Since incorporation in August 2010 and the start of actively starting to function as an incorporated body on 01 October 2010, the Directors have had great support from the other board members ie the 5 cricketing organisations in Wiltshire.

One of our first decisions was to employ a Volunteer/ Disabilities Officer, Jordan Rose took on this post and made good progress in starting off projects across the county. Unfortunately the post only had funding for 12 months so Jordan has now left us. The good news is Jordan has taken up a Sports Development Officer post at the new facility at South Wilts Cricket Club, so we will still have regular contact with him.

The Non-Executive Director post has been filled by Stuart McNeil, a solicitor based in Swindon. Stuart plays cricket for Malmesbury and for our County over 50s. Stuart’s expertise in the HR field will be invaluable to us. Director’s meetings are held regularly and always produce outcomes that help keep the business moving and acting in a correct manner

Our staff have all worked hard to deliver their targets and we have again reached all our targets, as a county, so we will receive all the funding available to us from ECB.

Pete Sykes our CDM has worked tirelessly with all our clubs and associations and has been key in making things happen. Pete’s management of the staff has been excellent, keeping the staff happy is vital

Our sponsorship deal with Seasons Holidays ceases in March 2012, we must say a big thank you to Barry Hurley for the 3 years support. I am sure there will be obvious legacies which this money has enabled us to make happen.

The future could hold some challenging times for us, particularly funding issues. Rest assured that the directors will continue to act in the best interests of cricket in Wiltshire and are currently looking at ways we can improve efficiency, both in costs and utilisation of staff, with neighbouring counties

Obviously our Finance Director and CDM will give details of their respective areas in their reports.

Chris Sheppard

Chairman and Company Secretary – Wiltshire Cricket Limited