


Practical Nursing

Willis Career/Technical Center

2016-2017 LPN STUDENT


January 2016

The definition of the term “Practical Nursing” means the performance for compensation of selected nursing acts in the care of the ill, injured or infirmed under the direction of the registered professional nurse or a licensed physician or a licensed dentist, and not requiring the substantial specialized skill, judgment, and knowledge required in professional nursing. (Code of WV 30-7A-1).

The outcome of education is a change in behavior and the process of education is the provision of experiences within a positive learning atmosphere. The student has the freedom to choose a course of action and therefore must assume final responsibility for his/her learning and actions.


Admission Criteria ...... 9-10

Admission Requirements ...... 10-11

Attendance ...... 33-34

Breaks ...... 12

Cell Phones ...... 18

Class Days and Hours ...... 11-12

Class Dues and Fund-Raising...... 34

Classroom Grades ...... 20-22

Clinical Objective ...... 25

Clinical Written Assignments...... 25

Clinical Grade...... 23

CNA Articulation Agreement...... 32

Community Service...... 36

Community Service Record...... 48

Copy Machine...... 18 Counseling...... 36-37

Curriculum/Course Descriptions...... 18-20

Dangerous Weapons...... 17

Development Assessment Tests...... 22-23

Disciplinary Action Form...... 45

Disciplinary Action/Probation ...... 27

Dress Code ...... 13-15

Drug Testing...... 16

Financial Aid...... 36

Fire Drills...... 17

Forms...... 43-52

General Fee...... 11

Graduation...... 34-35

Grievance Procedure...... 28-30

Holidays and Vacation...... 12

Illness/Accidents/Incidents...... 17

Immediate Dismissal...... 28

Jury Duty...... 34

Letter of Intent...... 50

Lockers...... 15

Mission Statement...... 6-8

Name/Address Change...... 15

National VT Honor Society...... 35-36

NCLEX Participation Form ...... 51

Office Hours ...... 18

Outside Employment ...... 15-16

Parking ...... 15

Personal and Professional Behaviors...... 23-24

Philosophy...... 5-6

Plagiarism Policy...... 27

Policies and Procedures...... 36

January 2016

Pregnancy...... 17

Pregnancy Release Form ...... 49

Professional Courtesy...... 13

Readmission...... 30-31

Release of Information ...... 52

Request for Counseling Form...... 44

Review: NCLEX...... 51

School/Program Closure...... 13

Seat Holding Fee...... 11

Sexual Harassment Policy...... 38

Social Media Tips ...... 37-38

Snow Days and Delays...... 13

Standards for Written Assignments...... 26-27

Statement of Complaint...... 43

Student By Laws...... 39-42

Student Conference Form...... 46

Student Release of Information ...... 52

Substance Abuse Treatment ...... 16-17

Telephone ...... 18

Terminal Objectives...... 7-8

Tobacco Use ...... 15

Transcripts ...... 38

Transfer Policy...... 31-32

Transportation...... 34

Tuition...... 11

Unsafe/Unprofessional Practice ...... 24-25

Use of Internet ...... 37

Visitors...... 18

Voluntary Withdrawal...... 30

Welcome ...... 5

Withdrawal Form ...... 47



Welcome to the Logan-Mingo School of Practical Nursing. As a member of the LPN class, you are facing a demanding and rigorous year. You will also find many rewards as you prepare yourself to become a member of the nursing profession.

The goal of the faculty is to assist you in gaining the knowledge and skills necessary for safe, competent nursing practice. Your responsibilities include studying, learning and applying the

knowledge and skills that are offered to you. As a student of the LPN program, it is also your responsibility to conduct yourself in a professional manner and to be accountable for your actions. One of your primary responsibilities is to know and follow all policies of the nursing program.

This handbook includes the rules, policies and operating procedures of the practical nursing program. You should read and study them carefully and keep them as a reference. Maintaining your position as a student is closely related to your willingness to be aware of and abide by the policies of the program. Know the policies and follow them!

The Logan-Mingo School of Practical Nursing is offered at the Ralph R.Willis Career Center and sponsored by the Logan County Board of Education through cooperation with the West Virginia Division of Vocational and Adult Education. The nursing program is accredited by the West Virginia State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses and seeks to conform to all written requirements and policies of the West Virginia State Board of Examiners for LPNs and the West Virginia Division of Vocational and Adult Education.

