GRANT or CONTRACT: N000149710214
PR Number 98pr00797-00
"Precision Atomic Magnetometry Based on Nonlinear Faraday Effect"
Name(s) of Principal Investigators
Dmitry Budker
Name of Organization
Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley
Address of Organization
366 LeConte Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-7300
Date Submitted
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PR Number: 98pr00797-00
Contract/Grant Number: N000149710214
Contract/Grant Title: Precision Atomic Magnetometry Based on Nonlinear Faraday Effect
Principal Investigator: Dmitry Budker
Mailing Address: Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, 366 LeConte Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-7300
Phone Number: 510/643-1829 Fax Number: 510/643-8497
Email Address: http address: http://phylabs.berkeley.edu/budker/
a. Number of papers submitted to refereed journals, but not published: __1__
b. + Number of papers published in refereed journals (for each, provide a complete citation): ___
c. + Number of books or chapters submitted, but not yet published: ____
d. + Number of books or chapters published (for each, provide a complete citation): ____
e. + Number of printed technical reports/nonrefereed papers (for each, provide a
complete citation): __1__
f. Number of patents filed: ____
g. + Number of patents granted (for each, provide a complete citation): ____
h. + Number of invited presentations (for each, provide a complete citation): __4__
i. + Number of submitted presentations (for each, provide a complete citation): __2__
j. + Honors/Awards/Prizes for contract/grant employees (list attached): ____
(This might include Scientific Society Awards/Offices, Selection as Editors, Promotions, Faculty Awards/Offices, etc.)
k. Total number of Fulltime equivalent Graduate Students and PostDoctoral associates supported during this period, under this PR number: _2_
Graduate Students: _1_
PostDoctoral Associates: _1_
including the number of,
Female Graduate Students: ____
Female PostDoctoral Associates: ____
the number of
Minority* Graduate Students: ____
Minority* PostDoctoral Associates: ____
and, the number of
Asian Graduate Students: ____
Asian PostDoctoral Associates: ____
l. + Other funding (list agency, grant title, amount received this year, total amount, period of performance and a brief statement regarding the relationship of that research to your ONR grant)
+ Use the letter and an appropriate title as a heading for your list, e.g.: b. Published Papers in Refereed Journals, or, d. Books and Chapters published. Also submit the citation lists as ASCII files via email or via PCcompatible floppy disks
e. Printed technical reports/nonrefereed papers
D. Budker, V. Yashchuk and M. Zolotorev, Resonant Magneto-Optical Rotation: New Twists in an Old Plot, Preprint LBNL-41149 (Dec. 1997).
h. Invited presentations
1. D. Budker, V. Yashchuk, and M. Zolotorev, Study of Nonlinear Optical Rotation, Industrial Liason Conference, Berkeley, March 11, 1998.
2. D. Budker, V. V. Yashchuk and M. Zolotorev, Apparatus for the study of the nonlinear Faraday rotation effect. University of California, Berkeley: 4th Annual Physics Department Poster Session, September 17, 1997.
3. D.Budker, V.Yashchuk, M.Zolotorev, Resonant Magneto-Optical Rotation: New Twist in an Old Plot, Seminar of Neutron Research Division of Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, January 14, 1998.
4. D.Budker, V.Yashchuk, M.Zolotorev, New Results in Nonlinear Magneto-Optics: UC Berkeley Atomic Physics Seminar, April 14, 1998.
i. Submitted presentations
1. D. Budker, V. Yashchuk, and M. Zolotorev, Study of Resonant Magneto-Optical Rotation in the Presence of Arbitrarily-Directed Magnetic Fields. Contributed paper, ICAP-16 (Windsor, Canada, August 1-5, 1988).
2. D. Budker, V. Yashchuk, and M. Zolotorev, Application of Nonlinear Optical Rotation to Measurement of Residual Magnetic Fields inside a Multi-Layer Shield, TCPFP-98 (Monterey, California, August 30- September 4, 1988).
l. Other funding
(list agency, grant title, amount received this year, total amount, period of performance and a brief statement regarding the relationship of that research to your ONR grant)
Faculty Research grant, University of California, Berkeley, Committee on Research, $ 1,000; 98-99.
