Will of William Norfolk 1628
In the name of God Amen The Twentieth daie of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred twentie seaven I William Norfolke the elder of Soham in the Countie of Cambridge gent being of perfect memory, thankes bee to god, doe make this my last will & testament in writing revoking thereby all other former wills and Testamts. First I comend my soule unto allmightie god my maker Savior and Redemer And my body to bee buried in the churchyard of Soham or elsewhere at the discetion of my Executor: Item I give to the poore of Soham five pounds of lawfull English money to bee distributed and bestowed upon the lame blinde sicke and such others as are not able to laboure within one month after my death. Item I give unto Henry Gravener my cozen my holden lying in Stuntney being holden of the Deane and Chapter of Ely as pre….. of there mannor of Ely ……. to hym: and to his heires forever. Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Cranmer and Ann Cranmer & to theire heires forever being Grandchildren unto Alse Moulde the Shopes in the Buttherie in Newmarket wch Mrs S….man did surrender to the use of Robert Trowell for terme of his life and after to remaine to Rose Trowell his daughter and her heireswhoe being dead and Thomas Trowell being her heire did surrender the said Shopps with the appurtenances unto William Norfolke the elder and to his heires forever. Item I give unto John Norfolke the elder one acer of freeland holden of Mr Henry Payne now in the occupation of John Tabram during his naturall life and after his decease to Luke Norfolke his sonne and his heires forever. Item I give and bequeath unto William Woyee? the elder dwelling at Fournham in the Countie of Suff fortie shillings of lawfull english money to bee paid within one quarter of a yeare next after my decease. Item I do give and bequeath unto Ann Wratham? one heffer to bee delivered to her presently after my buriall Item I doe give all my Coppyhold lands being meadowe pasture and arable lying in Soham holden of the Mr Fellowes & Schollers ? of Penbrooke hall in Cambridge unto Robert Hamond and to his heires forever. Item I doe give and bequeath unto the said Robte Hamond all my Coppyhold land being arable meadow and pasture lying within the parish of Soham and being in the Mannor of Netherhall Wigorns and now of Mr Daniell Wigmour, Archdeacon of Ely, to him and to his heires for ever. Item I doe give & bequeath all my Coppyhold lands arable lands meadowes and pastures holden of Mr Henry Payne unto Robert Hamond and his heires forever, Item I doe give and bequeath all my copyhold lands meadowes and pastures & houses with theire appurtenances in Soham holden of late of the Kings manr and now are holden of Sr Robt …gaty… knight, unto the said Robert Hamond and his heires for ever, except and ref….ed the house which Francis Eaton now farmeth of mee with the hempground pasture & woodwraght and lake extending to J…h.. Loode, wich I giveand bequeath unto Elizabeth Kingstone the wife of Richard Kingston during her naturall life and after her decease I give the same house hempground pasture and woodwayght and lake unto William Kingston and Richard Kingstone and to their heires for ever. Item I give unto Robert Hamond my lease and tearme for yeares to come after my decease of the Watermill in Soham wch I hold by lease Item I doe give and bequeath unto Robte Hamond All my freelands meadowes houses pastures & arable land wich I did purchase of Mr William Bernes now dwelling in the Countie of Norff and all other my free lands houses meadowes and pastures lying within the tithes of Sohm and Fordham To have and to hold all my freelands meadowes houses and pastures to the pper use of the said Robte Hamond and his heires forever. Itm I give and bequeath unto Alice Moulde my Sister who hath (thanks bee given to god) sufficient meanes of mayntenance the some of fiftie shillings. All the residue of my goods and chattles, plate, houshold stuffe moveables together with my leases goods lands meadowes and pastures wch are unbequeathed I give unto Robert Hamond my Sisters Sonne whom I doe ordaine and make my sole and full Executor of this my Testamt and last will In witness whereof I have subscribed hereunto my name and sett my seale unto this my present last Will and Testamt the nyneteenth daye of June in the third yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne lord King Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King defender of the faith ( ) Anno Dom One thousand six hundred twenty seaven William Norfolke Witnesses Richard Pechey John Whin Robert Banyer Benjamin Cropley John Norfolke Edward Cropley
Md yt I William Norfolke have surrendred into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Netherhall Tendall all my copyhold land holden of this Mannor by Court Rolle by the hands of Richard Pechey Customarie tennte of this said Mannor to the use of this my testament and last will.
Alsoe I William Norfolke have surrendered into the hands of the maister Fellowes and Scollers ? of Penbrooke Hall all my copyhold lands holden of them by coppie of Court Roll by the hands of Richard Pechey Customary Tennte of them in the presence of John Whin Customary Tennt, to the use of this my Testamentand last will. I William Norfolke have surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Netherhall Wigorns by the hands of James Torwel? Customary Tennt of the said Mannor in the presence of Richard Pechey likewise Customary Tennt of the said Mannor all my Coppyhold lands houses meadowes and pastures to the use of this my Testamt and last will.
Item I William Norfolke have surrendered into the hands of the Lord of the Mannor of Soham late being the kings Mannor prell of the duchey of Lancaster and nowe in the tennt and Right of Sir Robert Heath knt by the hands of Richard Pechey Customary tennt of the said Mannor in the presence of Robert Banyer likewise Customarie tennte of the said Mannor all my Coppyhold houses arrable lands meadowes & pastures lakes and thinges ? belonging unto this Mannor to the use of this my testament and last will. I William Norfolke have surrendered into the hands of the Lords of the Mannor of Ely …….. by the hands of Robert Cannon? a Customary tennt of the said Mannor in the presence of John Norfolke likewise Customary tennte of the said Mannor. All that my holte ? lying in Stuntney to the use of this my Testamt and last will William Norfolke These being witnesses to my last will and Testament Richard Pechey John Whin Robert Banyer Benjamin Cropley John Norfolke Edward Cropley ./.
Latin granting probate to Robert Hamond.
Sentence of William Norfolke 1630 in Latin – mentions Robert Hamond, Alice Mould als Norfolk and Elizabeth Kingston als Norfolk