Williamson CountySwim League
Scholarship Application
In 2004, the WCSL approved two $1,000 scholarships to be awarded at the end of each season to one male and one female swimmer. The scholarships are a one-time award and are not renewable each year. A check will be mailed directly to the winner’s college once proof of admission and attendance is verified by the WCSL Treasurer.
1. Be a WCSL active participant in good standing.
2. Be a graduated high school senior who is swimming, or has swum, in his/her final year of WCSL eligibility. Swimmers who graduated in the current year’s graduating class but are older than 18 years of age are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
3. Show a minimum of three years of active participation in the WCSL from 9th grade to Senior year of high school and a minimum of four years total participation in WCSL.
This scholarship award is intended for a graduated senior who has shown faithful and consistent active participation in the WCSL at minimum, 9th grade through Senior year. It is not intended for the fastest swimmer; however, speed and ability does not disqualify the applicant. The applicant should:
1) have participated three years in WCSL from 9th grade through Senior year.
2) have regularly participated in the County Championship Meet.
3) continually been faithful in attendance at practices, meets, team activities, and/or coaching.
4) exhibit strong character, leadership, sportsmanship, and team spirit.
5) relate well with and be held in high regard by the league, coaches, teammates, officials, volunteers, and parents.
A panel of five judges will review scholarship applications. The panel will consist of one representative per division, a youth representative and the president of the WCSL. Alternates will be selected in case a representative cannot or fails to complete duties as a scholarship judge. A representative from each division may be a coach, team representative, or parent (unrelated). The youth representative should be at least 15 years of age or older, but not a senior. The WCSL Executive Committee will give final approval to the scholarship committee’s recommendation.
Application Process:
Scholarship applications are to be obtained through the Team Representative. A copy of the application is in the WCSL procedure notebook.
The deadline for applications is June 15. Completed applications must be returned to the Team Representative by this date. Team Representatives are to submit applications to: Robin Gilliam, 110 North Berwick Lane, Franklin, TN37069.
Award Date:
Winner(s) will be announced after the 15-18 session of the County Championship Meet. At that time, recipients will receive instructions on how to claim the scholarship from the WCSL Treasurer. Deadline for accepting the scholarship is August 15th.
(see reverse side for application)
!!!Applications should be turned into your Team Rep!!!
WCSL Scholarship Application
Please detail your participation in WCSL during the past three years. Include deal meet and championship meet attendance. Also include the percentage of practices and meets attended. (Meet attendance will be checked against official WCSL records and through verification with your coach and/or team rep.)
Please attach a summary stating why you believe you should be considered for this scholarship award.
Please attach 2 handwritten recommendations and their contact information, address and phone number. These recommendations may be from coaches, parents (unrelated), teammates, and/or officials.
Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime?
Please explain.
I affirm that the information that I have given in this application is accurate and truthful and that I, to the best of my knowledge, am a participant in good and regular standing in the WCSL. If, at any time during this process, I find myself out of accord with the eligibility or criteria of this scholarship, I will, on my own initiative, make known to the scholarship committee the change that has taken place.
Applicant’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Coach's Signature: Date:
Team Representative’s Signature: Date:
!!!Applications should be turned into your Team Rep!!!