Will of John Norfolke, proved at York in 1661
In the name of God amen. I, John Norfolke of Rufforth in the county of the city of York, farmer, being at this time sick and weak in body, but of good and perfect memory (thanks be to God), revoke all former wills and make this my last will and testament in the following form and manner.
First, I commit and commend my soul to Almighty God, my maker and creator, and to Jesus Christ, his son, my only saviour and redeemer, assuredly hoping that by and through his death, merits and passion to be made an elect member in his heavenly kingdom. And for my body , I commit it to the earth from which it was made and to be buried in the parish churchyard of Rufforth.
Item: I give and bequeath to my wife, Dorothy Norfolke, thirty pounds and a load of coal every year during her life, she being required to pay for them at the pits, and two loads of rye and coal, six pecks of wheat and two pecks of oatmeal yearly throughout her life. This money is to be paid in three payments, that is to say ten pounds at her going away, if such a thing happens, and ten pounds yearly for two years after that.
Item: I give and bequeath to my son, Christopher Norfolke, twenty pounds, this money to be paid in two instalments, that is to say ten pounds at the age of twenty three and ten pounds at the age of twenty five to the said Christopher Norfolk.
Item: I give and bequeath to my wife Dorothy Norfolke, other than that which I’ve already said, one flagon, candlesticks and three dublers? of pewter, one kettle and a pan and a dough trough and a stoneware trough, and one third of all the small implements in the house. The rest of my goods and chattels, debts and credits and funeral expenses having been discharged, I do give and bequeath to my son, John Norfolke, and I hereby ordain the said John Norfolke, my son, my sole and only executor of this, my last will and testament.
I have below set my hand and seal, the twnty second of September 1661 in the thirteenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King Charles the Second of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith.
Signature of John Norfolke, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, Dorothy Norfolke, Henry Housman, Thomas Cawood, Samuell Kidd.