William H. Schmidt

University Distinguished Professor

Michigan State University (MSU)


A.B. ConcordiaCollege

Ph.D.University of Chicago


CURRENT :Director, Center for the Study of Curriculum,

Co-Director, MSU Education Policy Center

2010-2011Interim Director, Institute for Research on Mathematics and Science Education (IRMSE at MSU

1975-1976 IPA Fellow, National Center for Education Statistics

1976-1986 Senior Research Staff, Institute for Research on Teaching, MichiganStateUniversity

1990-1991,Chairman, Department of Educational Psychology, MichiganStateUniversity


1986 Acting Assistant Dean for Planning and Evaluation, College of Education, Michigan State University

1986-1988 Member of Senior Executive staff and Head of the Office of Policy Studies and Program Assessment, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.

1988-1990 Senior analyst, NationalCenter for Research on Teacher Education

1990-1991 Acting Chairman, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, MichiganStateUniversity

1991-1998 National Project Coordinator and Executive Director of U.S.NationalResearchCenter for U.S. participation in Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)


Honorary Doctorate Degree, ConcordiaUniversity, May, 1997

Willard Jacobson Lectureship from The New YorkAcademy of Sciences, Science Education Section, 1998

University Distinguished Professor, MichiganStateUniversity, November, 1998

Member of NationalAcademy of Education

AERA Fellow


Books and Chapters

Schmidt,W.H., et al. (2011) Teacher Education Matters: A study of middle school mathematics teacher preparation in six countries. Teacher’s College Press.

Schmidt, W.H., Kher, N. (2010) The Role of School and District Science Leadership for Building Instructional Capacity, chapter in Science Education Leadership: Best Practices for the New Century, edited by Jack Rhoton, NSTA Press.

Schmidt, William H. (2008). How Does the German Sample in Comparison to the Samples From Bulgaria, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan and the US? In Bloemeke, S., Kaiser, G. & Lehmann, R. (Eds.), Professionelle Kompetenz angehender Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Wissen, Ueberzeugungen und Lerngelegenheiten deutscher Mathematikstudierender und -referendare im internationalen Vergleich. Muenster: Waxmann

Schmidt, W.H. and Houang, R.T. (2007). Lack of Focus in the Mathematics Curriculum: Symptom or Cause? Chapter in Lessons Learned: What International Assessments Tell Us about Math Achievement. Edited by Tom Loveless, Brookings Press: Washington, D.C. 2007.

Prawat, R.S. and Schmidt, W.H. Curriculum Coherence: Does the Logic Underlying the Organization of Subject Matter Matter? Book Chapter edited by Sarah J. Howie and Tjeerd Plomp as part of the “Contexts of Learning” series published by Routledge: London.

Schmidt, W. H. (2005) Technology and Society, Oxford Encyclopedia of Science, Sal Restivo editor-in-chief, New York University Press.

Schmidt, William. (2004) NSF-supported instructional materials: Something new and something old, 2003 Conference NSF K-12 Mathematics and Science Curricula and Implementation Centers, Edited by Michael J. Smith (National Science Foundation and American Geological Institute)

Schmidt, W. H. (2003) Too Little Too Late: American High Schools in an International Context. In Ravitch, Diane. Brookings Papers on Education Policy, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.

Schmidt, W. H., & Houang, Richard T. (2003) Cross-National curriculum evaluation. In Kellaghan, Thomas, Stufflebeam, Daniel L., and Wingate, Lori A. International Handbook of Educational Evaluation, Volume 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press.

Valverde, G. A., Bianchi, L. J., Wolfe, R .G., Schmidt, W. H., & Houang, R. T. (2002) According to the book: Using TIMSS to investigate the transition from policy to pedagogy in the world of textbooks. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Schmidt, W. H., et. al. (2001) Why Schools Matter: Using TIMSS to investigate curriculum and learning. Jossey-Bass.

