Leslie Flint makes an appearance at the circle, and talks to a sitter who knew him well.
David the medium is out of trance. William the control has taken a “strand of ectoplasm” from David’s left nostril and created an ectoplasmic voice box through which William has been speaking and through which Leslie now communicates.

The Circle of the Silver Chord March 18, 2007

David: (Out of trance speaks to his spirit guide, William) What you doing?

Mitch: You’re not speaking to us from spirit David, are you?

David: No.


William: Be patient young David for one moment.

David: Yeah I will do, but I’m just wondering what you’re doing, that’s all. Something’s happenin’. I feel the ectoplasm changing.

Mitch: Talk us through it.

David: It’s really changing, it’s hard to explain, I can just feel it tightenin’ a bit, it’s like whatever it is, it’s on my shoulder it’s changing shape.

Sam: What’s it feel like up your nose?

David: Strange.

Sam: What, like you need to blow it, or what.

David: No, it’s just like a bit of bulk, that’s all, I can still breathe through it, it’s just like something’s there.

Flint: Stuart, can you hear me?

Stuart: Hello.

David: Did you hear that?

Stuart: I heard that.

Flint: Stuart!

Stuart: Yes.

Flint: It’s Leslie.

Stuart: Oh, bless you Leslie, God bless you.
David: Hello
Stuart: Oh, I was right you are trying to help me, you’re coming through.

Flint: Stuart, can you hear me? It’s Leslie Flint.

Stuart: Yes, I hear you. Very clearly Leslie. Far better than in Yorkshire, bless you.

David: I can hear him as well, can everybody else hear?

All: Yes. We can all hear you.

Chris: Yup, you’re getting through.

Flint: How are you, my friend?

Stuart: Oh, I’m much happier for hearing you. First I’d like to commend you for the wonderful life you gave in the Spiritualist movement……and to have you back so clearly.

Flint: It was hard sometimes.

Stuart: Yes. It’s wonderful to have you so clearly, and that you’re going to still be working, well you are, with the Zerdin (Fellowship)

David: Does he sound like he used to?

Stuart: Not quite. Your voice is a bit higher, Leslie. But it’s O.K., we’re hearing every word.

Leslie: It’s the ectoplasm.

Stuart: Yes, we’re hearing every word, don’t worry about it, it’s just so wonderful to have you here.

Mitch: Well let’s hear what he’s go to say.

(participants wait for a response from Leslie, discuss that perhaps he is building up the ectoplasm).

Chris: I wonder if he is aware that this will be recorded and go out….

Flint: Yes, of course I am. Stuart!

Stuart: Yes, Leslie.

Flint: Can you hear me?

Stuart: Yes, you’re back again loud and clear. Wonderful, you’re on the other side now, still working.

David: What was the name of his partner Brahams, is it?

Chris: His little guide, Mickey?

David: No, no no, his partner.

Stuart: I don’t remember.

David: Brahams, isn’t it something…..

Stuart: Something like that.

Flint: That’s right.

Stuart: Is Mickey with you, Leslie?

Flint: He is all the time.

Stuart: All the time. He’s a tease, isn’t he?

Flint: He’s going to have a word with you when he start your circle.

Stuart: Oh, excellent.

David: Did you hear that?

Stuart: Yes, I’ve started, I’ve got five people already.

Flint: Be strict with them all. Be strict with them.

Chris: Be strict with them.

David: Be strict with them, he said.

Stuart: Yes, yes one….you know, I’m getting a little bit of problem keeping them together, different temperaments, but I’ll solve that.

Flint: You can’t get good people nowadays.

David: He says you can’t get good people nowadays.


David: Yeah, I agree with that, Leslie.

Flint: Cheeky young man, you are.

Wendy: cheeky.

Chris: He’s not so young.

David: Yeah, I am.

Flint: He’s younger than me

Chris: Very true, yes.

David: Something’s just gone over my foot. I don’t know what it was.

Mitch: Really?

Chris: Fat Boy? (David’s deceased pet rat who was materialized last time David was out of trance in the Circle)

David: Could be. I felt something on my foot.

Stuart: We all loved you Leslie and you would realize that you are well represented on computers and all this modern technology.

Flint: Yes, the Zerdin fellowship (have) started to sell my tapes.
David: I’ve got a few of yours too.

Stuart: Yes. And on the, what we call the “net”, as you know, you must know.

Flint: Of course I know, I’m not totally stupid.

Stuart: What did he say?

David: I’m not totally stupid.

Stuart: Oh no, you and Mickey tried to stop, well you joked with me not to go to Australia, I’m still here twenty-odd years later, though I go back to see my daughters.

Flint: This is the place you’re meant to be.

David: He said this is the place you’re meant to be.

Stuart: Oh, that’s what I wanted to know, I found it too awkward to ask but thank you David told me I’ve gotta make my mind up eighteen months ago.

Flint: There’s a lot of work to do here.

David: He said you have a lot of work to do here.

Stuart: Oh, bless you, thank you for that.

David: ……I’m sitting here relaying everything….

Mitch: We can hear most of it anyway David.

Stuart: It’s so wonderful to have you working from, now the two dimensions, the earth life and your spirit life. I hope I seen you in my astral travels?

Flint: You know I’ve met the other fellow.

David: He said do you know you met, I think he said he met, I’m not sure if he said you met, or he met that other fellow.

Stuart: Which other fellow?

Flint: Oleson.

Stuart: Oleson! Well you’ve met William, well he came through to me last time, well he came through to the group as a whole, 18 months ago with David. So you’ve met him? I sat with him too, I was well-blessed. Well blessed.

Chris: Can we just keep our movements limited, please?

Stuart: What else are you doing Leslie, although you’re doing plenty, by the sound of it.

Flint: I’m relaxing now now, I’m taking it easy I gave enough when I was there.

Stuart: The magazine?

David: No he said he’s…I think he said he’s relaxin’ now because he gave enough when he was here.

Stuart: Yes, yes. Well I’ll be so, so grateful to have you in my group Leslie. Do you think I would……I’ve never gone into trance…..

Flint: Consider it done.

David: He said consider it done.

Stuart: Would I need to go into trance? I’ve never done it before.

Flint: I didn’t like trance, you don’t need to.

David: He said he didn’t like it, maybe that you don’t need to.

David: Have I got to relay this, can everybody hear what he’s saying?

Chris: Yeah, we can hear it.

Stuart: I wasn’t too sure, but thank you for your feedback, thank you for your feedback David. Leslie, in one group just before I left for England, we had ectoplasm on the ceiling, it was, it reminded me of the transfiguration on the mount, and it was pastel-tinged at the edges, do you know anything about that? Unfortunately the group broke up because the caretaker lost the keys. (laughter) But, I’d love to pick up on that again….

Flint: Well I think that the pastel-tinged on the edges usually denotes the psychic abilities, the psychic surgery abilities.

Stuart : Psychic surgery related?

Chris: Abilities.

David: That’s what he said, yeah I think he says abilities. So maybe it was going to be used for that.

Flint: I have to go.

Stuart: Thank you, Leslie.

All: Thank you Leslie, God bless you, wonderful, good night.

David: It’s Good night from me and good night from him. (A famous line from the British comedians “The Two Ronnies”)