The Performance Appraisal Process for Presidents

of Inter-Parochial High Schools


The Archdiocese of Indianapolis believes in both affirmation and the accountability that occurs in the context of performance appraisal.

Presidents of high schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis enter into an

agreement to perform their duties as identified in their contract, position description

and strategic plan. This agreement holds the president accountable first and

foremost to the Executive Director of Catholic Education as the delegate of the

archbishop for the educational enterprise in the archdiocese. This performance appraisal process is the tool whereby the president reports to the Executive Director, the Dean and the Board of Directors for the faithful performance of these duties.

The specific aims of the Performance Appraisal Process are to: progress in performing the assigned responsibilities in the

position description and in strategic plan goals to promote excellence in


2.affirm the president’s accomplishments and demonstrate appreciation for his/her efforts;

3.identify opportunities for growth and develop plans to address them in a pro-active manner;

4.facilitate communication;

5.provide an objective and consistent basis for personnel actions such as compensation and professional development; and to

6.reinforce the Gospel values of service to others, development of God-given abilities, and just treatment of all persons, that unite us in pursuit of our educational mission.

Enclosed is the new performance instrument designed to assess the president’s performance. The information provided on such instruments must be processed. For this to occur, there must be dialogue in order to understand and benefit from the information contained in the appraisal instrument. The atmosphere of the successful performance appraisal process is one of mutual trust, credibility and confidentiality.

The enclosed timeline is a step-by-step outline of the process.



a)President meets with the Dean and Executive Committee and agrees upon goals and expectations for the coming school year

b)Goals and expectations shared with the entire Board for clarification and input (closed session)

c)Goals and expectations shared with OCE for input and approval


a)President gives a mid-year progress report to the Dean, the Board and OCE on agreed upon goals and expectations above.

b)President reviews job description and makes recommended changes to the Dean, the Board and OCE

c)President places in writing to the Dean, the Board Chair and OCE an intent to return for the next year

February/March ......

a)President, Dean, Board and OCE complete evaluation instruments and send results to the executive Committee and Dean to compile final results


a)Executive Committee, Dean and OCE meet with President to review appraisal

b)Action plans developed in support of professional development of the President


a)Results of meeting with President, Executive Committee, Dean and OCE shared with the entire Board (closed session)

b)President shares draft of new goals and expectations with input from the Dean, the Executive Committee and OCE with the entire Board.

c)Contract (or alteration to multi-year contract) signed by the Dean, Board Chair,OCE and the President


a)President begins new year by setting his/her goals

President’s Performance Appraisal Instrument

I. Vision, Mission, and Strategies of the Faith Community

The president’s role has both strategic and operational components. Working with the board, the president must develop a shared vision for the future of the school, build understanding around the mission as a Catholic high school, and develop appropriate goals and strategies to advance that mission.

Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Not Sure
How satisfied are you that: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / NS
1–1 / The president has worked with the board to develop a clear vision for the school reflective of the Catholic nature of the school?
1–2 / The president, working with the board, translates the school’s mission into realistic goals and objectives?
1–3 / With input from the board and staff, the president has created an effective process for long-range or strategic planning for the school?
1–4 / The president has a sense of what must change and what must remain the same in order to accomplish the school’s mission and realize its vision?

What are the major strengths of the president in this area?

How can the president do better in this area?

Would you recommend any modifications of goals?

What opportunities for improvement exist?

II. Strategic and Management Objectives

Working with the board and other school leaders, the president establishes operational objectives that support the strategic plan. The president is responsible for leading the staff in the implementation of the strategic plan and annual objectives.

Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Not Sure
How satisfied are you that: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / NS
2–1 / The president selects and cultivates qualified senior staff, models effective behaviors and skills, and builds morale among staff and volunteers?
2–2 / The president ensures that there are appropriate systems in place to facilitate the day-to-day operations of the school in the areas of:
a / development and delivery of instructional programs?
b / facility management?
c / policy development?
d / administration and operations?
e / fund raising and resource development?
2–3 / The president has made progress in accomplishing the personal and school management objectives established by the board during his/her last annual review?

