Biblical Ethics: The Walk and Talk of Wisdom.
Part 4: Biblical Decision Making
Deflating the Slogans that Leave Christians Speechless
What Bumper Stickers have you seen?
Bumper Sticker Ethics
Everything is an argument
Short slogans reveal a world view
People catch world views without thinking
Christians need to discern and help people see the consequences of these worldviews
What are your thoughts on this Message?
The designer, Piotr Mlodozeniec's basic coexistence design is uncomplicated and easy to understand. The design uses three symbols that stand for Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Mlodozeniec modified the word "coexist" in the following ways:
for the letter "c," a crescent moon representing Islam is substituted
for the letter "x," the Star of David representing Judaism is substituted
for the letter "t," a cross representing Christianity is substituted
Today, there are several different versions of the coexist design. Starting with Mlodozeniec's conception, the newer designs add additional symbols:
for the letter "o," the peace symbol or pagan/Wiccan pentacle is substituted
for the letter "e," a male/female symbol or a scientific equation is substituted
for the letter "i," a pagan/Wiccan symbol is substituted
for the letter "s," a Chinese yin-yang symbol is substituted
Moral Relativism Messages
"Everything is relative!”
"It's all relative!"
An inappropriate sense of moral superiority over another because of the person's moral failures.
How do the following passages provide guidance in this discussion?
Matthew 7:1
John 7: 24
Romans 12:18
I Timothy 2:2
1 John 4:1
Hindu Philosopher Swami Vivekenanda
At the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 said:
“We (Hindus) accept all religions as true”
“It is a sin to call a man a sinner”
How would you respond to this?
Discussion Questions
Have you ever been called “judgmental” or intolerant” by a relativist? Why?
What are the terms “judgmental” and intolerant” commonly understood to mean?
Ephesians 4:13 refers to “speaking the truth in love”. How is this appropriate in a relativistic society?
Why are the views of a relativist inconsistent with his arguing for tolerance?
Possible Direction of Response
-Avoid being snarky (rudely sarcastic or disrespectful, snide Irritable or short-tempered)
-When you are accused of judging, ask the accuser what he means by “judging”.
-If the person defines judging as “thinking another person is wrong” or “disagreeing with another” you can respond, “ You think I’m wrong, You're not agreeing with me.”
-Come to a consensus on what judgment means
(see Matthew 7:1 and John 7: 24)
Additional Moral Relativism Messages
Christians are intolerant of other viewpoints
Your values are right for you but not for me
We have the right to choose our own values