Will FARDC Exec. Meeting

Draft Meeting Minutes

January 11, 2017

  1. Call to order

Ken Heathercalled to order the regular meeting of the FARDC Executive at5:10 pm on January 11, 2017 in Rm. 1007A.

  1. Approval of agenda

Moved by Jason Anderson, second by Sally Stuart with the addition of succession planning for executive.

  1. Members in Attendance

The following persons were present:

Elissa Odgren, Gail Brunner, Jane Proudlove, Dale Wheeler,JasonAnderson,Patrick Wu,Malcolm Bell,Sara Daniels,Sally Stuart,Robert Nellis andTom Ewashen

Regrets:Shauna Philip,Terry Cole,Wendy Wheeler andBrad McDiarmid

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

The minutes from the December 13, 2016 executive meeting were amended.Sara Daniels moved and Dale Wheeler seconded, the minutes of December 13, 2016.

All in favour, carried

  1. Committee reports:


Serge Gingras, Terry Sway, Al Brown and the FARDC Pres. are to meet Friday, January 13th to start preparation for arbitration hearings.

Academic Council:

No report given, as academic Council has not met since the last exec. Meeting.

Board of Governors:

No report was given, as the Board of Governors has not met since the last exec. meeting.

A question was asked, regarding the last Board report if the Board rep knew anything about the scholarships that the Board had stated they were awarding. The Board rep was to get clarification regarding the scholarships.


The committee continues to work on operational manual at the winter retreat. The year-end report is completed just needs to be edited and will be disbursed in coming month.

Sabbatical Saturday has been booked Saturday, February 4.

Concluded the RFP today, for travel management service provider.

Faculty Performance Committee:

No report was given as the faculty performance committee has not met since the last exec. meeting.

  1. Business arising:

Follow-up meeting with VPA and VP of HR, regarding outstanding issues for resolution

The VP and Pres. of the Association met with the VPA and VP of HR on January 4 to discuss the outstanding issues that have been put forward both by the Association and the College.

There was a lengthy discussion around such things as task groups to resolve issues. The Association made it very clear that we were not interested in proceeding in that type of activity to deal with things, that we thought should be at the negotiation table to be resolved.

The College and the Association both agreed that perhaps the negotiation teams could meet and discuss these negotiated items, prior to actual negotiations in the future.

Items such as IT security, protection of private and confidential information and safety and security, should be items more for input and discussion. Then resolution and those they should be updated on an ongoing basis.

Monthly meeting with VPA:

The Association brought forward some concerns to be discussed with the VPA.

Continuous appointment policy concern, regarding probational members not having complete packages, to go forward to continuous appointment hearings. The concern has been raised, that due to a number of changes in administration over the years that packages have the potential of not having Dean’s evaluations. Also with the concerns around of the lack of feedback on SFIs, those probational faculty members could possibly have terms with no SFIs submitted in their package.

The Association had been asking for this to be addressed in the policy so in the future when this took place there would be something to follow. So the continuous appointment committee’s Deans and the faculty member would understand what was to take place when this information could not be provided in a continuous appointment package.

The VPA assured the Association that she would make sure that Deans and AD were to review packages on a yearly basis and would make sure that these concerns would be addressed.

The Association will be monitoring this to assure that no probational member will be penalized for not having this information in their packages.

It was brought to the VPA’s attention some of the reasoning’s for committee vacancies of faculty members.

The number one feedback that the Association is hearing, regarding this issue is that faculty does not feel that they are heard when they sit on committees.

Other reasoning’s that have come forward,

Change to the hosting policy that committees can no longer have meetings over the lunch hour and provide meals, the addition to school Council meetings (some being three hours in length), change in timetable policy making faculty members having classes throughout the day that the potential could be that have a class at 8 AM and still go to a committee meeting the same day at 6 or 7 PM. Are some of the examples?

It was brought to the attention of the VPA that the Dean of Trades and Technologies had gather information regarding frequently asked questions in the School of Trades and Technologies.

They were: Absences, work hours, conflict resolution, travel, dress code and respectful interactions.

The Dean sought feedback from faculty regarding these questions. When asked what was to be done with the information that was gathered, the Dean informed the school that he would be bringing these forward to the VPA and the VP of HR to see what could be done regarding these issues.

When asked of how the VPA may approach this she was unsure. The Association made it clear that some of these issues are negotiation items and that was this really where time and energy should be spent. When there were many more important outstanding issues to be dealt with in the institution. The VPA did agree.

FOIP request;

The FOIP request that was denied will now go to the Information and Privacy Commissioner for review. The Association has asked legal counsel to handle this request.

Chair role grievance:

A meeting has been booked for January 12 with the College’s lawyer VP of HR Association lawyer and Association Pres. to see if there’s any possibility of resolution on this grievance.

Gen. Meeting dates:

There was a discussion around when to have the next general meeting. There was a proposal put forward that perhaps we would change the format and turn it more into a meet and greet general discussion, regarding what the Association does.

The hope would be we could attract new members and people that sit on specific committees to discuss their roles.

Action item: book Cornerstone dining lounge for Thursday, February 9 for this event

Negotiations advisory committee meeting (ACIFA):

Serge Gingras will be attending this meeting on behalf of the Association.

Professional affairs committee meeting (ACIFA):

The chair of the professional development committee, will attempt to find someone to attend this meeting on behalf of the Association.

Secession planning for FARDC executive:

There was a discussion regarding this issue and how might we start to attract new people to executive. The change to the general meeting formats to more of a meet and greet could possibly start to do this.

  1. In-camera:

Executive moved into in- camera at 7 PM. Executive moved out of in-camera at 7:30 PM.

  1. Adjournment: 7:30 PM