Wilkes-Barre Area
School District
Science Department
Gifted Support Grades 7-9
Scientific Investigation Project
Assignment Due Dates
1st Quarter
The students will complete and submit the following by October 2, 2015:
1. Topic Approval
2. Identify Hypothesis
3. Investigation Outline
4. Background/Experimental Design
2nd Quarter
The students will complete and submit the Final Draft of the followingby December 11, 2015:
1. Materials, Procedure and Safety FINAL DRAFT
2. Data Collection to date and its relevance
3. Data Analysis Proposal (two methods)
3rd Quarter
The students will complete data collection by February 26, 2016
The students will complete and submit the following by March 18, 2016:
1. Data Analysis FINAL DRAFT
2. Conclusion FINAL DRAFT
4th Quarter
The students will give a Multi-Media Presentation and submit final paper in May, subject to scheduling.
7th grade topics for projects*
Electricity and Magnetism
1. Light bulb life span
2. Fruit/Vegetable effects on electric current production
3. Applications of magnetism
1. Plant survey in an area
2. Plant growth variables (water types, soil types, light, temperature)
3. Insect Survey
4. Scat analysis
Earth’s Surface
1. Soil composition
2. Erosion/deposition
3. Map surveys
4. The Rock Cycle/Wyoming Valley
Changing Earth
1. anticline/syncline formation in WyomingValley
2. Formation of Coal Fields in WyomingValley
3. Timber Industry in the WyomingValley
Earth’s Atmosphere
1. WeatherBug
2. Storm Tracking
3. Historical WyomingValley Events
Earth’s Water
1. Chesapeake Watershed
2. Waste Water Management
3. Estuaries and Oceans
Agriculture and Society (IPM)
1. Genetic Engineering
2. Pesticides/Insecticides
3. Soil Conservation Management
*Other Topics by Teacher Approval
First Quarter Scientific Investigation Rubric
Criteria / 20 points / 15 points / 10 points / 5 points / ScoreTopic Identification / On time and clearly stated. / On time, not clearly stated. / Late, but clearly stated. / Late and not clearly stated.
Title / Title relates clearly to the investigation. / Title is vague, not clear. / Title is not appropriate for the investigation. / Title is irrelevant to the investigation.
Identify Question / 1. Question is stately accurately and completely. 2. Background information is given. - 7th grade = half page - 8th grade = one page - 9th grade = 1.5 pages / 1. Question is stately accurately and completely. 2. Background information is given. / Question is stately accurately and completely. / Question is not appropriate for the investigation.
Hypothesis / Hypothesis predicts relationship between dependent and independent variables. / Hypothesis does not predict relationship between variables / Hypothesis is not clearly stated. / Hypothesis is not appropriate for the investigation.
Investigative Design / 1. Investigation is a well constructed test of the stated hypothesis. 2. Appropriate components are arranged so the investigation can be performed/completed. / 1. Investigation is reasonably constructed. 2. Components are reasonably arranged so the investigation can be performed/completed. / 1. Investigation is partially constructed. 2. Some components are missing making it difficult to complete. / 1. Investigation is not relevant to the question or hypothesis. 2. Information is not sufficient to complete the investigation.
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Second Quarter Scientific Investigation Rubric
Criteria / 20 points / 15 points / 10 points / 5 points / ScoreMaterials / Complete detailed list (size, concentration, quantity, etc..) of appropriate materials to complete the investigation. / Complete list of appropriate materials to complete the investigation. / Most materials are listed and appropriate for the investigation. / Materials incomplete or inappropriate for the investigation.
Procedures / 1. Tests hypothesis accurately and efficiently. 2. Procedure is accurate, complete and understandable. 3. Includes appropriate diagrams, drawings, etc. to clarify procedures. / 1. Tests hypothesis in a logical manner. 2. Procedure is complete and understandable, may contain a few errors. / Attempts to test hypothesis, contains minor errors. / Does not address the hypothesis.
Safety / Includes all appropriate safety concerns. / Includes most safety concerns. / Includes only critical safety concerns. / Safety concerns inadequately addressed.
Methods of Data Collection / 1. Significant data has been collected in the most efficient and appropriate manner. 2. Data is accurately recorded and displayed using most relevant methods. / 1. A reasonable amount of data has been collected in a sufficient manner. 2. Data is recorded and displayed using relevant methods. / 1. Minimum amount of data has been collected. 2. Data is recorded and displayed but lacks organization. / 1. Insufficient data has been collected. 2. Data has not been recorded or displayed in an organized and relevant manner.
Data collected to date / Accurate and precise data gathered in SI units. / Data gathered in SI units. / Data gathered with minor errors. / Inaccurate or inadequate data gathered.