This single installment grant will support an undergraduate student participating in the ONR-sponsored project.
Junior Faculty Research grant, University of California, Berkeley, Committee on Research, $ 4,000; 98-99. This grant supports one PI's research on parity violation in atoms. This work employs many of the same methods and techniques in atomic physics as the ONR-sponsored project.
Nuclear Science Division grant, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, $ 2,500; 98. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, $ 2,500; renewed annually. This grant allows us to use LBNL resources (machine shop, optical glass shop, etc.), to publish LBNL preprints, and to partially offset conference travel expences.
NSF CAREER grant, $100,000 annually for five years; 1998-2002. Proposal title: Spectroscopic Tests of Bose-Einstein Statistics for Photons/Teaching Modern Physics at Berkeley. This career grant sponsors one of the PI's research projects, which uses many of the same methods and techniques in atomic physics as the ONR-sponsored project.
EOY report - Part II
a. Principal Investigator: Dmitry Budker
b. Telephone: 510/643-1829; 510/643-3829
c. ONR Program Officer: Dr. Herschel S. Pilloff
d. Program objective: Proof-of-principle demonstration of precision atomic magnetometry based on nonlinear Faraday rotation, development of a prototype magnetometer based on this effect, optimization of the parameters of the device, and investigation of effects limiting its performance.
e. Significant results during the last year: In the past 12 months, we have completed the testing of the specropolarimeter and the magnetic shielding system, and manufacturing and assembly of all components of the prototype magnetometer. The potential of the chosen approach was confirmed by a demonstration of ultra-narrow nonlinear magneto-optic effects (NMOE) with effective widths of 1 Hz. We have found a strong non-trivial dependence of NMOE on transverse magnetic fields and developed a theoretical model providing quantitative description of the observed signals. This work directly demonstrated (using the NMOE method) a possibility to create, preserve and probe long-lived atomic Zeeman coherence (alignment) in a vapor cell with relaxation-preventing wall coating. These results will likely have significant impact on related research and applications involving electromagnetically-induced transparency, coherent dark resonances and phaseonium. In addition, we have set up a new experiment based on the techniques developed for this project at the Berkeley Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory, including demonstration of the nonlinear Faraday effect in atomic vapor.
f. Summary of plans for next year (FY99): In FY-99, we plan to conduct detailed investigations of the nonlinear magneto-optic effects (NMOE) using the experimental apparatus completed in FY-98. With this apparatus, we have demonstrated a 3-orders of magnitude improvement in effective relaxation rate of atomic alignment compared to the best earlier results. Further investigations will include a test of the developed 3-axis magnetometry scheme and its application to quantitative characterization of the advanced multi-layer magnetic shielding system. We will also study NMOE in dual alkali (Rb-Cs) vapor cells with high-quality anti-relaxation coating, and the influence of applied electric fields. These measurements, combined with the theoretical approach developed in the framework of this project, are aimed at understanding the systematic and statistical limits of the method.
g. Post-doctoral researcher: Valeriy V. Yashchuk; graduate student: Derek F. Kimball. We also have research assistance from another graduate student Damon E. Brown.
EOY report - Part III
Explanation to viewgraphs:
Viewgraph 1. The text in the viewgraph is self-explanatory. The figure shows the apparatus, the insert represents polarization rotation angle near atomic resonance as a function of magnetic field. The width of the dispersion-like feature is some three orders of magnitude smaller than in earlier work.
Viewgraph 2. This viewgraph shows the three different contributions to the nonlinear optical rotation: the "hole burning" effect (with natural width of the excited state) and the two "coherence" effects with effective widths determined by atoms' transit time across the laser beam and the ground state alignment surviving over several thousand wall collisions, respectively. These "nested" effects provide a possibility of automatically selecting an appropriate sensitivity range of the magnetometer.
Viewgraph 3. This viewgraph shows the strong dependence of the observed signals on transverse magnetic fields. This was used to measure and compensate the residual transverse magnetic fields inside our magnetic shield to a sub-microgauss level. Such compensation is essential for obtaining the ultimately narrow effective widths.