“And so it begins”

Unit 1: Introduction and Orientation



Table of Contents

Reading Journals

- Lesson 1

- Lesson 2

- Lesson 3

- Tutor Stamped Rough Drafts


- Finalized Version

- Rough Draft

Gun Control

- Finalized Version

- Rough Draft

- Critical Reading Journals

- Articles against it

- Articles in favor of


Unit One, Lesson One Journal

Today I learned the outline of english 105 taught by professor Gill-Mayberry. I also became familiarized with the modus operandi of the class and the various sections of the website. In addition, I became aware of how I can obtain information on what is required of me whether through the website, the help hotline, or one of the tutors in class.

Unit One, Lesson Two Journal

Today I learned that writing is entirely dependent on reading. What this means is that the more a person reads, the more advanced a person is when it comes to writing. I also learned how the grading in the course is done and how the professor wants various types of writing to be done.

Unit One, Lesson Three Journal

Today I learned that the best form of writing is rewriting. In rewriting, someone is able to look at their original thoughts and organize them more efficiently and effectively. When I compared my rough draft that I submitted at the end of the previous class to the final product I presented to the tribunal, it was a difference of night and day.


(Provocative Title)Macbook Blues

(Intro/Unity)The fellow, Nemo, who uses this macbook is a complete bore. All he ever does is check stocks, read The Wall Street Journal, or tweet. It’s as if there’s no realization of the capability for entertainment available. (Body/Development) The sheer power at his hands is insurmountable, yet he has no realization of it. He’s being far too responsible, ambitious, and focused on his education and career. Just once, just once, he should take me out for a spin. With computing power of 4GB just in random access memory and an Intel core i5 processor that operates at 1.8GHz, there’s so much more that can be done. Things like gaming, coding—even just streaming on Netflix! What sort of person who’s twenty-two doesn’t watch Netflix?? (Conclusion/Coherence) Just never ending ambition, the desire to know everything going on around him, and stocks. All day and all night, that’s all he does. Yeesh man, get a life.

(Smooth Transition: coherence and continuity) Thank you, Macbook. You’ve had a unique view on me as I’ve grown into who I am today since I purchased you so many moons ago. You gave me the tools to explore my passion and truly become immersed in it. It is often times said in this world by many people that, “If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life.” I wholeheartedly believeno truer words have ever been said. Through my time working at a securities broker/dealer, I’ve genuinely never wished things had gone differently. On top of that, my focus and responsibility show through in my desire to always do the best I can when I work. My ambition also shows as I’m mapping out thenext few years of my career withthe plans I have in mind. I’m neveronce in a place where I don’t know how I want to proceed forward in life nor do I ever feel as though I’m not marching in the right direction. “Our society has wrestled with this problem for many years” says Derek Bok in his article Protecting Freedom of Expression on the Campus and while he is referencing being respectful of others, I also believe that the problem we face stems from people not knowing what we want to do. Fortunately, I do not face that problem,and as I continue to continue doing what I love, I will do everything I can to make certain others discover what they love doing as well.