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Third Quarter Scientific Investigation Rubric
Criteria / 50 points / 40 points / 30 points / 20 points / ScoreData Analysis / 1. Data is appropriate, complete and accurate. 2. SI units are used to report all data. 3. Two different methods of analysis were used. 4. Diagrams, graphs, tables, etc.. have complete labels. / Contains three elements. / Contains two elements. / Contains one element.
Conclusions / 1. Statement of the investigation results relates directly to the hypothesis. 2. Clear assumptions have been made from the accurate evaluation of the data. 3. Identifies mistakes and/or possible improvements to your investigation. / 1. Reasonable statement of the results shows a good relationship to the hypothesis. 2. Reasonable assumptions have been made from the data. 3.Identifies mistakes or possible improvements. / 1. Statement of the results show some relationship to the hypothesis. 2. Assumptions are minimally supported by the data. 3. Identifies mistakes made during the investigation. / 1. Statement shows no relationship to the hypothesis. 2. Assumptions are not supported by the data. 3. Does not identify mistakes or improvements.
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Fourth Quarter Scientific Investigation Paper Rubric
Criteria / 20 points / 15 points / 10 points / 5 points / ScoreFormat / 1. 12 font 2. Times New Roman 3. 1.5 spaced 4. One inch margins / Missing one element / Missing two elements / Missing three elements
Question and Hypothesis / 1. Question clearly stated. 2. Hypothesis predicts relationship between dependent and independent variables. / 1. Question clearly stated. 2. Hypothesis does not predict relationship between variables. / 1. Question not clearly stated. 2. Hypothesis does not predict relationship between variables. / 1. Question not clearly stated. 2. Hypothesis not clearly stated.
Investigative Design / 1. Investigation is a well constructed test of the stated hypothesis. 2. Appropriate components are arranged so the investigation can be replicated. / 1. Investigation is reasonably constructed. 2. Components are reasonably arranged so the investigation can be replicated. / 1. Investigation is partially constructed. 2. Some components are missing making it difficult to replicate. / 1. Investigation is not relevant to the question or hypothesis. 2. Information is not sufficient to replicate the investigation.
Methods of Data Collection / 1. Significant data has been collected in the most efficient and appropriate manner. 2. Data is accurately recorded and displayed using most relevant methods. / 1. A reasonable amount of data has been collected in a sufficient manner. 2. Data is recorded and displayed using relevant methods. / 1. Minimum amount of data has been collected. 2. Data is recorded and displayed but lacks organization. / 1. Insufficient data has been collected. 2. Data has not been recorded or displayed in an organized and relevant manner.
Data Analysis: Conclusions, Inferences / 1. Statement of the investigation results relates directly to the hypothesis. 2. Clear assumptions have been made from the accurate evaluation of the data. / 1. Reasonable statement of the results shows a good relationship to the hypothesis. 2. Reasonable assumptions have been made from the data. / 1. Statement of the results show some relationship to the hypothesis. 2. Assumptions are minimally supported by the data. / 1. Statement shows no relationship to the hypothesis. 2. Assumptions are not supported by the data.
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Fourth Quarter Scientific Investigation Multimedia Presentation Rubric
Criteria / 20 points / 15 points / 10 points / 5 points / ScoreTechnical / Project runs without any technical problems. / Project runs with minor technical problems. / There are many technical problems when viewing the project. / There are too many technical problems to view the project.
Design / 1. Contains all the required media elements, such as text, graphics, sounds, videos, and animations. 2. Fonts and formating is used appropriately to emphasize words. 3. Color is used appropriately. 4. Sequence of presentation is logical and navigation is easy and understandable. 5. Uses at least two forms of media. / Contains four elements. / Contains three elements. / Contains two elements.
Mechanics / 1. Written elements have correct spelling , capitalization, and punctuation. 2. Uses appropriate eye contact. 3. Voice projection is appropriate. 4. Vocabulary is appropriate for the topic. 5. Does not read the presentation. / Contains four elements. / Contains three elements. / Contains two elements.
Length / 1. Presentation meets minimum requirement of seven minutes. 2. Presentation does not exceed ten minutes. / 1. Presentation meets minimum requirement of seven minutes. 2. Presentation exceeds ten minutes. / 1. Presentation lasts five minutes. / 1. Presentation does not last five minutes.
Citing resources / 1. Resources are cited in the presentation.
2. Four sources are cited. / 1. Resources are cited in the presentation.
2. Three sources are cited. / 1. Resources are cited in the presentation.
2. Two sources are cited. / 1. Resources are cited in the presentation.
2. One sources is cited.
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