Drug Discovery and Development


Course Co-ordinator

Dr.Ahmed I. Foudah



1436/1437 _ 2015/2016

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment




Course Specification

Drug Discovery and Development


Course Co-ordinator

Dr.Ahmed I. Foudah



1436/1437 _ 2015/2016

Course Specification

Institution / College of Pharmacy, Al-kharj
Department / Pharmacognosy

Course Identification and General Information:

Course Designation / PHG-311
Course Name / Drug Discovery and Development
Credit Hours / 1 (1+0)
Name of Faculty member responsible for the course / Dr. Magdy G. Abd El-Hamid
Level / 3
Pre-requisite / N/A
Lecture Time
Practical Time / Saturday 10:00 am -11:50 pm
Saturday 08:00 - 09:50 pm
Office Hours / All week days 01:00 am -02:00 pm
Location / Main Campus

The course will cover the basic principles oforganic reaction mechanisms, the stereochemistry and some important categories in the drug synthesis such as heterocycles and amino acids.

At the end of the course, each student should be able to:
The course covers knowledge of organic chemistry with particular emphasis on the synthesis, reactions, mechanism of reactions and stereochemistry of organic molecules. The chemistry of heterocyclic compounds shall be discussed in details. The importance of different organic classes in nature and in pharmaceutical and chemical industries will be outlined. This course serves as a pre-requisite for a number of courses to which the pharmacy students will be exposed. The laboratory period deals with the identification of different classes of organic compounds based on differences in their physicochemical properties.


1-TOPICS COVERED / No. of weeks / Contact hours
Classes and Mechanisms of Organic Reactions / 4 / 8
Amino Acids and Peptides / 1.5 / 3
Stereochemistry / 4 / 8
Hterocyclic Chemistry / 4.5 / 9
Total / 14 / 28


PHC 211 (OrganicPharmaceutical Chemistry)– (2+1)

Week / Lecture number / Topic
1 / 1 / IntroductionandOrganicReactions
2 / Continued
2 / 3 / SubstitutionReactions
4 / AdditionReactions
3 / 5 / EliminationReactions
6 / RearrangementReactions
4 / 7 / AminoAcidChemistry
8 / AminoAcidChemistry
5 / 9 / Stereochemistry(Introduction)
10 / TypesofIsomers
First med. Term
6 / 11 / ConstitutionalPositionalIsomers
12 / GeometricalIsomers
7 / 13 / GeometricalIsomers
14 / ConfigurationalIsomers
8 / 15 / Chirality and Chiral Compounds
16 / DeterminationofConfiguration(Absolutevs. Relative)
9 / 17 / Enantiomers,DiastereomersandMeso
18 / StereochemistryinBiologicalSystems
Second med.term
10 / 19 / HeterocyclicChemistry(Introduction)
20 / Nomenclature
11 / 21 / Nitrogen-containingHeterocycles
22 / Nitrogen-containingHeterocycles
12 / 23 / Nitrogen-containingHeterocycles
24 / Nitrogen-containingHeterocycles
13 / 25 / Oxygen-containingHeterocycles
26 / Oxygen-containingHeterocycles
14 / 27 / Sulfur-containingHeterocycles
28 / HeterocyclesinBiologicalCompounds

Mid. term exams will be arranged during the course

LABORATORY PROJECTS’ OUTLINE: PHC 211 (Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry)

