Williams/Cooper Newsletter

Week of Aug. 10-14, 2015


Mrs. Cooper’s



** We are reading the Novel: Steal Away Home. Ask your child to tell you about it…It’s a GREAT story!! J

**There will be a Quiz on the words Friday, 8/14.

** Students will be given their homework on Monday. It will consist of four days’ worth of work. This homework will be due on Friday.


** We will be improving our writing with a short response throughout the week.

Social Studies:

** We will work on how we can be an effective citizen. Look for worksheets in the SS section of your child’s binder.

Mrs. Williams: Math/Science

Math Update:

** Students are learning how to multiply using various strategies such as: Partial Product. Students are really struggling with multiplying and dividing. Student’s Interactive NoteBook (INB’S) is a great resource to review these skills.

**Homework: Homework is assigned each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Students will have lots of time during BeeSmart tutoring time: 2:55-3:30 to complete homework and get help from their teacher.

**Note: Multiplication/Dividing Quiz~Fri, 8/14 . Also, review multiplication facts daily with your child. This is soooo important for their success in MATH….THANKS!

Science Update: (Visit my webpage for Vocabulary Graphic Organizers & DOS’s)

** We will begin the week learning about inquiry skills scientist use. We will also learn Lab Safety Rules.

**We will have our 1st Investigation, investigating the Georgia peanut. Please inform me if your child has an allergic reaction to peanuts….THANKS!! J

**Note: Inquiry Skills Vocabulary Quiz/Lab Saftey Rules Quiz~Friday, August 14….Make sure your child study and is prepared for these quizzes!!!!!

Day / Math / Science / Social Studies / L.A. / Reading
Monday / *Multiplying: 2-digits by 2-digits
*Partial Products
HW: Multiplication W/S / *DOS (Daily Oral Science)
*Discuss tools Scientist use / **Daily oral Geography
**Begin working on how to be an effective citizen / **Daily Language Review
**Learning how to write an Opinion Essay / ** “Steal Away Home”
**Library Day
Tuesday / *Partial Products
HW: Multiplication W/S / *Quiz~ DOS
*Quiz~ Branches of Science & Science Tools
*Begin Inquiry Skills Graphic Organizer / **Daily oral Geography
**How to be an effective citizen
**Begin discussing Bill of Rights / **Daily Language Review
**Learning how to write an Opinion Essay / ** “Steal Away Home”
Wednesday / *Partial Products
*Begin Dividing whole numbers
HW: Fill-In Multiplication Chart / *DOS (Daily Oral Science)
*Inquiry Skills Graphic Organizer
*Introduce Lab Safety
*Begin “Peanut Investigation” / **Daily oral Geography
**How to be an effective citizen
**Begin discussing Bill of Rights / **Daily Language Review
**Learning how to write an Opinion Essay / ** “Steal Away Home”
Thursday / *Dividing whole numbers
*Review Partial Products
HW: Division W/S / *DOS (Daily Oral Science)
*Continue Peanut Investigation
*Review: Lab Safety & Inquiry Skills / **Daily oral Geography
**How to be an effective citizen
**Begin discussing Bill of Rights / **Daily Language Review
**Learning how to write an Opinion Essay / ** “Steal Away Home”
Friday / *Quiz~Partial Products and Multiplying/Division / *DOS Quiz
*Quiz~Inquiry Skills & Lab Safety / **Daily oral Geography is due
Homework is due!
**How to be an effective citizen / **Daily Language Review is due
**Learning how to write an Opinion Essay / ** Quiz: “Steal Away Home”