Schmidt, W. H., McKnight, C. D., Cogan, L. S., Jakwerth, P. M., & Houang, R. T. (February, 1999) Facing the Consequences: Using TIMSS for a Closer Look at U.S. Mathematics and Science Education, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Schmidt, W. H., McKnight, C. C., & Raizen, S. A. (February, 1997) A Splintered Vision: An Investigation of U.S. Science and Mathematics Education - Volume III. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Schmidt, W. H., et. al. (September, 1997) Many Visions, Many Aims: A Cross-National Investigation of Curricular Intentions in Science - Volume II. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Schmidt, W. H., McKnight, C. C., Valverde, G. A., Houang, R. T., & Wiley, D. E. (February, 1997) Many Visions, Many Aims: A Cross-National Investigation of Curricular Intentions in Mathematics - Volume 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Schmidt, W. H., et. al. (1996) Characterizing Pedagogical Flow: An Investigation of Mathematics and Science Teaching in Six Countries. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Schmidt, William H. (1993) Concomitants of Growth in Mathematics Achievement During the Population A School Year in The IEA Study of Mathematics III: Student Growth and Processes, Pergamon Press.

Schmidt, William H. (1993) Understanding Patterns of Student Growth in The IEA Study of Mathematics III: Student Growth and Processes, Pergamon Press.

Schmidt, William H. (1993) The Identification and Description of Student Growth in Mathematics Achievement in The IEA Study of Mathematics III: Student Growth and Processes, Pergamon Press.

Schmidt, William H. (1993) The Distribution of Instructional Time to Mathematical Content: One Aspect of Opportunity to Learn in The IEA Study of Mathematics III: Student Growth and Processes, Pergamon Press.

Robitaille, David F., & Schmidt, W. H., et. al. (1993) Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics and Science, Pacific Educational Press, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Schmidt, William H., TIMSS Curriculum Analysis: Topic Trace Mapping, in Prospects, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, (83).

Schmidt, W. H., & Wiley, D. E. (1992) Teachers: Teaching Loads, Grades Taught, and Subjects Taught in Population 2. In The IEA Study of Science II: Science Achievement in Twenty-Three Countries, Pergamon Press.

Wiley, David E., Schmidt, W. H., & Wolfe, R. (1992) The Science Curriculum and Achievement. In The IEA Study of Science II: Science Achievement in Twenty-Three Countries, Pergamon Press.

Schmidt, W., & Kifer, E. (1989) Exploring relationships across population A systems: A Search for patterns. In D.F. Robitaille and R.A.Garden (Eds.), The IEA Study of Mathematics II: Contexts and Outcomes of School Mathematics. Oxford: Pergamon Press.


Schmidt, W. H., Houang, R., & Cogan, L. (2012). Preparing Primary Teachers in the United States: Balancing Selection and Preparation. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 44(2).

Schmidt, W.H., Houang, R., & Cogan, L.S. (2011). Preparing future math teachers. Science, 332 (603), 1266-1267. URL:

Schmidt, W.H., Cogan, L.S., McKnight, C.C. Equality of educational opportunity: Myth or reality in U.S. schooling? In American Educator, Vo. 23, No. 4, Winter 2010-2011, Pp 12-19.

Schmidt, W.H., Cogan, L., Houang, R. (2011) The role of opportunity to learn in teacher preparation: An international context, Journal of Teacher Education, pp 138-153.

Exploring the relationship between content coverage and achievement: Unpacking the meaning of tracking in eighth grade mathematics, submitted to Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, under revision.

Schmidt, W.H. (2012) At the precipice: The story of mathematics education in the U.S, Peabody Journal of Education, in press.

Schmidt, W., Burroughs, N., Cogan, L., & Houang, R. (2011). Are college rankings an indicator of quality education? Forum on Public Policy Online: Forum on Public Policy. URL:

Schmidt, W.H. STEM Reform: Which way to go? Paper prepared for National Research Council, Successful K-12 STEM Education Workshop, May 2011.

Schmidt, W. H., Houang, R., & Cogan, L. (2012). Preparing Primary Teachers in the United States: Balancing Selection and Preparation. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 44(2), in press.

Konig, J., Blomeke, S., Paine, L. Schmidt, W.H., and Hsieh, F-J (2011). General pedagogical knowledge of future middle school teachers: On the complex ecology of teacher education in the United States, Germany, and Taiwan. Journal of Teacher Education, pp 188-201.

Schmidt, W.H., Cogan, L.S., McKnight, C.C. Equality of Educational Opportunity: Myth or Reality in U.S. Schooling? In American Educator, Vo. 23, No. 4, Winter 2010-2011, Pp 12-19.

Schmidt, W.H., Cogan, L.S., Houang, R.T. Content Coverage Differences Across Districts/States: A persisting challenge for U.S. education policy. American Journal of Education, in press.

The Role of Opportunity to Learn in Teacher Preparation: An International Context, Journal of Teacher Education, in press.

Schiller, K., Schmidt, W.H., et al. Hidden Disparities: How Courses and Curricula Shape Opportunities in Mathematics during High School in Equity and Excellence in Education, Vol. 32, Issue 4, November 2010.

Schmidt, W.H. & Cogan, L.S. (2009) The myth of equal content in Educational Leadership, Nov 2009, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp 44-47.

Schmidt, W.H. & Cogan, L.S. (2009) The case for quality academic standards: International data reveal why standards are a building block for world-class math, science education – and how states can improve. In Laboratories of Reform: Initiaties in Midwestern states to improve math and science education (pp. 26-30). Lombard, Il: Council of State Governments’ Midwestern legislative conference.

Schmidt, W.H. (Nov 2009) Unequal content coverage: The bane of meaningful assessment in Educational Leadership.

Schmidt, W.H. (2009) Opportunity to learn in Handbook of Education Policy Research edited by Sykes, Schneider and Plank, published for the American Research Association by Routledge Publishers.

Schmidt, W., Houang, R. & Shakrani, S. (2009) International lessons about national standards, Thomas B. Fordham Institute publication.

Schmidt, W.H. At the Precipice: The Story of Mathematics Education in the U.S, Peabody Journal of Education, in press.

Schmidt, W.H. (2008). Mathematics Assessments: Do They Tell Us the Same Thing. In Z. Usiskin & E. Willmore (Eds.), Mathematics Curriculum in Pacific Rim Countries - China, Japan, Korea, and Singapore (pp. 319–326). North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Schmidt, W. H., Tatto, M. T., Bankov, K., Blömeke, S., Cedillo, T., & Cogan, L., et al. (2007). ThePreparation Gap: Teacher Education for Middle School Mathematics in Six Countries: Mathematics Teaching in the21stCentury (MT21).East Lansing, MI: MichiganStateUniversity.

Ferrini-Mundy, J., Burrill G. and Schmidt, W.H.Building Teacher Capacity for Implementing Curricular Coherence: Mathematics Teacher Professional Development Tasks. Journal of Mathematics Teachers Education, vol. 10, numbers 4-6, Dec. 2007.

Schmidt, W.H. and Richard S. Prawat. Curriculum coherence and national control of education: Issue or non-issue. J. Curriculum Studies, 2006, Vol. 38, No 6, 2006, pp. 641-658.

Schmidt, William H, Richard T. Houang and Curtis McKnight. Value-Added Research: Right Idea but Wrong Solution? In Robert Lissitz, Value Added Models in Education: Theory and Applications. Maple Grove, Minn: JAM Press, 2005.

Ferrini-Mundy, Joan, William Schmidt, Richard T. Houang, Leland S. Cogan, Robert E. Floden, and Chris Wigent. (2005 April) Relationships of Teacher Characteristics and Mathematical Knowledge. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting.

Schmidt, William, Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Richard T. Houang, Leland S. Cogan, and Robert Yearout. (2005 April) Relationships of Standards and Curriculum to Student Achievement in Mathematics. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting.