Week / Topic / Project
1 / PhysicalPropertiesof
OrganicCompounds /  Physicalproperties.
 Solubilityandacid–basecharacter
2 / Infraredspectroscopy /  Introduction.
 Examinationofinfraredspectra.
3 / Chemicaltestsforspecial classes /  Generaltestforalcohols.
 Generaltestforphenols.
 Generaltestforaldehydesandketones.
 Generaltestforcarboxylicacids.
 Generalltestforaromaticamines.
 Generaltestforesters.
 Generaltestforamides.
4 / Alcohols /  Identifications,physicalandchemicalpropertiesfor methanol,ethanolandglycerol
5 / Phenols /  Identifications,physicalandchemicalpropertiesfor phenol,m cresol,catechol,resorcinoland hydroquinone.
6 / Aldehydesandketones /  Identifications,physicalandchemicalpropertiesfor formaldehyde,acetaldehyde,benzaldehyde, acetoneandacetophenone.
7 / Revision
8 / Practical Exam-1
9 / Aliphaticcarboxylicacids /  Identifications,physicalandchemicalpropertiesfor formic,acetic,lactic,oxalic,tartaricandcitricacids.
10 / Aromaticcarboxylicacids /  Identifications,physicalandchemicalpropertiesfor benzoic,salicylicandphthalicacids.
11 / Aromaticamines /  Identifications,physicalandchemicalpropertiesfor aniline,N methylanilineandN,N
12 / Estersandamides /  Identifications,physicalandchemicalpropertiesfor methylsalicylate,phenylsalicylateandurea.
13 / Revision
14 / Practical Examination-2.
2 Course components (total contact hours per semester):
Lecture: 28 / Tutorial: / Practical/Fieldwork/Internship: / Other: 14 labs
3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week. (This should be an average: for the semester not a specific requirement in each week)
1 hours per week (Log Book, quizzes and other assignments)
4. Development of Learning Outcomes in Domains of Learning
For each of the domains of learning shown below indicate:
  • A brief summary of the knowledge or skill the course is intended to develop;
  • A description of the teaching strategies to be used in the course to develop that knowledge or skill;
  • The methods of student assessment to be used in the course to evaluate learning outcomes in the domain concerned.

a. Knowledge
(i) Description of the knowledge to be acquired
- Understanding the basic knowledge of organic chemistry.
- Knowing the chemistry of amino acids and peptides .
- Understanding the basic concepts of different reaction mechanisms.
- Understanding the basic concepts of stereochemistry and their pharmaceutical
influence in different compounds activity.
- Understanding the heterocyclic chemistry and their importance in drug synthesis.
- Understanding the basic concepts of nomenclature of heterocyclic compounds .
- Understanding the basic concepts of drug synthesis .
- Knowing the different functional groups and their influence in the activity of different
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop that knowledge
1- Lectures (The Delivery and Discussions of lectures where current topics are
interrelated the past and future topics.)
2- Labs
3- Assignments
(iii) Methods of assessment of knowledge acquired
1- Examimations
2- Quizzes
3- Assignments
b. Cognitive Skills
(i) Cognitive skills to be developed
-Mmemorize the basic knowledge of organic chemistry.
- Use basic knowledge of organic chemistry to solve relevant and irrelevant problems.
-Discuss and draw different reactions mechanisms.
- Discuss the stereochemistry of different compounds.
- Identify different organic compounds.
- Apply different procedures to identify organic compounds
-Naming and synthesizing different heterocyclic compounds .
-Ddifferentiate between different functional groups .
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these cognitive skills
  • Demonstrations during laboratory
  • Practice in groups and separate
  • During lecture discussions
  • Log Book assignments on data collection and new approaches.
  • Oral presentations
  • Field studies and recent applications.

(iii) Methods of assessment of students cognitive skills
  • First , Second practical exams
  • Reports every laboratory
  • Quizzes for practical and theoritcal
  • During lecture discussions
  • Log Book
  • First , Second and final exams

c. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility
(i) Description of the interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility to be developed
-Acquiring the ability to be responsible of task during the lab work .
-Acquiring the essential skills of handling chemicals and glassware in labs.
-Work effectively both individually and in team either in classes or in labs.
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills and abilities
  • Demonstrations during laboratory
  • Practice in groups
  • During lecture discussions
  • Log Book assignments on data collection and new approaches.
  • Oral presentations
  • Field studies and recent applications.

