held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 13th October 2015

Present: Cllrs D Bingham (Chairman), P Bates, D Edwards, D Leak, D Wain, S Webster

In Attendance: L Brooks-Sleight (Clerk) and a resident during the public session

During the public session, a resident spoke re: item 2015/117 – St Helens Church requirements for Christmas lights donation

2015/107 Apologies for Absence

Received from Cllr R Shore

2015/108 Minutes of last Meetings

The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held 8th September 2015 on were approved & signed

as a true and correct record

2015/109 Declarations of Interest


2015/110 Representatives Report

Police Crime Report received for September (circulated by email prior)

2015/111 Clerks Report

·  Old School House -clerk has had a reply from Empty Homes Officer and is continuing to monitor the condition of the property

·  ‘Smiley Sid’ has been out and about in the village

·  Clerk attended a Council Finance Course in September and reported to the council

·  Emails have been sent to VH and Playing Field Committees reminding them to visit website for forms if they intend to apply for Council Grant Funding and return by 31 October 2015

·  School Lane sign – ‘No Through Road’, received quote from Elite Signs £45 + VAT with £2.50 + VAT each fixings supplied – Resolved clerk to place order

2015/112 Development of Good Neighbour Schemes in Lincolnshire

The results of the survey were discussed but with only 16 out of 235 returned, it was

considered not viable to proceed at this time with a Good Neighbour Scheme. Cllr Webster &

Wain to report at the next meeting with Roy Pell end of October. Resolved


Cllr Webster reported the Defibrillator would cost £650 & a heated cabinet £500. Clerk to obtain

full details of quote. Cllr R Shore is offering a grant of £500 towards the purchase, clerk to contact

‘Old School Fund’ requesting a grant donation and obtain details of installation required

Signed: Date: 10 November 2015 1

2015/ 114 Village Bulb/Cemetery Planting

It was discussed and approved to purchase 50 new hedge plants to fill gaps in cemetery hedge and

to apply to The Conservation Volunteers at WLDC for 6 trees. Email received from WI regarding

the planting of bulbs, Cllr Wain to report back to WI. Cllr Bingham had prior purchased the

Daffodil bulbs, Cllrs volunteered to plant bulbs around the village roadsides, the green & village

signs –all approved. Resolved

2015/115 Village Hall

No volunteers to be the Council Representative on the Village Hall Committee Resolved

2015/116 Burial & Cemetery Course

The report was received from the clerk with advice to make changes over the next year regarding

the Cemetery. To update the Cemetery Regulations & Fees -clerk to make a draft of changes to be

discussed on next months agenda. The clerk requested the purchase of a new Register book –


2015/117 Donation to the Church for Christmas Lights

It was discussed and approved to make a donation to St Helens Church for the purchase of

Christmas LED lights & electric cable. The exact amount, not exceeding £180 would be donated

once a quote for items is received Resolved

2015/118 Village Flag Pole

The clerk reported correspondence from the DAC Secretary and PCC regarding the position of a

flagpole at St Helens Church, Cllrs discussed this and agreed to also look at alternative places.

Clerk reply to PCC with the answers to their questions

2015/119 Highway

·  Marton Rd standing water – HW have put tarmac over the holes but water starting to seep through again

·  The pumps are in place at open sewer drain. Clerk to contact HW/AW requesting the drain to be dredged as pipes are above the sludge so not draining

·  The dangerous tree on Waterfurrow Lane has been felled

·  Reply from HW regarding new vehicle access on Grange Lane was read out

2015/120 Correspondence for Discussion/Decision

a. Bridge Works – Fillingham Lane reply received, work to start January 16 and road closed for

2days from 18th February – clerk to place on Notice Board & website

Correspondence for Information

a. Health watch Lincolnshire Enews September 2015 (emailed)


Signed: Date: 10 November 2015 2


Planning Decisions made WLDC;

Ref: 133140 – granted with conditions

Ref: 133192 – granted with conditions

Ref: 132413 – granted with conditions

2015/122 Finance

a.The monthly accounts were approved and signed for payment Resolved

Payments approved-

Clerk Salary (Sept) 217.58

Grass Cutting -Sept 216.00

Parish Paths - Sept 28.80

Best Kept Garden Prize/Bulbs 45.97

LCC – Passive 30 signs 40.00

LALC – Burials Course Lunch 7.50

b. Mini Audit request approved – clerk to contact B Bussey

2015/123Agenda Items for next meeting and to take any points from members

·  The pumps in place at Open Sewer Drain – clerk to contact HW/AW as pipes above sludge so not draining- request cleaning out

·  Sally Cullen asks to inform her of any incidents from Howson Care Home straight away

·  Advertising Board near Millennium Notice Board – clerk to contact Saxilby Police for advice

·  Corner Grange Lane/High Street – had complaints from residents that footpath in a very bad condition- clerk to contact HW

2015/124To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies

(Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be

Discussed none

Date & time of the next meeting approved as Tuesday 10th November at 8pm

Meeting closed 9.40pm

Signed: Date: 10 November 2015 3