Schiller, Kathryn S., William Schmidt, Richard T. Houang, and Catherine C. Riegle-Crumb. (2005 April) Inside the Black Box: Disentangling the Effects of Socialization, Tracking, and Curriculum. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting.

Kher, Neelam, William Schmidt, Richard T. Houang, and David Wiley. (2005 April)The Heinz-57 Mathematics Curriculum: When More May Be Less. Paper presented at AERA Annual Meeting.

Schmidt, William. February, 2004. A vision for mathematics, Educational Leadership, Vo. 61, No. 5, pp. 6-11.

Schmidt, W.H., Houang, R.T. (2004) Increasing the Pool of Future Scientists. Oxford Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society.

Schmidt, W.H., Wang, H.C., McKnight, C.C. (2005) Curriculum Coherence: An Examination of US Mathematics and Science Content Standards From An International Perspective. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37 (5), 525-559.

Schmidt, W.H. (Winter, 2003) The quest for a coherent school science curriculum: The need for an organizing principle. Review of Policy Research, Vol. 20, No. 4

Schmidt, Wm., Houang, Richard, & Cogan, Leland. (Summer 2002) A Coherent Curriculum; The Case of Mathematics. American Educator, American Federation of Teachers, Pp. 10-26.

Cogan, L. S., & Schmidt, W. H. (2002) Culture Shock - Eighth grade mathematics from an international perspective. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 8 (1), 13-39.

Cogan, Leland S., & William H. Schmidt. (2002) Culture Shock – Eighth-grade mathematics from an international perspective. Educational Research and Evaluation, Vol 8, Issue 1 – pgs 13-39

Cogan, Leland S., Schmidt, W.H.,& Wiley, David E. (2001) Who takes what math and in which track? Using TIMSS to characterize U.S. students’ eighth-grade mathematics learning opportunities. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 23, Number 4, winter 323-341

Cogan, Leland S., Wang, HsingChi A. & Schmidt, W. H. (2001) Culturally specific patterns in the conceptualization of the school science curriculum: Insights from TIMSS. Studies in Science Education, 36 105-134.

Wang, HsingChi & Schmidt, William H. (2001) History, philosophy and sociology of science in science education: results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Science Education and Culture, 51-70 Vol. 10, No. 2.

Schmidt, W. H. & Leland S. Cogan. (October, 2001) International studies of education: Why should we care? Basic Education, Vol. 46, No. 2.

Wang, H. A., & Schmidt, W. H. (January, 2000) Disclosing the TIMSS Performance Assessment: Implications for Assessment Tasks Design in the 21st Century. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education at Taipei, Taiwan..

Valverde, G. A., & Schmidt, W. H. (2000) Greater Expectations: Learning from other nations in the quest for world-class standards in US school mathematics and science,Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 32, No. 5, 651-687.

Cogan, L. S., & Schmidt, W. H. (1999). An Examination of Instructional Practices in Six Countries. In G. Kaiser, E. Luna, & I. Huntley (Eds.), International Comparisons in Mathematics: The State of the Art (pp. 68-85).London: Falmer Press.

Schmidt, W. H., & Cogan, L. S. (Winter, 1999). The rest of the story: Putting the US twelfth grade TIMSS mathematics achievement results in perspective.Focus on Calculus, 16, 5-7.

Cogan, L. S., & Schmidt, W. H. (1999). The Importance of Science Content: Implications from TIMSS for Improving U.S. Science Education. In J. H. Block, S. T. Everson, & T. R. Guskey (Eds.), ComprehensiveSchool Reform: A ProgramPerspective (pp. 315-336).Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

Cogan, L. S., & Schmidt, W. H. (in press). Culture Shock - Eighth grade mathematics from an international perspective. Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice.

Schmidt, W. H., & Wang, H. A. Gateway to Quality U.S. Science Education: Needed Implications of TIMSS Findings. MSTA Journal, Vol 44(2), 7-13.

