Ms. Dulka, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Crochetier, Mr. Giaccone, Mr. Malone, Ms. Perrier
Also Present: Ms. Maura Robie, Wetlands Agent
Ms. Dulka called the meeting to order at 7: 02 PM.
Approval of March 5, 2014 minutes:Ms. Dulka asked for a Motion to accept the March 5, 2014 minutes. A Motion to accept the March 5, 2014 minutes with an amendment to include Maura Robies March report was made by Mr. Courtney, seconded by Mr. Crochetier. Motion carried.
A Motion to add a new item to the Receive New Application portion of the Agenda dated April 2, 2014 was made by Mr. Courtney, seconded by Ms Perrier. Motion carried.
A Motion to add the Center Street Subdivision Project to the Receive New Application portion of the Agenda was made by Mr. Courtney, seconded by Mr. Crochetier. Motion carried.
Old Business
Washout / Flooding from Seymour Brook: See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent Report dated 4/2/2014
Dibble Hollow: No update
Fox Hollow: See Ms Robie's Wetland Agent Report dated4/2/2014.
3 Industrial Road: See Ms Robie's Wetland Agent Report dated 4/2/2014.
Suffield Street between #8 and 9 (Joe Bloch): See Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent Report dated 4/2/2014.
Ahlstrom: No update.
Woodbridge: No update
New Business:
- Receive New Applications:
Mildred Street Wetlands Restoration: Applicant Connecticut Water Company: This application was a requirement based on a violation letter sent to The Connecticut Water Company for cutting trees in a wetland area while attempting to access their fence for maintenance purposes. At the March 5, 2014 meeting, the restoration plan was presented to the Commission. Mr. Deane Gustafson, Wetland Scientist, All Points Technology Corporation came before the Commission with a request for a permit an application by the Connecticut Water Company to proceed with Restoration in accordance with Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 4/2/2014. Ms. Dulka asked the commission members if there were any questions. Mr. Giaccone asked about the number of trees that were to be removed, and whether they would all be replaced. Mr. Gustafson replied that some would be replaced with shrubs that would give the Connecticut Water Company access to maintain their fence. Mr. Giaccone asked if the Connecticut Water Company would agree to guarantee the proposed plantings for two (2) years rather than one (1) year as proposed, the Connecticut Water Company agreed to guarantee the proposed plantings for two (2) years. Ms Dulka asked if the Commission was ready to vote on the permit. Ms. Perrier made a Motion to accept the plan submitted to the Connecticut Water Company and issue a permit to complete the work, seconded by Mr. Courtney. Motion carried The Motion was opposed by Mr. Giaccone.
Center Street Subdivision: Applicant Angelo Daleo: Mr. Todd Clark from Aeschliman Land Surveyors came before the Commission with an application for a new town road serving three building sites. Mr. Clark presented a map of the area of the proposed road, he indicated distances from nearby wetlands. Mr. Clark indicated that the home on the one lot that had wetlands present would be moved closer to the road. Ms. Dulka asked when they are planning on submitting the new plan with the home closer to the road. He replied this would be after the subdivision approval. M.s Dulka then stated that the lot with the wetlands would require a Conservation Easement and must be put in the Deed for the property to ensure that the purchaser of the lot/home would be aware of the restrictions of the wetland area to provide proper protection of the wetlands. Ms. Dulka requested the opinion of the Commission on the requirement of a public hearing for this project. The Commission agreed that this application did not require a public hearing. Please see Ms. Robie's Wetland Agent's Report dated 4/2/2014 for the Building Department Comments.
Bills and Correspondence: None
Other Concerns: None
Adjournment: Mr. Courtney made a Motion to adjourn at 7:30 PM, seconded by Mr. Crochetier. Motion carried.
Respectfully, Pauline G. Taylor, Secretary.