Windsor Forest Association
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Windsor Forest Homeowners Association
Monday December 7, 2015
A meeting of Windsor Forest Association (“WFA”) was held at the WFA Clubhouse on Wyndham Way in Williamsburg, VA 23188 at 7:11 pm December 7, 2015 (“Meeting”).
The following Directors were present: Dean Whitehead, Drew Larson, Barbara Streb, Amber Spicer, Zuleika Hedricks, Jen Contrucci and Cindy Favret. A list of the homeowner attending the meeting is also attached.
Adult Social
Zuleika Hedrick will no longer be filling this role; appreciation was expressed for all her work over the years. A survey was distributed this evening to solicit ideas and opinions for future offerings. We are also in need of someone to step up and take over this position.
The renovation of the Clubhouse has been completed. Rental have improved and are primarily from the neighborhood. Rates were reviewed and determined to be very reasonable. Consideration is being given to raising rates to cover the cost of the recent improvements. Thanks goes to Tim Dube for help with the renovation. Kathy Spicer continues to manage the Clubhouse with excellent results.
Ken Butler keeps our grounds updated; lighting has been replaced with LEDs, replaced trash receptacles, tennis backboards, power washing completed, as well as usual maintenance. Concerns were expressed about street lights, advised to direct these to Dominion Power. Entrance lights are our responsibility. Longer term projects are safety around clubhouse, split rail fence around circle to limit access around field. Questions re: security cameras; encouraged to maintain visual surveillance and report to JCC Police and neighborhood watch.
More families with young children appear to be moving into the neighborhood which bodes well for the support of the pool and homeowners association. Barbara continues to welcome new families and provided the new neighborhood Directory this year, which was much appreciated.
Swim Team/Social
Heather Moore stepped up to assume a dual role and deserves a great thank you. Heather noted the value of the pool to the neighborhood and what an asset it is to the long-term value of our investments. She commented on the contribution of outside membership, as well. Successful year previous coach is not returning so will be looking for another pool coach and pool director. There are several potential individuals who appear to be very positive potential options. Looking for help with maintenance, even with relatively minor tasks to ease the burden. Swim team was also very successful and is growing. Potential staff also has connections at W&M so may be able to recruit there. Swim team is becoming financially sufficient but need help with bookkeeping so seeking help with support there, as well for volunteer assistance. Purchased a new cover blocks to improve appearance. Question about special membership for grandparents who have visiting grandchildren for a day or two? Discussion ensued regarding concerns about opportunities for one-time uses for visiting or minimal pool uses.
Amber Spicer explained new structure of Social Board position, schedule was distributed as well as survey. Ideas to combine social with something to increase activity level and fund raise. Solicited input from community.
Presidents Report
Dean thanks Hillary Stewart, for stepping up and taking over the newsletter, The Forester. Bill Sykes has helped us immensely with tax filings that we had to iron out. Thanks also to the “Dube Crew” (Tim Dube and Company) who we have leaned on for many years, along with David Rex who has helped us keep up the play equipment, Bob Spicer the Refuse Technician, Barbara Streb for the Directory, Andy Robinson the insurance guru, Kathy and Bob for the Clubhouse repairs and renovations, as well as the residents who donated extra funds for reserve funds.
Vice Presidents Report
Drew Larson noted that the Long-Term Planning Committee was formed to project expenses and plan out what we would need to exist into the future. Judy and Dean reworked the budget to cut expenses in the first place and saved an enormous amount. We also determined that we needed considerable reserves. The group determined recommendations how to achieve those goals:
· More non-resident members
· Create a distinct capital campaign each year. (e.g., replace the diving boards this year)
· Increase the participation level by face to face to 65%
This is in lieu of raising the rates of dues. Opened to questions/comments. Why don’t people join? We don’t know…we suspect because it is voluntary. Discussion ensued.
We are in the black. We saved by bringing services in-house. There was an explanation of the bookkeeping and treasury expenses over the course of the year re: the changes that we made in response to cost-saving efforts.
Election of Officers
The nominating committee has found that the current slate of officers will continue in their current positions so the slate will remain the same, with the exception of Social officers, per the motion made in the November meeting, combining the Adult and Child Social Committee members. The Board also voted to create two At-large positions. Josh Gemerek was nominated for one At-Large Member Position by Drew Larson, Seconded by Jack Carey. Moved and approved.
Old Business
Tim Dube replaced and reinforced pool fence.
New Business
Budget review. Questions re: costs related to bookkeeping.
Focusing on identified projected per year. This year e.g., diving board. Pool Diving Board snapped and must be brought up to code. Must cut out old diving board, estimates from company out of Richmond estimate 12K include aluminum dives, stands, bases, installation, removal of old stands. Impact of lack of diving boards on potential new members and comparable slides, etc. price-wise. Discussion re: obligation of Board to remove existing diving boards which are no longer functional.
Motion to approve the budget, seconded, approved.
Jack Carey noted appreciation
Motion to approve, seconded to adjourn at 9:10 p.m.