What are the major strengths of the president in this area?

How can the president do better in this area?

III.Fund Raising and Resource Development

The president, in partnership with the board and advancement staff, is responsible for developing and implementing appropriate fund-raising and financial development strategies. The president and board use their combined strengths, knowledge, and relationships to help the school achieve its objectives.

Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Not Sure
How satisfied are you that: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / NS
3–1 / The president has a clear understanding of the current and future financial resources needed to realize the school’s mission?
3–2 / Working in concert with the board and development staff, the president implements a fund raising program that meets the goals established for the school?
3–3 / The president is innovative in the creation of partnerships with businesses or other institutions that contribute to the school’s resources?
3–4 / The president guides revenue-generating activities in order to provide adequate income to the school?
3–5 / The president is an effective fund raiser, working well with staff, donors, and board members to secure adequate income and strong personal commitments from those who have an interest in the school?

What are the major strengths of the president in this area?

How can the president do better in this area?

IV. Fiscal Management

Ensuring that income is managed wisely is especially important for a school operating with limited resources. It is the role of the president to see that solid planning and budgeting systems are in place and that the school’s strategic plan serve as the basis for sound financial planning. In addition, it is the president’s responsibility to ensure that qualified staff are hired to accurately monitor, assess, and manage the financial health of the school.

Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Not Sure
How satisfied are you that: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / NS
4–1 / The president is knowledgeable regarding financial planning, budgeting, and endowment management and understands the place of each in the school’s overall financial picture?
4–2 / The president has established a system linking strategic planning with the school’s budgeting process?
4–3 / The president presents financial reports to the board on a regular basis and submits an annual budget for board review, revision, and approval?
4–4 / The president ensures that a clear and accurate accounting system is maintained, allowing the board to monitor the school’s finances and operations in relationship to the approved budget and to make informed financial decisions?

What are the major strengths of the president in this area?

V. The President/Board Partnership

The president and the board must work together as partners. Each arm of leadership draws upon its own unique strengths and abilities. The president and the board have joint responsibility for developing and maintaining a strong working relationship and a system for sharing information. The board is responsible for creating a written job description for the president that is clear and agreed to by all parties.

Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Not Sure
How satisfied are you that: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / NS
5–1 / The president and the board are clear about the differences between their respective roles?
5–2 / The president is treated as a respected professional by members of the board?
5–3 / The president has been delegated the authority necessary to manage the school effectively?
5–4 / The president raises issues and questions and provides adequate information to inform board discussions?
5–5 / The president receives the annual review to which he/she is entitled in a timely and thoughtful way that articulates specific strengths and areas for improvement?

What are the major strengths of the president in this area?

How can the president do better in this area?

VI.External Liaison and Public Image

The president and board members are key players in establishing and maintaining positive relationships with the many groups that support the work of the school.

Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Not Sure
How satisfied are you that: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / NS
6–1 / The president maintains a positive professional reputation in the local community and is a good ambassador?
6–2 / The president cultivates effective relationships with:
a / community and business leaders?
b / parents?
c / public officials?
d / alumni?
e / potential donors?
6–3 / The president is an articulate and knowledgeable spokesperson?
6–4 / The president is well regarded by his or her professional peers in the school’s area of focus?

What are the major strengths of the president in this area?

How can the president do better in this area?

Open-Ended Questions

What are the three major strengths of the president?

What are some limitations in the president’s performance?

What have been the most significant achievements of the president over the last year?

What external factors have influenced the president’s performance?

In the last year, what difficult issues have faced the school, and how did the president bring them to resolution?

Have any legal or ethical issues arisen with regard to the operations of the school? How were these brought to successful resolution?

What are areas in which the board could provide better support to the president?

Additional comments:
