Minutes of a meeting of Maiden Bradley Parish Council held on

Tuesday 14th April 2009 in

Maiden Bradley Village Hall at 7.30pm

08/429 Present: Councillors, Stefan Piwowarski, Angus Neish, John Priestner, Patrick Nixon, Pamela Thomlinson, Gerry Rayner, PCSO Caroline Wright, Land Agent Ben Dukes , Anne Sercombe, Tony Taylor Chairman Mere & District Link Scheme and Mr Derek Stevens .

Chairman: Councillor Stefan Piwowarski

08/430 Public Question time

Caroline Wright PCSO addressed Council on the new Warminster Policing team that has now taken over from Mere due to the Boundary Change.

Ben Dukes the Land Agent for the Duke of Somerset addressed Council on the issues the Parish were experiencing from Bradley House Events ltd. Ben Dukes informed Council that he is willing to offer a guided tour around the House for the issues discussed to be viewed. The Clerk was instructed to pass on contact details for anyone wishing to make a visit to Ben.

Mr Derek Stevens spoke to Council regarding the sewer pipes in Church Street, the Chairman informed Mr Stevens that Wessex Water were having a site visit with him in the morning regarding this issue. Further discussions took place on the drains and the Clerk was instructed to Contact the Parish Steward and arrange an appointment with Mr Derek Stevens and Councillor John Priestner regarding a site visit to the drains in Frome Road and the entrance to laurel Farm.

08/ 431 Welcome and Introductions

Chairman Stefan Piwowarski welcomed everyone to the meeting.

08/432 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Angus Neish declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of item number 33 A.

08/433 Apologies for Absence

No apologies were received

08/434 Minutes of the Parish Meeting 10th March 2009.

Council noted the minutes of the Parish Meeting held 10th March 2009.

08/435 Minutes of the Parish Meeting held on the 10th March 2009.

Council agreed and adopted the Minutes of the Meeting on 10th March 2009.

08/436 County Councillor Bridget Wayman’s Report to Council

County Councillor Bridget Wayman was not present to address Council

08/437 Clerks Report

Council noted that the Clerk has watched the DVD received from the Information Commissioners Office and noted its contents.

08/438 O2 Community Grant

The Chairman updated Council on the position of the project.

08/439 08/303 R2

The Chairman updated Council on the progress of this project.

08/440 Recreational Path

Council discussed the quotations received. Council resolved the Quotation from Mr H John Allard for £320.00 for the creation of a Footpath to the play area. Council instructed the Clerk to inform Mr Allard that his quotation had been approved and for the Clerk to arrange for the work to be actioned.

08/441 Trees on the Knapp and Recreational Area Lease

The Chairman Councillor Stefan Piwowarski and Vice Chairman Councillor John Priestner updated Council on their meeting with Ben Jukes, Duke of Somerset’s Land Agent. Several issues were discussed following the discussions Council resolved an increase in the pepper corn rent from 15p to 50p per year and that the rent would be paid every 5 years in advance £2.50.

That the Estate had agreed in principal to write a letter of intent agreeing to a 25 year lease for the recreational area the Clerk was instructed to write to the Estate to confirm this.

It was also resolved that due to Health and Safety, Mr Thomlinson would action catching the Moles on the Recreational field at a cost of £10.00 per Mole caught.

08/442 Annual Party on the Recreational Ground 10th, 11th 12th July 2009.

Council noted Mrs Pilbrow comment that the above event will no longer happen within the parish.

08/443 Parish Steward

Council noted the Parish Stewards workmanship on the 16th March 2009 where he

Checked and cleared grips and gullies through village

Cleaned and straightened signs

Repaired potholes

Cleared debris

The Clerk was instructed to contact the Highways Manger to arrange a meeting between the Parish Steward, Councillor John Priestner and Mr Derek Stevens to review the drains and the clearing of them.

The Clerk was instructed to obtain a copy of a map of the drains in the parish.

To ask if a slow tractor sign could be placed on the narrow roads sign in the parish to warn people of tractors coming out of Church Lane.

The rubbish at Rag wood was discussed, the Clerk instructed to write to the Estate informing them that as the wire fence had been removed when the trees were felled in the area, this situation has arisen and could the fencing be replaced.