The nursing program is affiliated with Logan Regional Medical Center, WV Health Systems, Genesis Eldercare/Logan Center, Trinity Health Care, Highland Hospital, Logan-Mingo Mental Health, Dignity Hospice, Logan Hematology/Oncology, WV-Dialysis and other clinical facilities. You will be expected to be courteous, considerate and aware of health and safety factors during the course of the program. You are also expected to dress appropriately and conduct yourself in a professional manner. While you are in uniform, on a school function, you represent the school and are held to a higher standard. Disciplinary action will be taken in the event an occurrence of unprofessionalism is displayed.


The faculty of the Logan-Mingo School of Practical Nursing believes that nursing is both an art and a science that requires educational concepts from a variety of sources - including biological, psychological and social sciences. Holistic care (complete care) requires the use of both the art and the science of nursing.

To be most effective, learning requires the active participation of the student. Each learner must recognize his/her personal accountability in the learning process and professional development. The instructor should be a facilitator in the process of learning and development. Student’s must understand his/her own responsibility in the learning process and actively pursue knowledge.

As a dynamic and evolving discipline, nursing may take place in a variety of settings, in a variety of ways. Nursing requires collaboration with other members of the health care team in order to provide safe, effective care. It also requires health teaching and promotion of the client’s personal abilities. The nurse must recognize the client’s potential to meet his/her own activities of daily living and assist the client in achieving his/her full potential. The nurse must also be aware of potential complications and take appropriate measures to reduce or eliminate them. The nurse must be aware of ethical and legal guidelines affecting the delivery of nursing care.

Ethical standards for nurses must be higher than for other professions based on the vulnerability of clients and the personal nature of their problems. Nursing requires a high level of accountability, veracity and respect. The nurse must respect the right of individuals to make their own decisions and realize the individual’s personal accountability in making such decisions.

This program strives to prepare the practical nurse with a variety of skills to be utilized and further developed in the workforce. The practical nurse is expected to provide nursing care to individuals of all ages with acute, chronic or life threatening physical and/or mental health conditions. Provision of quality, safe and competent care under appropriate supervision is the expected outcome.

As nursing is a dynamic, evolving profession, the graduate should acknowledge the personal responsibility for maintaining relevant knowledge, skills and abilities throughout his/her career. The basic education is intended to be a foundation which is built upon and enhanced by experience and continuing education. Graduates are encouraged to pursue excellence in the nursing profession.


To instill knowledge, compassion and skill for quality nursing practice and a personal opportunity to render care for restoration of physical, mental and emotional well being.

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Upon successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

1. Assess and collect patient data to assist with optimal patient care.

2. Collaborate with other members of the health care team to provide safe, effective client care.

3. Provide client care related to health promotion and maintenance and early detection of health problems.

4. Promote the client’s ability to cope, adapt and/or problem solve situations related to illnesses or stressful events.

5. Provide comfort and assistance in the performance of activities of daily living.

6. Promote a safe and therapeutic environment.

7. Provide care related to the administration of medication and monitor clients receiving parenteral therapies.

8. Respect the rights of individuals with different values, cultures, nationality and lifestyles.

9. Provide care to individuals of all ages with acute, chronic or life threatening physical and/or mental health alterations.

10. Contribute to teaching of patient and family regarding disease process, prevention, recovery, diet, medications, etc.

11. Recognize and reduce the client’s potential for developing complications or health problems related to treatments, procedures or existing conditions.

12. Maintain accountability for personal nursing practice within an ethical and legal framework.

13. Document nursing interventions accurately and patient responses.

14. Realize the personal responsibility for further professional growth through continuing educational opportunities and maintaining appropriate hours of continuing education hours to maintain licensure.

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15. Identify the role of the practical nurse in various clinical settings.

16. Recognize self worth in the contribution to the health care profession.

17. Students will exit the program with a minimum of a CNA Certification or Direct Care Worker Certification.

All students are to meet the same objectives throughout the program.

