(submitted by Heather Edelstein)

IN ATTENDENCE: Marion Alberico, Al Guevara, Lisa Haswell, Laurie Liddy, Bridget Swift, Stella P. Khoury, Robin Cino, Joyce Carboneeau, Angela Duclos, Margaret Crisler, Beth Lippold, Michelle Leclair, Alice DePrima, Judy Wilson, John Carpenter, JoMarie Curtis, Heather Edelstein

·  Introduction of board members to new attendees

·  Minutes approved from August. Minutes will now be posted to the website

·  Al Guevara introduced as new coordinator of concession supplies

·  Reminder for members to keep track and report volunteer hours. A sheet was passed around for recording of summer hours.


·  Teams picture dates to be announced soon

·  Friday night under the lights went extremely well. Weather better than anticipated, sold out of all concessions, made approx $1,000. Waiting on 25% return from GK pushcart. Feedback heard that they would like to see more Friday night games. Worked out contract with Kendall Pond pizza for $6 per pizza delivered in set of 5.

·  Joyce stated that there is approx. $28,300 in the checking account.

·  Membership-last year 214 members, 84 members to date this year. Can register/join on-line. There are still a few glitches, will be looked into. Membership runs July1-June 30

·  NABCA-they are reviewing our by-laws. Will provide extra insurance


·  Golf tournament: 14 teams, sponsorship huge, net $10,215.00 Windham Country Club was a big help. Looking at end of June next year. Auction in a box worked out well. Al Guevara has a contact for next year.

·  Rockingham Mall drive-in movie nights: Laurie, Stella & Bridget coordinated. $1,500 profit plus $170 from GK Pushcart (4 nights) Student athletes worked out well. Over 500 volunteer hours were contributed. Approx 2,00 people attended over the month.


·  Jagwear coordinator-Bridget. Spirit packs will hopefully be in by homecoming. School store will be open on Wednesdays 11-1, volunteers needed. If interested e-mail Bridgett

·  Team liaison role is changing. One person for all teams. Robin Cino will be coordinator. She will try to use the system in place for book fairs. Don’t make it mandatory that parents volunteer but e-mail request and allow them to sign up on their own.

·  Decided recently that volunteer coordinators are needed. Robin will act in this role for now.

·  Website-need a website coordinator. Not all coaches are posting on the website. Should coaches have team parents or manager make inputs to website?

·  Thanksgiving day game will be in Pelham

·  Court Jesters-voted & unanimously approved on bringing them back on November 19th baring any conflicting events.

·  College recruiter will be speaking on November 3rd, 7:30 WHS auditorium

·  A master calendar of Booster events will be constructed. Would also like to get the presidents of other groups in town to construct one master calendar of events. Kathy Davis has the list of groups, contact names & phone numbers

·  Comedy night possible for Feb or March

·  Homecoming-Lisa Haswell, Sept. 18th Lots of sports planned, halftime show, mascot, community events, bonfire. Students are trying to own pieces of it. Donation secured for DJ & sound system. Windham Musical Arts Assoc. is donating & selling glow sticks to give money back to the classes. Voted & unanimously approved a $250 donation to the homecoming committee.

·  Suggested that Jinx be at every game. Would be a time issue. Only have two volunteers right now. Tryouts not for a while. Really want to push for fans at all the homecoming games Friday & Sat. Email blasts will go out.

·  There are four more home football games. Concessions will be open. Robin to coordinate volunteers.

·  Scholarship committee-new members to committee, Margaret Crisler & Heather Edelstein.

·  Sports recognition/banquet November 9th, 5:30 pm. Suggested for banquet that a slide show presentation be running in the café during the ice cream social. Marian will be coordinating the fall banquet. Ideas were discussed for an end of the year BBQ event. Getting to be too big for current type of banquet. Suggested that money would be better spent on purchasing items that would benefit the teams & athletes directly instead of giving t-shirts or something similar. Also suggested to Bill that the team coaches start coming to the Boosters and asking for items/money they need/want.

·  Suggested that a membership table be set up at Harvest Fest on Oct 16th.

Next meeting October 14th, 7:15 pm

Adjourned at 9:25 pm