Wang, H. A., & Schmidt, W. H. History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Science Education: Results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Journal of Science & Education. Vol 10(1). Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Schmidt, W. H., & Wang, H. A. What Role Should TIMSS Play in Evaluation of U.S. Science Education?”Chapter in Jim Altschuld’s (ed.) The State of the Art of the Evaluation of Science Education Programs. Published by the Kluwewr Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Schmidt, W. H., & Prawat, R. S. (1999) What does the Third International Mathematics and Science Study tell us about where todraw the line in the top down versus bottom up debate?"Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 21 (2), 85-91.

Cogan, Leland S., & Schmidt, W. H. (Fall, 1999) Middle School Math Reform, Middle Matters, Volume 8, Number 1, 2-3.

Schmidt, W. H. & Wang, Hsing Chi. (Fall, 1999) Gateway to Quality U.S. Science Education: Needed Implications of TIMSS Findings, Michigan Science Teachers Association Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2, Pp. 7-12.

Schmidt, W. H., Houang, R. T., & Wolfe, R .G. (July 1999) Apples to Apples, The American School Board Journal 29-33.

Schmidt, W. H., & Cogan, Leland S. (Winter, 1999)The Rest of the Story: Putting the US Twelfth Grade TIMSS Mathematics AchievementResults in Perspective, Focus on Calculus, Issue No. 16, pp. 5-7.

Schmidt, W. H., Jakwerth, P. M., & McKnight, C. C. (1998). Curriculum-sensitive assessment: Content does make a difference. International Journal of Educational Research, 29 (6).

McKnight, C., & Schmidt, W.H. “Facing Facts in US Science and Mathematics Education: Where We Stand, Where We Want to Go,” Journal of Science Education and Technology, In Press.

Jakwerth, P., Bianchi, L., McKnight, C. C., & Schmidt, W. H. (Summer. 1997) Focus in School Science: An InternationalComparison, GEO Times.

Schmidt, W. H., Houang, R. T., & Bianchi, L. J. The Need for a National Focus Amidst Local Diversity,” Basic Education, 1996.

Schmidt, W. H., Valverde, G. A., McKnight, C. C., & Britton, E. D. (December, 1996) The Cross-National Study of Curricula: Overview of an Integrated System of Measures of the Intended Curriculum Developed for the TIMSS.Revue internationale d’education Sevres, 12, 119-133.

Schmidt, William H., & McKnight, C. (Fall, 1995) Surveying Educational Opportunity in Mathematics and Science: An International Perspective, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 17, No. 3, Pp. 337-354.

Friebele, E. J., Askins, C. G., Shaw, C. M., Gingerich, M. E., Harrington, C. C., Griscom, D. L., Tsai, T. E., Pack, U. C., & Schmidt, W. H. (1990) Correlation of single mode fiber radiation response and fabrication parameters. Materials Research Society Symposium Proc., Vol. 172.

Friebele, E. J., Askins, C. G., Shaw, C. M., Gingerich, M. E., Harrington, C. C., Griscom, D. L., Tsai, T. E., Pack, U. C., & Schmidt, W. H. (1990) Correlation of single mode fiber radiation response and fabrication parameters. Applied Optics.

Schmidt, W. H. (1988) The mathematics curriculum in the United States: An international perspective. Journal of Mathematics Behavior.

Schwille, J., Porter, Alford, L., Floden, R., Freeman, D., Irwin, S., & Schmidt, W. H. (1988) State policy and control of curriculum decisions: Zones of tolerance for teachers in elementary school mathematics. Educational Policy, 2, 29-50.

Floden, R. E., Porter, A. C., Alford, L. E., Freeman, D. J., Irwin, S., Schmidt, W. H., & Schwille, J. R. (1988) Instructional leadership at the district level: A closer look at autonomy and control. Educational Administration Quarterly, 24, 96-124.