Mission Statement of the Ralph R Willis Career Center

The Ralph R Willis Career and Technical Center provides a cutting edge, state of the art learning environment that: boosts self esteem and confidence; focuses on high expectations; develops life skills and technical skill sets and creates a high-quality workforce in an ever-evolving forward-moving society.

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1. Applicant must have a high school diploma or TAS (previously called GED) prior to July 1st, and be 18years old prior to start of clinicals. TAS may be obtained from DiplomaSender.com.

2. Applicants must take the TABE test and score a minimum of 11.0 in each area of concentration prior to taking the pre-entrance exam. Remediation may be completed through the Adult Education Center Monday-Friday from 8am-3pm and on Thursday from 12pm-7pm. It is free of charge. It is believed that students who cannot function at this level will have difficulty keeping up in the LPN Program.

3. Applicant must pay the testing fee & complete a Pre-Admission exam with a minimum score determined by the Logan-Mingo School of Practical Nursing Program. Applicants who are unsuccessful at meeting the bench mark score can return to the Adult Education Center for a minimum of 10 hours to upgrade skills before re-testing. The Program may accept passing tests scores from SWVCC when space is available.

4. Applicant must be in good physical and mental health as verified by a licensed health care professional (physician, advanced practice nurse, PA). Appropriate proof must be in the applicant’s file.

5. Applicant must have on file in the Nursing Office a minimum of three references from any past employers, clergy, counselors, teachers or personal friends who have known the applicant at least three years. NO RELATIVES may submit references. If the applicant has been employed in any area of health care, a reference form is needed from the facility.

6. Applicant may have a personal interview. The applicant may be rated by the interviewer(s) on promptness, appropriate dress, grooming, effectiveness of oral expression, overall attitude and manner and ability to follow instructions. Additional points are earned for individuals who have an active medical license (CNA, EMT), medical terminology class, or computer class.

7. Applicants are required to have random drug screens. The drug screens are done at the office of Quality Drug Testing. A photo ID and payment are required at the time of the screening. The cost of the drug screen is the applicant’s responsibility. The results of the drug screen will be sent directly to the coordinator of the Logan-Mingo School of P.N. The presence of any illegal drug or prescription drug for which the applicant has no valid prescription will be grounds for immediate dismissal. Refusal to submit to a drug screen will be grounds for dismissal from class participation. Drug screening can occur anytime after students receive their acceptance letter and randomly throughout the course year. Faculty reserves the right to screen with urine dipstick or cups and also alcohol screening with saliva. Any positive result will be confirmed though additional testing with Quality Drug Testing.

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8. A State and National background check must be completed. The results of the background check will be sent directly to the Logan-Mingo School of Practical Nursing. The cost of the background check is the applicant’s responsibility. Once the background checks are completed, the names, social security number and date of birth will be submitted to the WV State Board of Nursing for Licensed Practical Nurses for an extended search on the National Data Base. The WV State Board of Examiners for LPNs reserves the right to refuse to admit applicants to the licensure examination, who have been convicted of a felony, are habitually intemperate, addicted to the use of drugs, is mentally incompetent, or guilty of professional misconduct including conviction of a misdemeanor with substantial relationship to the practice of nursing. Anyone who has a criminal conviction should contact the WVSBE to discuss the potential impact of a criminal conviction on the application and licensure process as a practical nurse. Therefore, the Logan-Mingo School of P.N. shall not consider applicants who, by reason of the above, would not be admitted for the NCLEX-P.N. examination. Failure to report any such acts of criminal convictions may result in immediate dismissal from the program.

9. All deadline dates must be met.

10. When interviews are conducted: Selection of students will be based on a point system.

Points will be given for scores for each section of the Pre-Admission test, interview data, previous experience in the health care field and completion of a formal hospital or technical nursing assistant class.

11. As required by federal laws and regulations, the Logan-Mingo School of Practical Nursing does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, handicap

conditions, marital status or national origin.

12. The West Virginia Long Term Care Nurse Aide Abuse Registry will be checked prior to admission. Any person whose name appears on the Abuse Registry will not be permitted to perform any of their clinical experience in a nursing home or in a licensed distinct part of the hospital. Since these clinical experiences are a requirement of the program and the