Windham PTA Meeting Minutes
August 2, 2005
The meeting was called to order with the following people attending: Pam Clinch, Elaine Herzig, Laurie Noble, Diana Skvorak, Kelly Kellogg, and Lori Witherow.
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Approved
Officer Transitions: Laurie will update treasurer’s information. She will get this information to Holly in the next 2 weeks so that Holly can complete an audit. Laurie will put all budget reports from previous years on a disk for Elaine. She will also give Elaine the software used and the checkbook disk to complete the Treasurer position transition.
PTA By-Laws Update: The PTA reviewed a questionnaire regarding the Windham PTA By-laws. Laurie will send the information back to Jeff Pierce for review by the State By-Law Committee. They will recommend any changes needed. By-laws are reviewed every 3 years.
2005-06 Planning: Grant applications and Membership letters will be put together on August 25that 6:00pm, at the PTA office.
Laurie will get new letterhead with the National PTA logo.
Diana will contact Primary school for Kindergarten count. She will have bracelets in school 1 week before school starts.
Joanne Shardier from the Good Shepard Food Bank will attend the September meeting to speak about their program. She will have a short DVD presentation and promotional materials.
Holly will contact Matt Cyr regarding the DARE parent workshop. The PTA will try to schedule the workshop for the 3rd or 4th week in October.
The PTA will explore nutrition in the schools. Lori will contact Sharon Dixon to request her attendance at a future meeting to describe how the food program works.
PTA Website: Elaine will contact Bob Asselin to get an update on the website.
Reflections: Laurie will email membership to seek a person to coordinate this year’s program. Beth Quaite will continue if no other person is willing at this time.
Misc. Updates:
Gail Clark contacted Laurie regarding the start of the Windham Education Foundation. Other towns such as Cumberland, N. Yarmouth, Falmouth, and Cape Elizabeth have these foundations in place. Lori will attend a meeting on Aug. 16th regarding this.
Elaine will put together information regarding the “Three for ME” program. She will share this with the school principals for feedback.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Witherow