Agriscience- 2nd TrimesterRandy AdamsFall 2012

Week 1

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
11/12 / 1. Describe class expectations for behavior and work ethic
2. Understand class activities and competencies to be gained
3. Identify opportunities to get involved in FFA / - Icebreaker
- Overview of the Syllabus and Competencies (post it notes and then posters over units)
- Class Materials needed
- Classroom Expectations /
  • Return syllabus agreement and Explore Bowhunting Agreement by Friday 8/17

11/13 / 1. Create a classroom notebook
2. Develop a SAE Project and keep records / - Develop a table of contents for notebook
- SAE Calendar Pages /
  • Notebook Checks four times per semester

11/14 / Unit 1: What is Agriscience
1. Relate agriscience to other fields in agriculture
2. Describe how the Green Revolution impacts our current quality of life / - Powerpoint
- AG then and now
- Timeline of Green Revolution / Exit Slip
11/15 / Discuss genetically modified plants and animals and how they affect consumers / Video and discussion
11/16 / List and use the steps of the scientific process / Notes and scenario / Pneumonic Devise Exit Slip

Week 2

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
11/19 / Brainstorm ideas for the agriscience fair / Agriscience Fair Brainstorm /
  • Brainstorm Exit Slip

11/20 / Record, analyze, and report data as part of the scientific method / Operation Egg Drop /
  • Operation Egg Drop Reflection

11/21 / Thanksgiving Break
11/22 / Thanksgiving Break
11/23 / Thanksgiving BReak

Week 3

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
11/26 / I the contributions of Norman Borloug to agriculture during the Green Revolution
Research in Social Systems, Animal Science, and Agriculture Mechanics /
Video Reflection
Genetic Modification Survey and Analysis / Agriscience Quiz 1
11/27 / Research in Food Science, Horticulture, and Environmental/natural Resources / PPT and Ben and Jerry’s Challenge
11/28 / Unit Review / Study Guide / Study Guide Completion
11/29 / Create a new brand of ice cream to meet a consumer need
Review for the Unit Exam / Ben and Jerry’s Challege
Trashketball Review game / Participation
11/30 / Unit Exam
Reflect upon the experimentation process / Exam
Ben and Jerry’s Challenge Reflection / Exam and Reflection

Week 4

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
12/3 / Describe the FFA Mission Statement / Favorite Leader
Personal Mission Statement
12/4 / Describe the history of the FFA / FFA Web Search / Timeline Creation
12/5 / Describe the attributes of an effective leader / Leader Exchange / Summative Project
12/6 / Describe proper FFA Official Dress and the importance of professional dress / Official Dress Relay / Professional Dress Exit Slip
12/7 / Describe the opportunities available in Career Development Events / CDE Sample / CDE Reflection

Week 5

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
12/10 / Describe the leadership qualities present in service based leaders / Finish Simon Birch and provide reflection
History of FFA / One Page Reflection
History of FFA Search
12/11 / Develop a literature review of current research existing in the area of my agrisceince project / Computer Lab / Agriscience Fair
Rough Proposal
12/12 / Develop a literature review of current research existing in the area of my agrisceince project / Computer Lab / Agriscience Fair
Article Reviews 1-3
12/13 / Draw and describe the agriculture education triangle and recognize the role of the FFA Creed in the FFA Mission
Develop a POA for an organizational activity / Planning A Party
FFA Creed Collage Assigned / Holiday Class Banquet
12/14 / Review for the Unit Exam / Review Guide / Completion and Unit Exam

Week 6

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
12/17 / Review for the unit exam / Review Game / Review Game
12/18 / Complete the Opportunities in Agriculture Exam / Exam / Exam
12/19 / Delegate tasks to my peers and work as a member of a team / Holiday Party / Holiday Party Planning Reflection
12/20 / Christmas Break!
12/21 / Christmas Break

Week 7

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
12/31 / Christmas Break!
1/1 / Christmas Break!
1/2 / Christmas Break!
1/3 / Create the introduction and review of literature for my agriscience project / Computer Lab / Summative Evaluation
1/4 / Create the introduction and review of literature for my agriscience project / Computer Lab / Summative Evaluation

Week 8

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
1/7 / Unit: Animal Science
Identify animals by the proper terminology / Animal ID Chart / Nomenclature Quiz
1/8 / Identify animal products and describe their contribution to the agriculture industry / Animal Products Guide / Animal Products ID
1/9 / SUB PLAN
Describe safe animal handling practices / Movie and Worksheet / Completion
1/10 / Differentiate between homozygous and heterozygous gene pairs / Basic punnett square / Worksheet
1/11 / Describe the phenotype and genotype of animal offspring / Punnett square / Worksheet

Week 9

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
1/14 / Describe the offspring of livestock animals in an improved genetics breeding program / Punnett Square Worksheet / Worksheet
1/15 / Describe the offspring when breeding two or more traits / Punnett Square Teddy Bear Lab / Activity
1/16 / Describe the equine industry and its products / Equine PPT and Notes / Industry Description
1/17 / Describe the goat and lab industry and its products / PPT and Notes / Industry Description
1/18 / Meat Science Lab / Cuts of Beef identification / Identification Lab

Week 10

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
1/21 / No School
1/22 / Sub Plan
Describe the issues of overproduction in the agriculture industry / King Corn / Reflection
1/23 / Describe the equine industry and its products / Equine PPT and Notes / Industry Description
1/24 / Sub Plan
Describe the issues of overproduction in the agriculture industry (finish from Tuesday) / King Corn / Reflection
1/25 / Review for the Animal Science Exam / Study Guide / Completion

Week 11

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
1/28 / Identify the wholesale and retail cuts of beef / Meats Lab / Lab Worksheet
1/29 / Review for the Unit Exam / Study Guide and Review Game / Study Guide Completion
1/30 / Sub Plan
Complete the unit exam / Unit Exam / Exam
1/31 / Create a data table to track progress made on my agriscience fair project / Computer Lab / Data Table
2/1 / Unit: Horticulture
Identify the parts of the flower / Pop Bottle Flower / Flower Worksheet

Week 12

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
2/5 / Unit: Horticulture
Identify the parts of the flower / Pop Bottle Flower / Flower Worksheet
2/6 / Identify the parts of the flower / Pop Bottle Flower (continued) / Flower Worksheet
2/7 / Complete the results, conclusions, and references for my agriscience project / Computer Lab / Agriscience Fair
2/8 / Complete the results, conclusions, and references for my agriscience project / Computer Lab / Agriscience Fair

Week 13

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
2/11 / Describe the process of photosynthesis / Eric Gribbins Teaching / Exam
2/12 / SUB PLAN
Differentiate between sexual and asexual reproduction in plants / Reading Exercise / Notes
2/13 / Describe the results of my research findings / Computer Lab / Agriscience Fair
2/14 / Review for the Final Exam / Study Guide / Final Exam
2/15 / Create graphs and charts to communicate data for the agriscience fair / Computer Lab / Printed graphs of data

Week 14

Date / Learning Targets: I can… / Activities / Assessment
2/18 / NO SCHOOL
2/19 / Communicate the results of my research project / Agriscience Fair / Agriscience Fair
2/20 / Review for the Final Exam / Review Guide / Final Exam
2/21 / Complete the Final Exam / Final Exam / Final Exam
2/22 / Complete a course evaluation / Course Evaluation / NA