(iii) Methods of assessment of students interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility
  • Watching their contribution in group work
  • Individual performance in their Assignments
  • Oral presentations

d. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills
(i) Description of the skills to be developed in this domain.
  • How to think and understand the different aspects of the profession

(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills
  • Usage of computer and the online resources
  • Make discussion during lecture

(iii) Methods of assessment of students numerical and communication skills
  • Performance in the problem solving assigned in the homework

e. Psychomotor Skills (if applicable)
(i)Description of the psychomotor skills to be developed and the level of performance required
-Gaining confidence and independence during the laboratory work
-Performing the safety instructions required every laboratory as if it is habit.
(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills
  • Demonstrations during laboratory
  • Safety instruction laboratory
  • Practice during the laboratory undersupervision

(iii) Methods of assessment of students psychomotor skills.
  • First, Second practical exams
  • Reports every laboratory
  • Performance in laboratory

D. Student Support

1. Arrangements for availability of faculty for individual student consultations and academic advice. (include amount of time faculty are available each week)
  • Office hours (4 hours per week)
  • Help session (problem solving): 1 hour per week

E .Learning Resources
1. Required Text(s)
  • FESSENDEN FESSENDEN Organic Chemistry, 6th edition, Brooks/Cole, California (1998).
  • SOLOMONS & FRYHLE Organic Chemistry, 9th edition, John Wiley. New Jersey (2007).

2. Essential References
  • Organic Chemistry 7Th Edition ,Jhon Mcmurry, 2008.
  • Advanced Organic Chemistry part A, 5Th Edition ,Francis A. Carey and Richard J. Sundberg , 2007.

3- Recommended Books and Reference Material (Journals, Reports, etc) (Attach List)
  • Organic Chemistry 6Th Edition ,L. G. Wade , Jr.
  • In addition to the above, the students will be provided with handouts by the lecturer

4-.Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc

5- Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards/regulations
Chemdraw, models and modelling programs

F. Facilities Required

Indicate requirements for the course including size of classrooms and laboratories (ie number of seats in classrooms and laboratories, extent of computer access etc.)
1. Accommodation (Lecture rooms, laboratories, etc.)
  • A classroom containing at least 30 seats
  • Chemistry laboratory containing places for at least 15 students.

2. Computing resources
  • Computer laboratory containing places for at least 15 students
  • Internet access
  • data show presentation, and animated simulations of topics under discussion.

3. Other resources (specify --eg. If specific laboratory equipment is required, list requirements or attach list)
Chemicals and glasswares for laboratory
Access to many of the online resources

G. Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes

1 Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching
  • Course evaluation by students
  • Faculty – students general meeting

2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Instructor or by the Department
  • Peer consultation on teaching
  • Departmental council discussions
  • Discussions between the Members teaching the course in the department.

3 Processes for Improvement of Teaching
  • Peer consultation on teaching
  • Taking Courses presented by experts on the teaching methodologies
  • Periodical departmental revisions on its methods of teaching

4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement (eg. check marking by an independent faculty member of a sample of student work, periodic exchange and remarking of a sample of assignments with a faculty member in another institution)
  • Comparing Handouts and Reference Book with Exam, Random rechecking of Exams.

5 Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and planning for improvement.
  • The course material and learning outcome are periodically reviewed and the changes must be taken in the departmental and higher councils.
  • The chairman of the department and faculty members take the responsibility

Continuous Assessment:
First Assessment Test
Second Assessment Test
Quizzes, Attendance Performance*
Lab. Quizzes
Midterm Lab. Test
Final Lab. Test / 15 %
10 %
10 %
5 %
10 %
10 %
Total / 60 %
Final Examination:
Final Paper / 40 %
Total Marks / 100 %

*Homework Assignments and Discussion


Lecturer Dr. Ahmed I. Foudah, Dr. Ahmed M. Alafeefy
Dr. Menshawy A. Mohamed .
Demonstrators: Dr. Afroz Bakhat, Mr. Abd El-Samad Salah.

-The student should be present in the lecture room prior to the arrival of the lecturer.
-Lecture attendance is mandatory. Student is allowed maximally 25% absence of the total course hours. According to the rules you are allowed to be absent maximum for 7 lectures or labs.
-More than this percentage, student with an excuse will be drawn from the course. Otherwise, student will be deprived from the course with zero mark assigned.
-Make-up exams will be offered for valid reasons only with consent of the Dean. Make-up exams may be different from regular exams in content and format.

Signed by Approved by Advisor of the

Course Coordinator Department of Pharmacognosy

Dr. Ahmed I. Foudah Dr.Hasan S. Yusufoglu