Wilsonville LL Baseball Agenda
Sunday, May 7
4:00pm-6:00pm Water Treatment Plant
Voting Board / Member / A / Coordinator / Members / APresident / John Carter / X / Sponsorship Coordinator / Sam Sumner / X
Secretary / Michele Seal / X / Special Projects / John Santiago / X
VP Community Liaison / Bryn Card / Event Coordinator / Ericka Katz / X
VP Intermediate & Junior / Kevin Larson / X / All-Star/Fall Ball Coordinator / Ben Carli / X
VP Majors & Minors / James Kleinke / X / Field Scheduling Coordinator / Jean Svadlenka / X
VP Tball & Farm / Adam Cunningham / X
VP Equipment & Uniforms / Joe Turco / X
VP Technology / Aaron Spencer / X
VP Fundraising / Jeremy Doblie / X
Treasurer / Ron Lam / X
VP Volunteer Development / Cindy Waite / X
VP Safety Officer / Kate Gillett
VP Umpires / Tom Latta / X
VP Field Maintenance / Dan Haener / X
ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: Brandon Keller, Duston Schenk, Mike Gatlin
- Review Minutes-3.5.17 Board Meeting-Accountabilities (Seal) 5 mins
- Vote to approve/amend minutes from 3.5 and 4.2
- Approve the Minutes from 3.5.17-Motion Ericka, Second Larson-13-0
- Approve the Minutes from 4.2.17-Motion Larson, Second Turco- 13-0
- Next Dates and Time (Carter) 2 mins
- June 4th at WTP-approve All-Stars-last meeting
- VP report (Larson, Kleinke, Cunningham) 10 mins
- Cunningham: Tball and Farm-Besides weather, all good, moving forward
- Kleinke: Minors: High pitch counts added stress, younger kids were pitched too much early (Carter: Kids need to be pitching 3./week for 2-3 weeks to build up arm strength), Bigger strike zone to encourage more aggressive Abs, Leadership by Minors coaches is important
- Larson: Tight schedule with doubleheaders on Saturdays, Managing roster has been a non-issue (not all 15 show on the same day), Umpires which was big last year has been a non-issue, Ray Mooney and parents helped to get Athey Creek playable
- Carter: four phone calls from four different parents with different perspectives
- Post Season Player Evals (Larson, Kleinke, Cunningham) 5 mins
- Review of games attended (Cindy) 10mins
- 16 total evals…one tball, 7 Minors, 7 Majors, and one Junior
- All ratings middle up. It will be interesting to see what the community says
- Important for us as board members to get out of comfort zone in our division
- Umpires have done a great job
- Reminder to families that they are kids
- Field Maintenance (Haener) 5 mins
- Coaches doing a good job of staying off fields
- A lot of work has gone in to make them playable
- New Scoreboards are up
- VP’s need to send an email regarding unlocked field boxes
- Need to track down missing generator Cunningham
- Schenk to check with Boones
- Haener to send out SUG to ow fields 3x/week
- Budget/Bank balance (Lam) 5 mins
- Another $9-$10k still to come in from Sponsors
- We have received 21K from sponsors
- Sponsorship (Doblie/Carter) 5 mins
- Banners-issue with school district-need to appeal
- Principal at Wood not happy with the fences, league won’t mow fields
- District didn’t think the fields we did were that valuable to them, don’t want money for the turf
- Boones principal wrote a letter about the benefits of fields and ADA access
- Fundraising (Lam/Sumner) 5 mins
- Waiting for 9-10K to come in
- Raided approx. 21k
- Need to find out cut from Opening Day sales (seal)
- Challenger on June 10th- SUG (jean)
- Player Move up (Carter/Kleinke) 5 mins
- Not a definitive Rule
- New Board needs to decide
- Went around the room for everyone to voice an opinion
- All Star (Carter/Carli) 10 mins
- $40 for full button jersey
- Scholarship-a one on one conversation but they need to pay half
- Sell 20 Jamba Juice cards for scholarship (lam)
- Need to increase the cost of registration fees for All-Stars and Honors
- Increase All-Star fee to $135 Motion Larson, Second Jean 7-9
- Increase All-Star fee to $170 Motion Cindy, Second Ericka 13-3
- Increase Honors fee to $100 Motion Larson, Second Carli 12-4
- Uniforms for Honors:Jersey, Hat and Pennant Motion Ericka, Second Lam 15-0-1
- Uniforms for All-Stars: Jersey, Hat, Pants, Belt, Socks, Pennant not to exceed $135. Motion by Ericka, Second by Cindy 15-0-1
- Workshop week of May 15th to figure out rest of All-Star stuff
Adjourn 6:01pm