Porter, A., Floden, R., Freeman, D., Schmidt, W., & Schwille, J. (1988) Content determinants in elementary school mathematics. In D.A. Grouws & T.J. Cooney (Eds.), Perspectives on Research in Effective Mathematics Teaching (pp. 96-113). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Schmidt, W. H., Porter, A. C., Floden, R. E., Freeman, D. J., & Schwille, J. R. (1987) Four patterns of teacher content decision making. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 19, 439-56.

Kuhs, T., Porter, A. C., Floden, R. E., Freeman, D. J., Schmidt, W. H., & Schwille, J. R. (1985) Differences among teachers in their use of curriculum - embedded tests. Elementary School Journal, 86, 141-153.

Schmidt, W., Roehler, L., Caul, J., Buchmann, M., Diamond, B., Solomon, D., & Crandall, D. (1985) The uses of curriculum integration in language arts instruction: A study of six classrooms. Journal of Curriculum Studies. vol. 17. No. 3.

Porter, A. C., Kuhs, T. M., Freeman, D. J., Floden, R. E., Knappen, L. B., Schmidt, W. H., & Schwille, J. R. (1985) Elementary mathematics textbooks. In T. G. Sticht and J. Cole (Eds.), The Textbook in American Education. New York: Academic Press.

Schneider, B. L., Brown, L., Denny, T., Mathis, B. C., & Schmidt, W. H. (May, 1984) The deans’ perspective on the status of doctoral programs in schools of education. Phi Delta Kappan.

Schmidt, W. H., & Buchmann, M. (1983) Six teachers’ beliefs and attitudes and their curricular time allocations. Elementary School Journal, 84 (2), 162-171.

Freeman, D. J., Kuhs, T. M., Porter, A. C., Floden, R. E., Schmidt, W. H., & Schwille, J. R. (1983) Is there a national curriculum in elementary school mathematics? condensed version published in The Education Digest, March, 1984, 47-49. Originally published in Elementary School Journal, 83, 501-513.

Freeman, D., Belli, G., Porter, A., Floden, R., Schmidt, W. H., & Schwille, J. R. (1983) The influence of different styles of textbook uses on instructional validity of standardized tests. Journal of Educational Measurement, 20, 259-271.

Schwille, J. R., Porter, A. C., Belli, G., Floden, R. E., Freeman, D. J., Knappen, L. B., Kuhs, T. M., & Schmidt, W. H. (1983) Teachers as policy brokers in the content of elementary school mathematics. In L.S. Shulman and G. Sykes (Eds.), Handbook on teaching and policy. New York: Longman.

Freeman, D. J., Kuhs, T. M., Porter, A. C., Floden, R. E, Schmidt, W. H. & Schwille, J. R. (1983) Do textbooks and tests define a national curriculum in elementary school mathematics? Elementary School Journal, 83, 501- 513.

Schmidt, W. H., Porter, A. C., Schwille, J. R., Floden, R. E., & Freeman, D. J. (1983) Validity as a variable: Can the same certification test be valid for all students? In G. F. Madaus (Ed.) The courts, validity, and minimum competency testing. Boston: Kluwer-Hijhoff.

Schmidt, W. H., Caul, J, Byers, J. L., & Buchmann, M. (1983) Content of basal text selections: Implications for comprehension instruction. In G. G. Duffy, L. Roehler & J. Mason (Eds.) Comprehension Instruction: Perspectives and Suggestions. New York: Longman.

Schmidt, W. H. (1983) Content biases in achievement tests. Journal of Educational Measurement. 20, 165-178.

Schmidt, W. H. (1983) High school course-taking: It’s relationship to achievement. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 15, 311-332.

Schmidt, W. H. (1983) High school course taking: A study of Variation. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 15, 167-182.

Floden, R. E., Porter, A. C., Schmidt, W. H., Freeman, D. J., & Schwille, R. J. (1981) Responses to curriculum pressures: A policy capturing study of teacher decisions about content. Journal of Education Psychology, 73, 129-141.