at least five days between the first and last tryout.

No roster shall be submitted before June 15.

A letter should be sent home prior to the team being selected, outlining the expectations of the ‘A’ team and should be signed and returned at the next tryout.

The manager of the ‘A’ team is responsible to notify all of the players who attended the tryout to inform them whether or not they have made the all-star team. This notification is to occur in the same time frame

Tryouts are to last for no more than two and a half hours per tryout session.

Recommendations to Managers for Player Selection

Players should be selected based on playing abilities for the ‘A’ teams, regardless of the age of the players. ‘B’ teams are for instructional purposes, therefore, a minimum of 2/3 first year players must be on the ‘B’ teams, if this is possible.

Since ‘B’ teams are instructional in nature, ‘B’ teams are encouraged to take a full roster of 14 players, when possible. If enough players are available for two ‘B’ teams, then two teams should be sought. If two ‘B’ teams are created, they should be split along the lines of the ages of the players.

Selection for the positions required is to be made on playing ability and availability of players for the entire tournament schedule. It is advisable not to choose a better player over one of lesser ability if he/she is not available for the whole tournament season.

All players wishing to play all-stars must try out for the ‘A’ team in their division. Failure to make the ‘A’ team entitles the players to try out for the ‘B’ team in their respective divisions. If a manager chooses a player for the ‘A’ team, they cannot refuse selection and play on the ‘B’ team without approval of the manager or Board of Directors.

Managers must become aware of the tournament rules regarding the number of players required, pitching requirements and required innings of play.

Managers are to notify the division and league director of the players on the team before the team is notified.

As soon as the team has been selected, the manager must phone the names of players to the Player Agent. The player agent needs to complete the tournament affidavit (including birth certificates) for the district tournament meeting. District Five Little League will announce the date of this meeting. Please give the player agent a minimum of one week to prepare this affidavit.

All Star Fees / Deposits

Each child on a WSCLL all-star team must pay an all-star registration fee of $175 to offset the increase in costs of equipment and other league costs associated with tournament teams. Uniform costs will be added to this fee as setout by the Uniform Manager for each team.

For all teams that have the opportunity to advance to provincials, a second $100 cheque is to accompany the all-star fee. This cheque if for a travel deposit. for the provincial playoffs. If the team advances, the cheque will be cashed to offset the costs of the travelling teams. If the team does not win the district tournament, the cheque will be destroyed. Each team has the option of fundraising for the costs, so long as the fee paid is equal to $100 per player on the team.

In situations where WSCLL players participate on other league’s sll-star teams (ex. District 5 Team), the player will be required to pay the fees set out for that all-star program.

Dress Code

In accordance with the Little League Rule Book, league issue uniforms must be worn in their entirety. Personal issue uniforms (i.e. t-shirts, pants) may be used for practices only.

As a well-established and formidable league, we as WSCLL should be proud of our league history, performance and appearance. Not only does a well-dressed team appear confident and well co-ordinated, but also improves the attitude and personal effectiveness of all players involved. As the managers, coaches and umpires, we must set an example for the players by dressing appropriately and conducting ourselves properly on the field. All coaches and managers must dress neatly in the uniforms provided by the league for all tournaments and exhibition games. Managers and coaches must be dressed in similar fashion and colours (navy pants or shorts). Shorts may only be worn in non-district tournament games. Managers and coaches must keep their shirts tucked into their pants.

There is to be no smoking in the dugout or the dugout area.

Any tournament or exhibition game against teams from the United States or out of District Five Little League must have the approval of the District Administrator or be played out of uniform.

Mandatory Play

In minors, major, juniors and seniors in District tournaments and beyond, the mandatory playing rule as stated in the Little League rule book applies. Other tournaments have minimum playing rules for all players.

In t-ball, all players must play a minimum of two innings in the field and have two turns at bat (except when the mercy rule is in effect), for all District tournament games. Other tournaments have different rules concerning the number of innings played.

The manager should select his/her team based on these playing rules, keeping in mind that the philosophy of WSCLL is not only to be competitive, but is also to make the child’s participation a desirable experience. Team spirit and attitude are enhanced when all players feel they are an important part of the team. If a player has the ability to make the team, then he/she deserves the opportunity to play in as many games as possible.

During non-district, provincial, Canadian, World Series games, managers are strongly encouraged to play all players equally.

It is also recommended that the managers make every effort to advise the parents at the time of the team selection process of these rules, and to advise the parents during tournament time of the specific rules which may affect the decisions of player replacement (i.e. pitching requirements and substitution rules).

Only players registered with WSCLL will be allowed to participate on all-star teams in any tournament or exhibition games played by WSCLL teams.

Team Financial Assistance

WSCLL will aid all tournament teams in the costs of entering various tournaments by paying the “tournament entry fees” for up to a maximum of three tournaments. Should any team wish to enter additional tournaments, the team shall be responsible for the costs. The district, provincial, Canadian, World Series tournaments and the Windsor South Canadian tournament entry fees do not count towards one of tournament entry fees.

District Championship Teams

Teams that win district championships in minors, majors, juniors, or seniors will attend the Ontario Little League tournament. While these teams are away, they are to represent WSCLL and D5LL properly. The following are rules for teams that attend provincial, Canadian or World Series tournaments.

WSCLL has set aside funds in a travel fund to assist teams attending Provincial, Canadian and World Series tournaments.

For some tournaments, the hosting league or Little League Canada will pay for the cost of travelling.

For other tournaments, WSCLL may provide the team with some of the funds from the travel fund. The parents and team will be responsible for any costs over and above the amount the league gives to the team.

At no point will the travel fund be depleted.

WSCLL Friendship (All-Star) Tournaments

Windsor South Canadian Little League supports all-star teams in playing and helping to host friendship tournaments to provide continued training and instruction for all of our players. The friendship tournament is a requirement of the Windsor South Canadian Little League. The responsibility and burden of operating a friendship tournament must be equally shared by the Board of Directors and the parents on the teams in the tournament. The burden and responsibility of hosting a tournament must not fall on a few.


The following guidelines are to be followed by the League and teams involved when hosting a friendship tournament:

A meeting with the tournament committee and managers must be held two weeks prior to the start of the tournament. The tournament committee must set the volunteer schedule at this time with the parents of the teams involved

Friendship tournaments shall be predominately for teams involved with Little League Baseball. Non-Little League teams will be allowed, only when extra teams are needed.

District Five tournaments take precedence over any Friendship tournament and all equipment is to be given first consideration to the District tournament.

No WSC team will be made to pay an entry fee to enter a friendship tournament hosted by the league.

No practices or games will be held at the host diamonds the day prior to the beginning of the Friendship tournament.

Since our sponsors give us financial aid, use their services wherever possible.

Any violations of these or the following regulations may result in forfeiture or retention of entrance fees for future tournaments.

Specific Guidelines

Friendship tournaments will be run by the WSCLL Board of Directors with the aid of the parents, managers and coaches from the teams involved in the tournament.


The tournament committee will announce the dates of the friendship tournaments. The tournaments are the rookie bal tournament, the minor / major tournament, and the softball tournament. The dates of the tournament should be consistent with the previous years and not conflict with other league’s tournaments.