Patient Instructions
Name of Patient:
Mary Smith
Description of the patient & instructions to simulator:
School teacher
Married 8 yrs
Non smoker alcohol moderate
First child
You have attended today to discuss your concerns about your 3 yr old son who is at nursery. Concern has been raised by teachers that he plays on his own does not like interacting with other children, gets angry when he cannot have the same toy every day and starts to throw things around. Always plays with same toy.
Also you have noticed that unlike the other kids he does not wave you good bye doesn’t seem to care
Normal delivery
Up to date with immunisations
Delayed speech but you thought that was normal
Your mother in law is a nurse and has mentioned that he may have autisim to see Dr
You want to find out more
You have read that there is a link with MMR
You have also read that some people have learning disabilities but Johnny is a very intelligent child.
You want o discuss Autism with Dr – what it is - can Johnny have the condition and were to go from here – as you want to get him the best help possible
Doctor’s (GP ST) Instructions
Name & age of patient
Mary Smith 37 yrs
Summary Card
PMH: nil
DH: nil
Allergies: NKDA
BP/BMI/ ?smoking and alcohol hx:
Case Notes - Last few entries in records:
6 months ago
Discussed LARC and is interested in the mirena coil will discuss with husband and return information provided
CSA Case Marking Sheet
Case Name: / Case Title:Context of case
Assessment Domain:
1. Data-gathering, technical and assessment skills
Positive descriptors:
n Developmental milestones
n Pregnancy Delivery
n Different from cousins and other kids
n ICE Covered
n Picks up fear about MMR / Negative descriptors:
n No Developmental mile stones
Assessment Domain:
2. Clinical Management Skills
Positive descriptors:
n Recognises Autism Spectrum
n Recognises late speech is a feature
n Referral offered
n What the future holds
n Current age a diagnosis can be made
n Establishes no relationship with MMR / Negative descriptors:
n Does not recognise autisim
n No Mx options offered
Assessment Domain:
3. Interpersonal skills
Positive descriptors:
n Empathetic
n Non judgemental
n No blame to self / Negative descriptors:
Other aspects e.g. time keeping, consultation structure, comment on consultation skills etc
Positive descriptors: / Negative descriptors:
Grading: Clear pass = 3, Marginal Pass = 2, Marginal Fail = 1, Clear Fail = 0
Data Gathering Score = / Clinical Management Score =
Interpersonal Skills Score = / Total for case = (max = 9)
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