A meeting of the Board of Administration was called to order on November 16, 2013, at 10:16 a.m.

NOTICE OF MEETING was posted on November 12, 2013 4 days ahead of meeting.


The meeting was called to order by Ted Ferguson and roll was taken.

BOD members present: Ted Ferguson, Jim Clark, Jim Eubanks and Mike Madden

BOD members absent: Bob Gent, Dani Padovano. and Carol Felix

The approval of minutes from the October 19th meeting were skipped and passed to the next BOD meeting as Carol Felix, Secretary was absent from the meeting.


The financial report was skipped as Dani Padovano, Treasurer was absent from the meeting.


Seawall Repair

Ted Ferguson, President advised that the repairs and replacement of approximately 90 linear feet of seawall adjacent to Lots #105, #106 and #107 have been completed along with 83 linear feet at the boat ramp area. The replacement of the sea wall Cap (66 linear feet) behind the second bathhouse will be completed by Friday, December 20, 2013. Once completed, we will inspect and if Wilco needs to bring more fill in and seed the sod area they will come back after the 2nd of January. This will complete the work that was approved.

Lot Water Meters for Shut-Off

Ted Ferguson, President announced that the Water Meter Shut-off project is underway. Preliminary discussions and meetings were held to determine the best approach to this project without disrupting the entire park. Chris Wadsworth, Property Manager advised we would be doing a small test to quantify the length of time it will take to do this work so that we would be able to alert those residents impacted. However, everyone would be given at least 48 hour notice.

Lot 122 – Dock Repair

Due to the safety and liability issues in regards to the condition of the dock at Lot #122, the BOD made the decision during the October 19th BOD meeting that the dock must be immediately brought up to the standards required by the Association or be completely removed. Ted Ferguson, President reported that the owner has complied with the BOD decision and is currently removing the dock. It should be completed by the end of next week.

Possible Rule Change – For Sale/For Rent Signage

A discussion was held on the numerous For Sale and For Rent Signs located throughout the Windmill Village Property. Diane Tamiso and Gordon Barr surveyed the park and determined that 18% of the park was either For Sale or For Rent. Diane presented an idea put forth by Gordon Barr on placing a sign at the front entrance to the park directing anyone interested in Renting/Buying to look at a website that he would make available for posting this information on at no charge to WMV. Since a number of alternatives ideas were brought up, Ted Ferguson suggested a committee be put in place to explore what would be the best solution to this rule change.


Effort to Clean Up the Park

A discussion was held on areas of the park that still need to be cleaned up, in particularly a certain area along the waterway. In addition, Bob Straley provided information on the number of In-ground Trash Cans throughout the park that have no can and the hole is full of trash which is not being picked up by the trash company. Management was directed to send out a letter to all owners on the list instructing them to clean out their garbage from the hole. It was pointed out that these cans/lids used to be available at Nettles Island however they only sell to their residents now. Jim Clark advised he could get them from Nettles however; he would want the payment up front. In addition, owners have filled in their in-ground cans. Ted Ferguson, President advised he would look into it.

Life Church Possible Rate Change

Ted Ferguson, President advised that Life Church was asking for a rate change from $700 to $250 a month for use of the Clubhouse facilities on Sunday morning. The church cited loss of several of big donors as the reason. Life Church was advised that a rate change to $250 was unacceptable and they countered with $400 a month. A motion to charge $500 a month for two months only with a drop dead date to go back to $700 effective February 1, 2014 was made by Ted Ferguson, President and seconded by Jim Clark. This decision was made to help the church out but not set a precedent for future business coming into the Clubhouse.

Poller – Lot #162

Ted Ferguson, President announced a claim was settled with the owner of Lot #162. As part of the settlement, no details of the claim can be disclosed.

Condo 1 Manager’s Report

-  Violation Records sent to Board

-  Resale Report on activity in Park

-  Garbage Cans (previously discussed)

-  Letter from Gordon Barr – Lot #9 regarding Lot #122

-  Update to Owner Insurance Coverage on all docks and lifts – board approved letter pending

-  Forwarded three Landscape bids to Board – Sunshine Land Design, Valley Crest & Nature Grounds. All are good companies with experience doing this type of community. It should be pointed out that the Landscape Company will not do the extension of the back lots on the right side. This has always been the responsibility of the owner and they need to make their own arrangement.

Rec Center Manager’s Report

Diane Tamiso, Clubhouse Manager reported that she just completed three weddings in a row at the clubhouse. She stated that she booked 2 from the website and is receiving at least 5 inquiries a week.

In addition, she reported that she sent a letter to the board regarding the Cleaning Fee for Owner Rentals at the Clubhouse. (See notes below)

Cleaning Fee for Owner Rentals of the Clubhouse

Diane Tamiso, Condo Manager proposed a change to the fees charged to WMV owners for use of the Clubhouse facilities. Diane recommended that on large parties (i.e. weddings, etc.) the WMV owner should only be charged $200 for cleanup, not including $250 security deposit. This opened up several questions on size of party, etc. Mike Madden proposed that Diane put together a rate chart outlining the specific cost to the owner depending on the type/size of event planned and present at a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes approved 1/18/14

By Ted Ferguson

Seconded by Jim Eubanks