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· Will my application be accepted if it is not received or postmarked on or before March 1st?
-No. There will be no exception or extension for applications received or postmarked after March 1st, no matter what.
· Will my application be declined if it is missing any of the information or attachments requested?
-Yes. Applications missing attachments, signatures or complete information will be declined.
· Will my application be declined if my organization has an FRA higher than 25%?
-Not necessarily. Organizations have a 1-year leniency for an FRA of higher than 25%. The organization will be placed on “probation” and allowed into the campaign, with hopes that they will be able to decrease their FRA for the next year. If, in the following year, the same organization applies and still reflects a FRA upwards of 25%, they will then be declined.
· May our organization apply as an Independent charity and a Federation or Member agency?
-No. Organizations may only apply as Independent Charities, Federations, or Member Agencies of a Federation.
· What is the timeline of the application process?
-Applications must be received on or before March 1st. They are reviewed through March and recommendations are presented to the State Advisory Committee in early April. Charities may appeal a decision at an appeals hearing in late April or early May, and notifications of acceptance or decline into the campaign are sent out at the end of May.
· As a Federation, do I need to send all applications and documentation to the SECC for review?
-No. The federation is responsible for ensuring that all member agencies complete and submit the Charity Application for Admission and for obtaining all completed and signed attachments. Completed applications should only be sent in if the member agency is new to the federation. The only information that should then be forwarded to the SECC, along with the Federations completed application and attachments, as well as new member agencies applications and attachments, is a copy of the completed and signed Certifications [Part C and Part D (pages 3 and 4) of 2018 SECC Charity Application for Admission] for each member agency that participated as a Federation member charity in 2017.
· As a Federation, what do we need to keep on file at our office, available for review?
-Federations are responsible for keeping all paper documentation and attachments for Federation member agencies, including all attachments, in case the SECC team needs to review.
· On the online application, I am only able to select one (1) Area of Service. How do I select more than one?
-As you select an Area of Service, hold down the Control (Ctrl) key to make more than one selection.
· The 2018 UW and Federation Spreadsheet is not giving a drop down menu for County of Operation and Area of Service. What am I doing wrong?
-Please make sure that you are opening the spreadsheet as a Macro-Enabled spreadsheet. This will allow the menu to drop down.
· Our organization serves every county in the State of North Carolina. Do I need to select each county from the drop-down menu under County of Operation?
-No. We have provided a statewide option, as well as National and International options.
· Our organization applied last year. Do we need to submit a brand new application?
-Yes. Every organization that would like inclusion in the SECC must complete the application for each campaign year.
· Our NC Solicitation License is set to expire. Can it still be used?
-NC Solicitation Licenses must be valid on or after March 15, 2018 (this includes “extended” licenses. An application for a license in lieu of the actual license will not be accepted. If an organization is exempt from licensure under General Statute 131F-3(3), a letter from the NC Dept. of the Secretary of State that includes the organization name and documents the exemption must be provided.
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