08/444 NFU Mutual Signage

Chairman Stefan Piwowarski addressed Council on the signage. The Clerk was instructed to obtain a design of the village name signage that is missing from this area and to confirm if its replacement is to go on the 30 mile hour signage entering the parish.

08/445 Affordable Housing

Chairman informed Council that there had been no updates from the Estate reported to Gill Shell as yet.

08/446 08/302 Kingston lane

Council heard a report back from Councillor John Priestner regarding his meeting with Mr David Button. The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr David Button’s replacement asking for a progress report on Kingston lane.

08/447 Weight limit

Chairman Stefan Piwowarski updated Council on the Consultation. Several letters were read out supporting the weight limits implementation.

08/448 Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011 – Consultation issues Paper

Council agreed to circulate the documentation between them and return it to the Clerk who would collate the replies and send it to County.

08/449 Councillor Vacancy

Council discussed the vacancy and Councillors were asked to encourage applicants. Council agreed to return to this item at the next Agenda.

08/450 08/317 Update Risk Assessment PAT Testing

Council noted that the Clerk had actioned the PAT test and that a copy of the Certificate was now filed in the Parish Documentation. They noted that Suzy Pilbrow was updating the Clerks Risk Assessment and had interviewed the Clerk for her updated appraisal. The Clerk informed Council that the printer she used had failed and that it had leaked ink and was now unusable. Suzy Pilbrow had informed the Clerk that a wireless printer would be the most suitable replacement as the Clerk had to lift the printer out from under the stairs every time she needed to print, a wireless one would elevate this Health and Safety issue highlighted in the Risk Assessment. Council resolved that the Clerk could purchase a wireless printer for the Parish Council. The Clerk was instructed to add this to the Risk Assessment for 2009 to the next Agenda for completion.

08/451 Warminster Police Department – PCOS Ian Owen

Council noted that Ian Owen the PCSO for the Maiden Bradley area had visited the Clerk and given her a list of contact details for the relevant departments covering the area. The Clerk had actioned a list of farms and the contact details for them so the setting up a farm watch within the area could be actioned. The Clerk was instructed to contact the PCSO and inform him of the Parking issues at Shearwater over the Easter break.

08/452 Wessex Water

The Chairman informed Council that there was a site visit with Wessex Water the next day.

08/453 Boundary Review- Final Implementation

Council noted that the Boundary Commission had given its final recommendations and the recommendation to move Maiden Bradley with Yarnfield Electoral Boundary had gone ahead.

08/454 Area Board Meeting

Council noted the Clerks reply

08/455 Grant Applications

Council discussed the Grant Application received from the Parochial Church, Maiden Bradley for a grant towards the upkeep of the church yard. It was resolved that £100.00 be granted towards the cost of maintaining the Church Yard.

08/456 Recycling Bins

Council discussed the Chairman’s report on discussions with Ben Dukes regarding the removal of the recycling bins at the lorry park they agreed that as the parishioners all had recycling bins at home there was no longer a need for the provision of a recycling centre at the Lorry Park and as this area seemed to attract rubbish the Clerk was instructed to contact the County Council regarding the process for their removal so the area could be cleaned up.

08/457 Commission for Rural Communities e-News
Councillors informed the Clerk that they would like her to receive the emails read them and disseminate any relevant information out to them as and when necessary.

08/458 George Jeans

Council noted the letter received by the Clerk from Salisbury District and Mere Parish Councillor George Jeans. Council instructed the Clerk to write thanking him for his support.

08/459 Age Concern

Council noted the letter received from Age Concern Wiltshire, Age – No Barrier.

08/460 Wiltshire Grit Bins

Council noted the reply from Dr Murrison to Councilor Stefan Piwowarski letter.

08/461 Planning Inspectorate Appeal Reference APP/Q1770/A/06/2014823/NWF Downton Manor Farm, Milford on Sea, Hampshire

Council instructed the Clerk to write to The Planning Inspectorate quoting Appeal Reference APP/Q1770/A/06/2014823/NWF. The appeal by New Milton Sand and Ballast for the Site at Downton Manor Farm, Milford on Sea, Hampshire and confirm that the transportation of stone from the Mendips to the south coast by road is causing damage and disturbance to the village and, where local mineral solutions are available, as at Downton Manor Farm, making long distance transportation unnecessary and unsustainable, those alternative local sources of minerals should be used in preference.

08/462 Planning

Council commented on the applications below:

A)  Proposal: Full Planning Construction of Hard Surfaces Tennis Court and Associated Fencing

Location: Rodmead Farm Rodmead, Maiden Bradley, Warminster

Council resolved that there were no objections or comments raised on this application.

B)  Proposal: Full Planning Increase Roof Height to minor area of Roof to extension approved in application S/2008/26

Location: Highlands, Maiden Bradley, Warminster

Council resolved that there were no objections or comments raised on this application as the alteration was minimal

C) Proposal: Full Planning proposed Single Story Extension to form Study

Location: Reddings High Street Maiden Bradley Warminster.

Council resolved that there were no objections and that the materials used were in keeping with the rest of the property.

08/463 Audit - Internal Auditor

Council resolved the approval of the use of Mr David Hines as the Internal Auditor for the year 2008/2009 and appointment of Mr David Hines to action the Internal Audit as a goodwill gesture.

08/464 Internal Audit

Council checked and resolved to sign the accounts for the month of March 2009.

Council discussed and actioned the Internal Audit review. Council approved and resolved the draft Accounts for the Internal Audit for 2008/2009.

08/465 CILCA

The Clerk reported to Council that she had passed her Certificate in Local Council Administration. Council resolved that as the Clerk had now passed the CILCA and her contract did state that she would increase a scale point on passing. The Clerk is instructed to increase her scale point to 18 and alter the Standing order for her wages accordingly.

Council also resolved that the Clerk could apply for membership of the Institute of Local Council Managers in July of this year when her 5 years of service were completed and would fund the membership fee as agreed in minute number 08/167

Clerks Wages/Appraisal and Training – Council resolved to agree to the Clerks application to the Institute of Local Council Managers on the 22nd July 2008 providing that the Clerk had passed her certificate in Local Council Administration.

08/466 Power of Well Being

Council resolved to undertake the requirements of the Power of Well being. The Clerk was instructed to speak to the County Training provider regarding the training for the power.

08/467 Quality Status requirements

The Chairman addressed Council informing them that he had gone through the requirements for Quality Status with the Clerk. Council agreed that the Clerk could action the photocopying requirements to fill the Quality Status Binder and resolved the purchase of paper and ink for the extra printing.

08/468 Accounts for Payment

Council approved the payment of the list below:

Sarah Jeffries April’s Wages £292.20

S Jeffries (Postage) £ 2.34

Stationary Plus £ 47.67

Village Shop £ 80.00

Village Hall £250.00

Mere Link Scheme £ 50.00

K. M. Dike 1st Jan – 31st March 2009 (final invoice) £385.02

S Jeffries Monthly Allowance for heating, lighting, wear and tear £ 13.00

(Resolution 08/213 22nd July 2008)

Meetings for members of the Parish Council to Attend

08/469 Warminster and Villages Community Partnership

Councillor John Priestner informed council that he would look into attending.

08/470 Correspondence

Council noted the correspondence below:

Health Services in Wiltshire- Pointing People in the right direction

If I was Prime Minister I would change

Little Thorpe of Leicester ltd Bus Shelters

The Hart Spring News Letter

Vision ICT Ltd

Intouch with Communities

3M Driver Feedback Sign DFS 700

Andrew Murrison Westminster Report

AONB Our outstanding Natural Playground

AONB Our Outstanding Local Enterprises

Queensbury Shelters for your Community

Salisbury City Council Your Guide to Salisbury City Council

Parish and Town Councils - Ways to tackle Climate Change

Wiltshire Collage Adult learning - Part time courses

08/471Items for the next Agenda

Annual Parish Council Meeting

Internal Audit

Parish Steward walkabout

08/472 Date of the next meeting

The Council noted that the 14th May 2009 is the date of the next meeting.

The meeting finished at 9.08pm

Members of Council considered the following matters in the exercise of their duties: Equal opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.

Sarah Jeffries Parish Clerk